《Violet Fear: Diary of a Demon Lord》Chapter 1 - My life as a cleric ( part 1 )


I hate people.

That's what I thought after getting beaten black and blue and get kicked out of the party by my companions not too long ago. The reason? it was because I used heal on my party members after getting beaten badly by a pack of horned hare which nearly gave them an early death. No, it's probably because I'm a cleric.

In this world, clerics are viewed as pests that only leeches from parties and the lowest in the society next to being a villager so we rarely get recruited. With this kind of descrimination, many of those who became a cleric just went back to being a villager. clerics are also known having the lowest aptitude requirement for class advancement because the cleric guild only have 3 skills to teach and one of them is heal. People are forced to select a class when they reach the age of 10, the range of classes you can choose from also depends on your aptitude.

I'm 16 years old now and been living my life as a cleric. You can guess what I had experienced for the past years of descrimination. this what made me loathe every single person in this continent.

Recollecting on what happened, we were a party of 4 ventured out to finish a rank F quest on killing and collecting the horns of the horned hares at the forest just about a few kilometers south from the city. the three of my stubborn members who were swordsmen, went too deep inside the forest and accidentally alerted a pack of horned hare which in turn gave them a good beating and put holes through their bodies. With the sudden appearance of wounds in their bodies, I used heal while we made our retreat and abandoned the quest.

There is also another reason, It's because in this world, using heal doesn't instantly heal your wounds. It can only regenerate light wounds and bruises slowly, using potions made by alchemists are much more convenient but since alchemist is a profession, potions can only be afforded by high rankers due to it's expensive price.

That concludes to where I am now. After we end up going back accomplishing nothing, they all beat me up in an alley at the city and blame me for being incompetent instead of blaming themselves for being stubborn diving too deep into the forest.

The Sun was up and high and the afternoon light could be felt. I exhaled a mouthful of air as I walk along the streets of the city of Ferdun feeling pain and discomfort. Ah I was beaten again, How many times does this make?. I thought as I see a hint of scarlet hue sticking to my small hands after wiping my cheeks with it. luckily, I used heal on myself after getting beaten so the bruises seemed to be fading for quite a while now.


Retracing the steps of my last visit , I arrived in front of the adventurers guild at the southern district of the city. looking closely, It had sturdy-looking stonewalls that was around 8-9 feet tall, further reinforced with converted elements making it look like an unpenetrable fortress emitting a radiant glow. As soon as I stepped through the door, different kinds of voices could be heard along with a faint scent of cigar. Well it is a place where adventurers meet to recieve quest anyway, what else would I expect? after walking a few meters, I soon approach my destination as the reception desk came in to view. The receptionist recieved me with a warm smile, It was a Lady with beautiful and calm demeanor, probably hired not to scare people when taking up quests.

"Are you here to take another quest?" She asked.

"Actually, I'm here to find a new party." I said.

"Ah I see, then may I ask what class are you? so we can recommend you to those who are looking for party members." She said while smiling.

from my years of experience being a cleric, parties usually never recuit one. Despite lacking in members, they would rather go with another class like swordsman, archer or if they're lucky enough to find a wizard. But there are also exceptions when party recruits a cleric. It's either they're high-leveled clerics or they really are desperate and in need of a scapegoat to blame when all hell break lose.

"A Cleric." I answered without hesitation.

"Then can you please wait here for a bit?" the receptionist said and walked away.

While waiting for the receptionist to come back, I looked elsewhere only to notice that this place is crowded with adventurers. Berserkers, Hunters, Thieves, a bit of wizard and etc., all of them were lively and having a chat. Although I saw a fellow cleric , he was carrying the baggage of his party members. thinking I'll just ignore everyone else, I notice a woman who looking at me while smirking. I ignored her as I turn my head at the receptionist who was coming back.

"Thank you waiting." the receptionist said in a joyous tone.

"Ah, no problem. About the party..." I said.

The joyous expression of the receptionist changed.

"I'm really sorry, but none of the parties are looking for a cleric right now." she said in an apologetic manner.

I guess I'll be eating white bread for lunch and dinner.

"Ah it's fine." I said as I prepared to leave.


A shout could be heard as it reverbrated across the halls of the adventurer's guild. thinking the shout wasn't mean't for me, I continued to leave.

"Wait! Mr. Cleric!"

