《My Little Abomination》Chapter 26: That Dreary Feeling At The Back Of Your Head That You Just Can't Describe


After we reported the incident to the reception we learned more about the school and that thief we fought.

The school has a device called Barrier Stone. Yeah, real creative name...

It generates a Doppel-Barrier in place along with another safety barrier for teachers and students. We couldn't register to the device because it was still on maintenance when we arrived.

The Doppel-Barrier is basically another life. It does something about overlying stuff over your body so that it'll automatically be purged when it's damaged. You will still feel pain but you won't die upon receiving fatal damage, it's like your body has restarted.

The woman that attacked us apparently called herself Senira Eclipse, she has been stealing magical items from this school since a year ago. The artefacts vary from common stuff for sale but what's notable in all of them is that they are all shiny.

The fun part is: the emergency barrier actually tracks who uses them as the Doppel-Field is something made from the excess mana from the Barrier Stone. If we can use it, then Senira will be tracked so easily.

But if she had a Doppel-Barrier with her, she should be a teacher or a student but seeing her tall mature body... Without a doubt, it's a teacher.

Yeah, we were made to rest for the day. Camille on the other hand, went and explored the school more.

For me, spending the rest of the day with Ena and Shimini in the room provided for us was awesome. Mainly, because I won't be seeing Team Triumph for a long time! Those guys are from the science side, they shouldn't be here!

We played a bunch of games like psi-blast-tentacle-shield-break, Alibelieli, Yenga, Vechasqunomatle and DECEAR THE EGG.

Shimini keeps on wrecking us at all games. Most of the games from Outer Realms are those that require strategy but seriously, why can he read my mind just like that?


I quickly surrendered after 3 hours of play time and Shimini happily accepted his victory but it's really bad for him. He may have won the battle, but I will win the war!

Apparently, Ena also wanted to explore the school so I left him with Shimini on his keychain form. It's very bad if he kills someone here.

And with that, I am in my room, alone... Within the peaceful black and white room, I sat on the bed. Clock ticked by like it didn't care.

How long has it been since I've been within silence, without colors? It's only a few days since I opened My Little Abomination in the storeroom but why does it seem like it wasn't me anymore?

Strange... Something is wrong but everything is alright. Currently, I can't seem to wrap my head around something but I don't know it.

-Knock, knock, knock

Three soft knocking echoed loudly through the soundless room. Man, I think I just need distractions to keep this dreadful feeling away!

"Who's there? I'm coming!"

And with that, the strange emptiness faded like a heavy shackle on me was removed. This is a great feeling.

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