《F Rank Dungeon King》Moose-Serpent-Humanoid Teacher


Even with just how spirited Seneos had been after hearing what the creature said, he had to calm down. Life didn't suddenly become amazing for him just because he was given a small world to rule.

He couldn't deny that the thought of having some form of power for once of his life was exhilarating. Yet, he knew that he needed to get a grip over himself.

The creature lowered it's hand and let Seneos get back on the ground. He landed with somewhat shaky legs but quickly spun around to face the creature.

"I....Thank you. For what you said. Humans are kinda prone to feeling sad at every little thing, so I really needed this." Sen said, a little tear resting on the corner of his left eye. The beast didn't really understand why he was getting so emotional but it still lowered it's head as if to acknowledge his words.

"Vodka ! We should get to the throne room now, right ?" He asked aloud. A hum followed his question and he suppressed a shudder. Having to speak to an invisible being wasn't going to get easy anytime soon. She was a living horror by simply walking around.

Having been given his answer, Sen set out towards the throne room. He could've gone back to the entrance to take the normal way, but he wanted to explore a bit. This miniature was supposed to be his now, after all. He couldn't very well realize the implications at the moment, but he was content with just walking around and taking in the landscape.

It could look small at the moment, for an entire world that was, what's with it being as big as a quarter of the city of Seoul. However, that was already more than enough for someone like Seneos.

He marched towards the gigantic ruins that resembled an ancient castle. However, it looked like a castle from the west, not from Korea or any Asian country.

Suddenly, Sen heard the howls coming back. He took out his dagger in reflex and saw the whole pack of wolves in the distance.

"Why are they coming back ?! I thought they were afraid of you." He exclaimed. The gigantic creature's eyes went back to their original burning suns appearances, right as it bellowed.

The wolves yelped as they stopped dead in their tracks. It was as though an invisible barrier had been deployed between the pack and Sen's group. The wolves moved around, yelping continuously as if begging for something.


"They are hungry, Leader. They thought I had spared you and wanted to devour you themselves." The Beast said carelessly.

Seneos frowned and observed the behavior of the wolves.

"This is going to be complicated Vodka, how am I supposed to be an Overlord or whatever, if those beasts don't listen to me ? What do you want me to do, tame them ?" He asked. It was the beast that answered the question instead of Vodka whom Sen couldn't even hear anymore.

"Firstly, that being is in front of the wolves at the moment, observing them. Secondly, you don't need to worry about that. Beasts and other non-intellectual creatures will start to obey you after you become stronger than them, or find a way to appear scary. "

Sen looked at it with a gleam in his eyes, as though he just had a genius idea. The Beast immediately countered him while shaking it's head, it's golden bells ringing.

" Don't even try to use me for that. You are to become a leader, not a parody of one. There are two types of leaders, strong or intellectual. The strong reigns on his own, sometimes keeping all the power to himself jealously. The intellectual is a weasel that uses the strength of others and manipulates everything he can. Both can be horrible but do choose which one you want to be wisely. I do not wish to be ordered around by a travesty of a commandant." The beast groaned, it's powerful eyes alit with burning orange flames that unnerved Seneos more than he wanted.

Seneos gulped as he took in those words. He had perhaps been a little too confident, thinking the monster was definitely with him. He was always like this, being wary of everyone until he knew them ever so slightly. Then he became way too trusting. But perhaps this was how it was meant to be for someone who denied happiness for so long.

Sen felt something big push him forward and looked at the giant in fright as it ushered him.

"W-What are you doing ?!"

"I think you should start acting like a leader, right now ? Kill those wolves." It told him, with no care in the world.

"What do you mean ?! They are supposed to be my....Soldiers...Or subjects. I dunno, it's the same. But still, I can't just attack them." Seneos objected. The beast could only sigh through it's closed mouth.


"You humans really do give too much importance to animals, it's crazy. See it that way, they are going against your...Rule, so to speak. As a good leader, you must immediately remove the root of any insurgency." It retorted.

While Seneos couldn't really refute it's word, his only argument being morals which most likely wouldn't work on a murderous gigantic beast, something kept puzzling him.

"You...Why do you speak so well ? I didn't think you spoke any human language. And also, how do you know so many things ?! You are supposed to be a creature of the dungeon ! Did you go out before or something ?!" Sen asked. He doubted the beast could've gone outside with it's size, but perhaps it was much smaller when it was a child.

Sen knew that not all countries were against welcoming the creatures of the dungeon. He heard that some western countries even entertained the thought of giving citizenship to some non-humans. It was crazy to him, but who was he to say anything ?

"I do not speak your language, Leader. You merely became able to understand me, for some reasons that are beyond me. However, I didn't question the very fact that you became the leader of this place...I'm not about to question something even more bizarre. Now prove that you actually have what it takes to lead this place...Not that it would be very difficult anyway, most creatures were killed by those annoying bugs that you accompanied. " The beast responded. It was done with the questioning, obviously. It pushed Seneos forward again and he finally decided to act.

He wasn't about to go against what it said, lest he wanted to get crushed like some sort of innocent little spider minding it's own business.

As Seneos marched towards the wolves who started to bark at him, Vodka's deranging voices entered the ears of the beast.

"You have one too many secrets, for a random beast of this dungeon that is. You can fool the Overlord who is too scared of you to ask more, however, I will end up discovering what you are hiding. The information regarding the dungeon was not full due to my damaged data bank, yet at some point, they will be completed. I will know, so perhaps revealing things on your own would be more sensible" Vodka declared, a tinge of annoyance in her voices. It appeared she wasn't a huge fan of being kept in the dark, whereas Sen was already used to it at this point. F rank Hunters were not even regarded as important enough to know anything, at all.

"You presume to threaten me, guide ? I must be honest and say that my knowledge does not tell me how I could crush you, yet that does not mean you are invincible. Only God is, and I do not presume that is you." It said, without adding anything else. They both observed Seneos as he arrived in front of the wolves.

Suddenly deciding on something, the beast went to join him.

"Leader, I will give you advice on how to fight effectively. Commandants need not do everything on their own. That and I don't have the patience to watch my leader get pummeled to the ground by wolves." The beast exclaimed as Seneos frowned.

"I didn't even start fighting them ! I would've been fine, alright ?! I know how to fight wolves, I just need to.....Separate them..." Sen wanted to actually retort, but he realized the problem. They wouldn't go towards the beast, hence he could only try to separate them on the spot they occupied, which was the plain Seneos had been about to leave to get to the ruins. He couldn't separate any of the wolves on a plain when they were an entire pack and he was alone.

"Yes, I don't see that happening anytime soon. Now let's start this...Training sessions, I suppose. I will shape you into a warrior good enough to actually stand against me with skills and experience alone !"


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