《I Will Slay Everything》Chapter 9


"Although I told him that, what am I supposed to do now? How can I return to earth?" Wei Xiaodan was in a dilemma.

His body was being tortured by the intense heat of hell, and he could feel the unbearable pain coming to his side.

But he can't afford to stop. Even if the death door awaits him at the end of the journey, he just can't afford to stop.

No matter what he did, his anger still soared up from the sky. He knew he'll never be able to accept death nor live a peaceful life until he slain those gods who've ruined his life.

"As long as I breathe, they shall never have their peace…"

Wei Xiaodan wouldn't be able to head over the heavens nor hell if the gods weren't slain. Heck, as long as he stands, he will never give them peace even for a day.

Unfortunately, reality doesn't work like that.

Wei Xiaodan stared into the sky. The sky was still bathed in never changing crimson red. Although he wasn't used to pain earlier, he's starting to get a hang of it and began coping with his own body.

A temperature humans were not supposed to handle were crawling under his skin.

He didn't know when his flesh would turn into charcoal, or even possibly, become entirely dust.

But he's sure of one thing. That no matter what, he will survive in this situation and return to earth.

Lava were pouring down upon mountains of mountains. Some places were already swallowed up by the lava, while the others were still safe and had a road.

Wei Xiaodan began looking around, hoping to find a way to return to earth. Even if it's a false hope, he had to hold on.

Wei Xiaodan took another step as he walked over, and soon, he suddenly felt his feets churn in pain. It was as if his feet were being fried in a frying pan or something. He couldn't endure the pain so well, and immediately pulled out his feet, took a step back.


As if everything was only a dream, the pain immediately dissipated. Although he could still remember the pain, the heat torturing his feets no longer intact.

"What a weird place this was," Wei Xiaodan thought as he glared his eyes forward. In front of him was a vast emptied place, but for some reason, he couldn't go forward. Unlike before where he could freely walk around with only enduring an average intense heat torturing his body, the other side was like the true face of hell.

It made him feel as if he had touched a burning furnace or something. The pain was so unbearable that even he, who was already starting to get used to the heat, couldn't endure the heat from the other side, which only touched the bottom of his feet.

Since he couldn't cross over to the other side, Wei Xiaodan decided to give up and started looking around his vicinity. Far away from where he stands, a mountain which's burning ablaze could be seen. On top of the mountain, there was a mysterious black tree. Wei Xiaodan wanted to try his luck and see if the heat from the other side and the mountain burning ablaze had the same temperature, but gave up on it after recalling that the distance was too far away.

"Strange, why the tree's not on fire?" The tree on top of the mountain was dyed in black. However, compared to the floor where there's visible fire, the tree standing on top of the mountain wasn't on fire, not even a leaf of it was burning.. What's more strange is not even a leaf was falling from the tree. Wei Xiaodan guessed that the tree was probably dangerous, as he told himself that good thing he had a second thought before heading to where the tree was.


After all, if not for the fact that it's distance away from him, Wei Xiaodan would have rushed over there and tried if the heat from where he stood and there were the same.

"I can't cross to the other side, and there's something suspicious about the dark tree in the mountain, which leaves… Where am I supposed to go now??" Wei Xiaodan thought as he scanned his surroundings, trying to find a safe road he could take.

Weren't there a saying "don't confront a fire by facing it head-on, instead find another way around?". That's what Wei Xiaodan is doing right now.

After scanning the whole area for a while, Wei Xiaodan realized lots of things. The heat doesn't increase as long as he doesn't go to the other side, and there's no dangerous creatures around either which made him doubt what Mevis told him about demonic creatures earlier.

"Was he lying to me earlier then?" Wei Xiaodan had fears in his heart. Although he wasn't supposed to believe in a devil, but since what the devil told him had made sense, he couldn't help but trust it a little.

Of course, if Mevis truly trying to do something, he wouldn't sit around and do nothing like a puppet dancing on a devil's palm.

At most, he'll try to find a way to turn the tables, even if he had to ask an another devil for help that is.

Heck, as long as he could return to earth, he'd even side with devils. But for some reason, Wei Xiaodan couldn't get himself to trust Mevis. The devil itself feels more dangerous than any devils in hell. Even though he hasn't seen one, he could guess that Mevis was that powerful.

Wei Xiaodan also realized that there was a giant castle behind Mevis' tiny house. Upon closer look, he couldn't see the castle. But now that he was distance away from Mevis' tiny house, he now realized that Mevis probably is a big person. He also guessed that Mevis owned the castle too, and were ruling over lots of demonic beings. If not, then Wei Xiaodan would have encountered a demonic being by now. After all, it wouldn't be weird to see one since this is hell we're talking about. What strange thing would be is, hell being emptied out.

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