《F Rank Dungeon King》Like a toddler learning how to walk


Those red burning eyes made Sen sweat as soon as he perceived them. Not just because of his initial fear and the goosebumps he felt as a result of that. No in fact, it felt like a searing heat was just cooking up his entire body.

It was as though whoever or whatever those eyes belonged to could actually burn him up with nothing but a gaze. It was easy for Sen to feel smaller, weaker, than many things in life. However he hadn't, even once in his life, experienced something like this.

This wasn't like feeling small, this wasn't like being a mice in the paw of a tiger. This was beyond it. Perhaps this sensation he felt could be explained by how weak he was, perhaps the other hunters wouldn't be feeling the same.

He couldn't tell until he actually warned them of that threat. For this was surely a threat. Walls didn't have eyes as far as Sen knew and this being emitted such animosity towards him that Sen knew for a fact it wanted nothing more than to kill him, squash him under it's immense foot.

"What is it porter ? Why the hell are you sweating like that ?" The shadow mage asked as she glanced at Sen with eyes full of worries.

"I....I must be feeling under the weather." Sen said with his eyes widening more than was normal.

'What ? That's not what I was going to say !' Sen thought as he suddenly felt a searing heat in his throat. This was most likely what it felt like to be a dragon.

He started to cough uncontrollably and the shadow mage couldn't help but place a hand on his back.

"What is wrong ?! You swallowed something the wrong way or something ?!"

Another voice interjected, a much more aggressive one compared to that of the motherly mage.


" Did the green monstrosity hit you on the head or something ? Weak hunters are known to have those kinda symptoms in response to high amounts of magic being thrown at their face. We literally went overkill on that dumb orc, so it's normal our porter is reacting like that." The fire mage said as he crouched between his colleague and Sen.

" I never heard of that honestly." The previously worried mage simply blushed and turned her head so her fiery colleague wouldn't get the chance to mock her. He did so anyways.

"If the prim and proper lady is the dumbass and I am the only one who paid attention in classes, people might start to think the sky is gonna fall on their heads. " He said as he clapped his hand on his face. Shaking his head left and right, the fire mage opened his hand to peer at Sen through his fingers and smiled at the sick hunter.

"Don't you worry about a thing, porter. This will stop after a few minutes. And if you are still feeling sick after say...A dozen of minutes...." The fire mage once again stopped for dramatic purposes and put his arm around Sen's shoulders as though they were old friends.

"Well you better not puke on me, or I'mma roast you so hard you will start to wonder if my parents ain't freaking dragons !" The arrogant man flashed Sen a toothy grin while saying that. The fact that his canines were actually sharper than knives didn't exactly help ease the feeling that he wasn't joking in the slightest about anything he had just said. Right after that, the fiery mage took his teammate with him and went back to the corpse of the massive green orc.


The problem lied elsewhere though.

"Ahh....Damn it..." Sen continued to force on his voice, trying and failing to speak full sentences. This wasn't natural in the slightest and he knew it.

'The symptoms for high mana exposition are headaches, nausea and loss of vision or hearing. This isn't what's happening....I feel like I there is something I am missing though.' He thought as he got up with great difficulty. At that point his legs could have very well been noodles, his arms too now that he focused on how they felt. He couldn't even move them properly.

He took a vacillating step, his throat suddenly feeling a bit different in the sense that he now indeed wanted to puke.

'Way to jinx it, freaking mage.'

Sen was suddenly with the feeling that he was being watched, like the eyes of an ill-intentioned person were fixated on him. This was in more ways than one, a hunter's sixth sense.

He turned to his left. Nothing. He turned to his right and the result was the same. There was nothing suspiscious facing him or in his back. Nonetheless he checked many times.

"Am I the only one who feels like this guy is actually feeling really badly and we need to take care of him ? " The male healer said as he pointed at Sen with his heavy black wooden staff.

"Nah no need for that. Hunters are warriors through and through. If a little too much mana gets you acting like you made a dozen of go-backs between earth and the moon in the same day, then you ain't cut for the job." The tank of the team said. He wasn't even looking in the direction of his much smaller teammate, he was too focused on his spoils.

"The boss didn't drop anything special ?" The leader of the team asked his subordinates who frowned as the sound of his voice.

"Firstly, don't show up in my back like you moron ! Secondly...No, nothing dropped. I mean we can get some cash for his teeth and maybe we could sell his body to a school or something like that. " The fire mage said. He squinted his eyes when his teammates looked at him as though he had just proposed to murder a child.

"The hell ? A school ? What do you want them to do with an orc's corpse ?!" The tank asked.

The other members of the team couldn't help but agree, well most of them at least. The male healer was too busy looking at Sen from the corner of his eyes every two seconds. Talking about children, Sen looked like a toddler taking it's first steps at the moment and a significant amount of worry showed up on the healer's face.

It got even worse when Sen looked at the wall for some reason, blanched and nearly fell, before shaking his head and resuming his walk like nothing happened. This was all too bizarre for the healer's liking.

'It's like...Something is forcing this state onto him...That can't be though, right ?'


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