Another shout could be heard again, but this time it mentioned a specific class so I decided to turn around and stare to where the sound was coming from.


A woman right infront of me was panting. I guess she ran just to call me. She looks to be nearing her twenties. looking closely at the details, she's wearing tights and leather clothes fitted through her body, showing her alluring curves. Equipped with a bow and quiver on her back, it gave her an appearance of a hunter. Also, she had a beautiful face and long shiny brown hair that seemed familiar. Ah, the one who was smirking earlier was her. I thought.

" *pant* You *pant* finally turned around!" the woman said while gasping for breath.

I titled my head in confusion.

"Although your appearance is quite different, you're a cleric right? I heard it when you were talking to the receptionist" she said.

Well, I do wear baggy casual clothes since I have no money to buy things with, But wait- how did she hear our conversation 15 meters away from her location? this woman is scary. I thought to myself.

"Yes, I'm indeed a cleric." I said after recollecting myself.

"That's good then, my big brother and I are currently in need of a member especially a support since we're gonna go hunting for a Rank B quest." She said and put on a smile.

I was thinking Why do they need a cleric when hunting for a B rank quest? If they just need a support then why not go with archers to cover their backs while hunting?. As I worked myself out from thinking these kinds of thoughts a sudden sound of footsteps echoed through the room as If wanting to annouce it's arrival.

"Ah, Big brother! this is the guy I've been talking about." she said as she turned around and smiled.

There's something fishy about this girl. I thought

The clomping sound of the footsteps became louder and louder as the silhouette of a man came in to view. He was wearing a dazzling white, well-maintained armor and equipped with a silver-colored longsword bedazzled with jewels. It gave him an appearance full of vigor and possesed an aura that was both dignified and domineering. Looking closely, He had a handsome face and a long shiny-blonde hair. Judging by the way he walked, I believe he's the type of guy who swank around to gain the attention of women.

"An A rank adventurer!"

"It's Gran Silverblight!"

"It's Gran the silver sword!"

I heard the crowd chanting of what might be his name since it definitely fits the description.

"Ah, so you're the one she's talking about! please pardon my lovely companion here, although we really aren't related by blood, I just let her call me her big brother." Gran said in a lively tone.

"Anyway I'm Gran, I'm an A-ranker, we are currently looking for a cleric to aid us in finishing a rank B quest. May I ask what cleric skills do you have? your rank and level?" Gran asked.

He talked about levels huh?... As far as I can remember these so called levels have 10 stages also known as Conversion levels, unlike guild ranks that relies on how many or how difficult the quest that you've accomplished, these levels depend on how much you can convert the surrounding elements and harness their power to become yours. In short these levels are indicators on how strong a person is. thinking I can only convert elements at 9%, that puts me into level 1.

"Currently, heal is the only skill I have. I'm rank F and level 1, my element is light." I said.

" A pretty straightforward answer!, although finishing the quest for me alone isn't a problem, my companion here is a rank D but she wanted to join the hunt and I don't want her to get hurt. I guess you can make use of that "heal" of yours to make sure that she's not going to take even a single scratch!" He said while looking at Yuri with lustful eyes.

If you think heal is instant and omnipotent, I could only sigh at your stupidity. I guess that's what happens when people descriminate and shun a person without knowing what he's capable of. No wonder It was kinda fishy recruiting a cleric like me, the guy wanted to show-off his might while the other one wanted to make a gold mine out of him. It's a win-win I guess? I thought as I observe them carefully.

"Awwe thanks big brother! Big brother is really kind! helping a cleric get a quest and protect me at the same time!" Yuri said in a flirting voice.

Stop, please stop. Two hypocrites flirting in front of me is just... ridiculous. I thought as I couldn't say it and only curse them in my mind.

"So, about the quest..." I said as I tried to stop them from making a disturbing atmosphere.

"Ah right, the quest is to retrieve a ring that was owned by the city lord from the rat-monkeys. I'll explain more information as soon as you join the party." Gran said.

"So will you join the party or not?" Yuri asked as she smiled and tugged my sleeve.

I feel an ominous aura coming from this girl. Although I don't wanna join their party, just thinking about the benefits of accomplishing a B-rank quest would definitely entice me to throw my pride away.

I guess my body couldn't take eating white bread forever.

"I'll join your party." I said

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