《My Little Abomination》Chapter X: I Can't Not Write Anymore, I'LL BE ENDING MY VACATION EARLY! Hey guys, I'm back!!!


A person can have 3 kinds of special powers at a time. One for the body, one for the mind and one for the soul. Having multiple powers in a slot will overwrite one with less priority.

No characters in my universe can have more than 3 as it's my only power limit. Even Gods are bound to this law as they can't act that freely outside their divine realm.

Body powers refer to alterations to the body be it natural or artificial. Not all Body powers are are attainable with training. The Body powers are usually enhancements to the body but because of that, they are usually close ranged. Examples of this type is Cultivation, Outer Constitution and Cybernetic Enhancements.

Mind powers are usually obtained with training and their nature usually alternates the real world with the user's mind. For that, they usually drain large amounts of stamina or mind power when they are used. Magic, Psionics and Eldritch Knowledge are within this type of Powers.

Soul powers are always there for everyone. People can awaken them but some can be received from something. They are usually varied because most of them are unique. Some of the powers in this category are Abomination Affinity, Destiny and Avataration.

There's also a fourth type called Compound powers that is a mix of two types or all. They consume 2 slots. These powers are usually more powerful than the ones I've mentioned. Examples of Compound powers are Alt-Ego, Sorcery and Godhood.

Here are some examples that I've already introduced:


B. Outer Constitution: Users are considered to be Abominations therefore they will have some kind of method of turning people insane. MC's Insanity Catalyst is their blood. MC gains Regeneration from this.

M. Eldritch Knowledge: Outside Realms are weird compared to Inner Realms as they nearly have no rhyme or reason, this power allows you to comprehend them. It's very rare to learn this ability without losing yourself. This power grants Insanity Resistance but not Immunity.


S. Abomination Affinity: The very soul of being an Abomination Trainer or a weird Evil Cultist. Doesn't give anything else besides the ability to equip Abomination Control Devices.


B. S. Alt-Ego: The Body hosts an immature Spirit that can be summoned for brief moments into reality. The spirit also awakened Camille's Actuality Canvas.

M. Actuality Canvas: A world inside a person's head. The user can teleport people in or teleport stuff out into the real world. Camille's world is Infinite Snapdragon Garden, a place that replicates his friend's souls as Snapdragons, weird weapons made from souls.

Team Triumph Duo, Mary and Marty:

S. Team Spirit Affinity: The very soul of being a Spiritualist. Doesn't give anything else besides the ability to equip Spirit Control Devices. Spirits are ideas that have sentience because people believed in them. Mary and Marty need to be together to use this.

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