《The Powers Within》Chapter 12


When I awoke, I was in my room, my pajamas, my bed. I got up and decided to get dressed and ready for the day to come.

When I got up and went to my closet, a skimpy dress was hanging on the handle of the closet door.

It was a deep shade of black, low-cut, and had a laced up slit going up the thigh.

At this point, I had given up on trying to argue these inappropriate dresses.

I walked to the bathroom and put on the dress. It had a tight fit and showed off my curves that I didn't know I had. I looked sexy, and I had never seen myself that way before.

I walked out of my room and took a walk around base. I had never truly paid attention to the halls before. I didn't even know what some hallways led to.

I decided to go the opposite way of Grays' office. I needed to know what else there is around here.

I made my way down the unknown hall, taking in all my surroundings. The wallpaper was a beautiful shade of red, and it had a gold lining.

Beautiful paintings were lining the walls, and I kept admiring them with an odd fascination.

There was one painting that I took a liking to. It was a painting of a bird. A caged bird.

It felt familiar to me. Like I had been the caged bird once, and I had.

The chain of events that I had been through since being released from my personal prison felt unreal. The emotions from the rush of events that have led me here pushed me back with a force that caused the tears to come out before I could object.

I stood there looking at the beautiful bird in the awful, hideous cage, while I cried silently.

I didn't realise that someone was beside me-consoling me until they started to gather a crowd. I tried to stop crying, but the tears refused to dry. They continued with no sign of stopping.


I smelled Gray before I heard him. That stopped the tears, and I didn't understand why. How can someone have the ability to control my tears when I can't?

He dried my tear-stained face with his sleeve, and I frowned. I needed to get myself out of this situation. I hated seeing the pity in his eyes. It made me feel weak.

I am not weak. I will never be weak. I refuse to fall under a spell of weakness again.

I push my self through the crowd, trying to dodge the looks of pity. Several tried to grab me, but I was too fast to catch hold of. I used my powers to speed me up.

I went back the way I came, but still wound up lost. My surroundings were different. They were clouded.

The halls around me faded into a beautiful green field. It reminded me of my childhood.

The field was so real, so wonderfully real, and for a moment, I thought I was back home- back at the farm with my family.

Then it all faded, and I was back in bed. There was a doctor- the doctor from when I first got here.

He hadn't noticed I was awake yet, and I wondered if I was dead.

I can't be dead. I have a heartbeat, and therefore, I am not dead.

I heard voices outside the door- I heard Gray. I got up and attempted to get to the door, but I was blocked by the doctor who told me to lay back down.

I tried to push him out of the way, but it would seem that my abilities are numbed by something.

I couldn't feel the energy, and I was confused. This had never happened to me before.

I again tried to push him out of my way, and he still didn't budge.

I then went to screaming Grays name. I needed out of here. I felt like a test subject- a prisoner.

The doctor grabbed my shoulders and guided me back to the bed. I kicked and screamed. I didn't want to feel like a guinea pig again.


Gray walked in with a look a shock and worry. He came toward the doctor and said something. I couldn't hear it over my sobs. The doctor let me go, and I collapsed on the floor, crying.

Gray got down on the floor with me and wrapped his arms around my small form. I leaned into his chest, hugging him back.

His scent was comforting to me, and it calmed me down. He gently caressed my hair, and the tears stopped.

I felt pitiful, and I was. I was a mess sitting in a puddle of my own tears. I couldn't do anything to save myself from the sympathy in Grays's eyes.

I don't know when I gave up fighting the sleep that threatened, but my mind eventually slipped into darkness.

When I woke up, I wasn't in my room. I was in someone else's bed. I didn't trust this room.

The bed I lay on is like a cloud. I could float on it forever, but I got out of it because it isn't trustworthy. At least, not until I find out whos room this was.

I stepped down off the solid heaven that was a bed and walked around the room. The carpet was soft and felt like feathers under my feet. The walls were an emerald green with swirls of turquoise embedded in it. The furniture was clearly made by hand, the craftsmanship made it seem beautiful in a way.

I walked towards the window and looked out. I jumped back because of the sight that I saw. I was in someone else's bedroom that was on the top floor. My anxiety started pumping, and I was panicking.

I tried calming myself. I tried to walk away and ignore the height, but even as I made it to the other side of the room, my heart raced with fear anyway.

I looked away, but I still had the panicky thoughts. What if I fall through? What if I die? I don't stay dead but still. Will Gray cry over me again?

That last question brought my mind back. This was probably Grays' room. Surely he wouldn't trust someone else's room if it contained me?

So I went to the door and opened it. It led to an elaborate hall full of gorgeous arrangements of flowers in vases. A look closer showed me that they were plastic, but they were still beautiful. Of course, plants don't grow anymore. It is nothing but dust outside of these walls.

The walls were black lined with gold and silver. I made my way down the hall, hoping that I would run into someone so I could ask for directions.

I found a stairwell that was behind a locked door. It required a security card, and I don't have one. I went to turn around and head back to the freakishly high bedroom when I ran into a guard.

He wasn't just any guard, though. He wore different uniforms than the ones I usually encountered. They mostly just wear all black, but this one wore green—an ugly camo green.

He asked me a question, but I didn't quite understand. So I asked him politely, "what?" He replied and asked his question more agitated this time, "I asked 'are you lost?'" I nodded and then looked back towards the stairwell. He shook his head, saying, "Gray wants you to stay in his room until he comes back up here." Then he offered his hand to me. I placed my hand in his, and he escorted me back to Gray's room.

I would have asked him 'why' or 'when', but I held my tongue. If I spoke, I would get angry, and I don't like being angry.

When we got to Gray's room, the guard asked if I needed anything. I shook my head to decline his offer of 'anything.'

I went straight to Gray's bed and curled into a ball. For the first time in my life, I slept without an interruption.

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