《Dark Wolf》Book Three: Chapter 12


Tiara slammed John against the wall while sucking his lips like a lollipop. He felt her hand dig into his pants, grabbing his manhood to stroke it.

He groaned as he grabbed her wrist. "Should we figure out how to get out of here first? We could be flying through hell space now."

Tiara glanced into his eyes. “Awwwwww, but I’m hungry…”

John gently pushed her back. “We can make out later.” His lips smirked. “And the other ladies can join us.”

Tiara purred. “I can’t wait to devour that vampire female.”

John would love to see how Kara could dominate Tiara in bed. Worse case scenario, the girls might start a bloodbath.

Yummy… John shook the dirty thoughts from his head and glanced around. He switched his vision to x-ray and spotted a power line connected to the force field. It stretched through the ceiling and down to a panel facing the cell.

John pointed his metal finger at the force field. "How strong is this shield?"

Tiara placed her mask on and gazed at the force field. "Touch it, and it will fry your flesh.”

John switched to his normal vision and rubbed his chin. "Flesh you say? Does it burn metal?"

Tiara glanced at his arms. "You believe your automations can break through the field?"

John smiled and pounced his bionic fists together. "Worth a shot. My arms are equipped with an indestructible alloy."

"Then you should be able to pull the field open like paper. I can throw a fireball at the panel to open the cell."

"Good idea." John approached the force field. He could see the yellow bolts static within the red energy barrier. If the Paranormal Space Defense got their hands on this spaceship, they could make a huge fortune or weaponize the ship to destroy other supernatural entities. However, messing with demonic relics and evil tech will always bring disasters to those who can't control them.


First, he pushed his metal finger through the shield. The sensation tingled through his sense inhibitors, but not too painful. His tip reached the other side. Glowing red without pain. Of course, the force field burned his finger without melting it.

With a grin, John punched both his bionic fists through the energy wall. He stretched a hole as the bolts sparked around the opening. It felt like he was pulling a strong rubber band wall apart.

“Tiara! Hurry!” John shouted, clenching his teeth.

Tiara dashed toward him. “Hold your pants up!”

She formed a small fireball between her palms and tossed it through the hole. Her ball slammed against the panel and burst into smoke. The red light on the panel turned yellow, and then the force field vanished.

John lowered his arms and sighed. “We’re free.”

From both sides, two demonic guards rushed toward him, carrying long glowing yellow spears.

“Halt right there!” one of them shouted.

John growled. “Fuck you!”

He sprinted and swung both his metal fists as he leaped toward the first demon. His fists collided into the demon’s skull and smashed it, exploding like a balloon full of red brain matter.

When he landed on his feet, a sharp blade struck his back and shocked his entire system. He screamed as his brown fur grew across his growing body.

After he fully transformed, he yanked the spear from his back and spun around, facing the other guard. Before the guard reacted, a spear pierced through his mouth from behind his head. He coughed and choked on his blood before he fell to his knees. Tiara rose behind him and pulled the spear out of his head.

John widened his blue eyes. “Damn, girl!”

Tiara shook the blood off the spear’s pointy blade. “You’re lucky I’m on your side.”


“Right…” He stared down the left corridor.

Five more cells stood on the left wall, and a round doorway was at the end. So far, no more guards showed up.

“We have to find the beacon.” John turned toward Tiara. “Do you know where the vault is?”

Tiara’s yellow eyes glared. “Yes, but I want to face my half sister.”

“Saving the Earth is more important than your sister.”

Tiara hissed. “You don’t understand how much pain she put me through! I must spill her blood before I lose her again!”

“Even if it means sacrificing the Earth and turning me into your enemy?”

Tiara sighed and rubbed her hand across John’s furry smooth chest. “Please, John… Let me do this. You can find the beacon on your own. The vault is at the bottom of this ship. Keep going down until you see a chamber full of crates.”

John narrowed his left eyebrow. “It’s in a cargo bay?”

“Yes. Where else would my sister leave it at?”

John nodded. “Alright, I’ll go down there while you kick your sister’s ass. But don’t die on me.”

Tiara smirked and kissed his muzzle. “I never planned to die, dear. Not until I get a taste of your delicious seed.”

John grimaced. Indeed, the female demon was crazy, and she won’t rest until she finishes her pleasure on him. “Okay… I’ll meet you at the bridge. Good luck.”

Tiara stroked his chin. “You are my luck, silly dog.”

She turned on her heels and sprinted down the corridor toward another doorway at the other end. John’s back tingled, but he kept his grin curled up.

What a woman. He spun around and headed toward the doorway he spotted. Save the world first, sex later.

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