《I Will Slay Everything》Chapter 2


Wei Xiaodan froze for a moment, but after hearing the dark knight shouts at them, his mind seemed to got itself together again.

When he gazed his eyes from where his co-workers were, they were already running far ahead of him. What a bunch of cowards.

Wei Xiaodan wasn't in a position to get irritated, as his life was also in great dire danger. Without hesitating, he gave up the thought of calling them a coward and also started running, trying to catch up with them.

The dark knight's cold eyes stared deeply into his departing back before fixing her gaze forward. How many times has she seen this scene before? It has happened so many times, that she couldn't even count it with her fingers by now.

Her mighty sword was shaking under her hands. Truth be told, what she'd unleashed earlier was her mightiest attack…

“....And yet it was only able to reduce them by this much,” The dark knight muttered to herself as she fixed her gaze upon the wolves descending from the sky at the speed of a falling crate.

Would she be able to hold them off until the reinforcements arrived? Out of all, that's the main question remained in her heart.

After the world was thrown into disarray, humans capable of showing off other worldly powers started popping up almost in every part of the world.

And since they're the only one capable of defeating monsters normal humans with their average physiques cannot defeat, they were dispatched everywhere whenever a gate appears to some locations under their grasp.

They were most likely often used as meat shields by the higher ups, at the same time, targets of jealousy even if they didn't wish to.

In her case, despite her situation being more complicated one, she was also one of those super humans and since her other co-workers were at some site dealing off with monsters too, there was none who could support her at the meantime.


"...But still…. Just how can I deal with that kind of number…," The dark knight's eyes trembled as she watched them land into the ground, their mouths salivating while their teeth were fully exposed in thirst.

The dark knight gripped her hands into her sword hilt even tighter. Her hands were shaking continuously.

Just how many battles has she fought until now. From those countless battles she had fought so far, she's already confident into fighting a strong monster.

But that was it. A mass remained a mass no matter what. Isn't there a saying that "a pack of wolves could take down a single tiger?", so no matter how strong she is, in front of a horde of monsters, she will never be able to get out alive in one piece.

"....I wonder when they'll arrive…," The dark knight muttered to herself as a distraction.

This was her first time fighting a horde. That's why she's shaking so much like a cat in front of a tiger. Sure, there were times where she participated in fighting a mass of monsters, but in the end of the day, they managed to defeat all of those monsters not because of her but because they're packed in a number.

The dark knight sighed under her breath.

Actually, she was wishing she could've just lived as a normal human being, not as a superhuman capable of destroying a country on their own.

At least that way, she didn't have to worry about dying in the middle of her mission. The only thing she will have to worry about will be the meal for tomorrow.

The wolves scanned their surroundings and when they spotted the dark knight standing in a defensive posture, they didn't hesitate to charged over.


The wolves growls and gathered in packs. They were so starved that oftentimes there would be wolves that would fall to the ground and be crushed to death by its own kin after being stepped on.


The dark knight could feel her stomach grumbling in disgust. Even though wolves are renowned for being in packs, that doesn't mean they don't care if their own kin gets crushed to death.

But simply for today, because of hunger. It feels more like the wolves have lost their minds, and just wanted to pounce on her to hurry and feast for her flesh.

Unfortunately, they met the wrong opponent today….

The dark knight readied the sword in her hand and raised it up to her shoulders to gain more momentum. And with her hands tightly gripped into the sword hilt, her shaking hands stopped considerably. Following that, her hands seemed to vanish, as the sword moved faster than sound.


At the next second, the wolves who were running towards her earlier had their bodies cleaved in half. Their eyes were lifeless as their bodies fell into the ground like lump of meat falling off under a table.

"..... HAaghck….. Aaghck…… T-this is why I don't wish to use this skill…," The dark knight paused before glaring at the marching wolves salivating for her flesh. Seeing her weakened inconsiderably, the wolves even hasten their paces. And with her eyes weakening, the dark knight continued on, "....I-It's because it puts too much stress upon my body….."

The reason she didn't want to use this skill was because she won't be able to move even a muscle for 5 minutes or more than that.

Meaning, she won't be able to fight back for 5 minutes or even defend herself….

In the past, it didn't matter to her because at those meantimes, her allies would defend her until she recovered from the 5 minutes restrictions. But since her back up won't be arriving today, she might not be able to make it on time until they arrive at the said site.

"....L-Looks like today's will be the day I'll meet my demise…" The dark knight tried to stand straight, only for her shoulders to fall under her knees. She could feel her strength continuously leaving her.

At this rate, she would really die. Like seriously, dead as good as a corpse.

"....I've wished for a simpler death so many times, but why do I have to die like this…," The dark knight glared into the horde of wolves running towards her at full speed.

5 minutes won't be even required for them to arrive from where she stood. Indeed, there's no way. After all, their speed exceeds the limit of an average car.

As the dark knight was about to close her eyes, a voice who sounded irritating and at the same time soothing echoed in and out her ears.

"If you can still yarp that much, that just means you're still in perfect condition aren't you?"

No matter what angle she looked at it, the voice of the man beside her really sounded so irritating that she couldn't help but to glare her eyes from where the voice sounded and shift her head from the direction where it's coming from.

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