《My Little Abomination》Chapter 28: The Chapter That Had No Title


I've spent quite a long time yesterday chatting with Chris online but I still slept early. By early, I mean that it's early morning because Shimini will be mainly going as a Student/Guest Teacher on most Night classes and I want to be with him.

Of course, I woke up early and had my breakfast as the sun sets and Camille is- sleeping...

Meh, the darkness is too much for his effeminate body to handle so he was consumed by the abyss deep within but who am I kidding, he's just a morning person.

I fed Ena and Shimini before going to our next class to visit: Defense Against Outside Forces.

We arrived at the classroom and saw six people inside, there's Sirena, Vrynne, Eobard, some dude in a green track suit, Mary and Marty... Wait, MARY AND MARTY???


Mary stood up while on her Team Triumph gray suits and pointed her finger at me.

"I AM A STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN. Get that? Don't refer to me as a filthy white male like Marty."

Oh... Team Triumph Mary is a feminazi and her assistant, Marty is her submissive slave, I get it, I get it...

"Yeah, yeah and black lives matter..."

"At least you get that, you're quite reasonable but you're asking why we're here-"

Marty stood up like he it was his time to shine.

Mary: To subjugate any dangerous abomination

Marty: To protect Murican people within our nation

Mary: To reject any negatives for our economy

Marty: To build that wall for more autonomy

Mary: Mary

Marty: Marty

Then, they sat down. Looks like they know how to make introductions...

"We're transferred here to better ourselves in hunting Abomination Trainers because we were beaten by a new one such as yourself..."


They immediately began discussing on how to make their introductions cooler by I can't care any more for that so I just ignored them.

I looked around the room and noticed that all students have weirdly unique uniforms for each cliques. Eobard and Sirena had similar uniforms, white tops with some icon on the chest while Team Triumph had grey suits and that dude is wearing a green track suit.

But let's ignore it for now because the door just slammed from behind me.

"Well, it looks like our assistant came here first."

Calmly, a silky soft voice calls out from behind so I looked back and saw a middle-aged woman that looks kinda scary.

"Oh, it seems that I have not yet introduced myself to your master, professor 4134312. My name is Severa Snap, the Night class teacher on Defense Against Outside Forces. It is my pleasure to meet you."

But there was something wrong with her. Many things like how she is similar to Senira. Her voice, her tone and her body type.

"Yes, me too..."

{Ah, we're having a practical lesson for the children, right?}

"Yes, professor 4134312. Yes, indeed..."

I sense something bad about this...

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