《Dark Wolf》Book Three: Chapter 10


A red energy shield surrounded Dr.Lazarus's upper body as he hovered back. He aimed his cannons and blasted them.

John and the girls spread out to avoid the attacks. Tiara flapped her wings, taking flight over the chamber.

The werewolf cyborg charged toward Dr.Lazarus. He blasted his mini-gun, but the blue plasma bolts didn't penetrate through the shield.

While laughing, Dr.Lazarus rammed John into the wall like a bulldozer. John slammed against the wall and quickly jumped to his feet. "His shield is too strong!"

"What?" Lena already shot one grenade while she stood behind the creature. It exploded against his shield without hurting him.

Dr.Lazarus whirled around and laughed. "Your weapons are useless against me!"

John snarled. If nothing could hurt the cyborg monster, what else could?

A red beam shot past John and it struck Dr.Lazarus's hover sled. Although the shot wasn't too effective, the laser did hit the platform without touching the shield.

John turned to see the vampire woman approaching him.

"He's weak below his shield!" Kara exclaimed.

John nodded. "I'll hit his thrusters. You keep him busy."

After Kara nodded, John sprinted toward the mad scientist while the scientist blasted his cannons at Tiara. The demon lady flew around him like an annoying fly, dodging his shots. Indeed, she was distracting him.

Behind the creature, John blasted his mini-gun at one of Dr.Lazarus's back thrusters. When the rocket engine exploded, the mad doctor spun around in shock. "Curses!"

He hovered away from John, but the werewolf dashed after him.

"You aren't getting away from me, bitch!" John fired again, but Dr.Lazarus zig-zagged to avoid the plasma bolts. The scientist was now focusing on protecting his remaining thrusters as possible. That could mean if he loses his ability to move, then surely he couldn’t fight back. Then John’s squad could finish the creep for good.


A red energy ball from Dr.Lazarus's cannon flew down and exploded in front of John. The werewolf flew backwards, but he landed on his metal feet before he hit the wall.

Alexia rushed to his aid. "Are you alright?"

John padded her shoulder. "We need to circle around him so our shots can strike his engines. He can't avoid our attacks forever."

"Okay, I will let the others know." The space witch dashed toward Lena and Kara. Their heads nodded and they spread out along the walls.

As Dr.Lazarus hovered around the relic, John and his squad blasted their weapons at him. Lots of misses until all the thrusters blew up, and Dr.Lazarus landed on the floor.

"Crap!" He dialed something on his right wrist.

His upper fat torso shot up from his immobile. Four long metal spider legs grew out from his waist before he landed on the floor. With four legs, he rose taller than John.

The werewolf lowered his mini-gun. "Oh, come on!"

Dr.Lazarus laughed like a kid who got a new toy. "You can't stop me from moving!"

He yelped as a red beam pierced through right shoulder. Obviously, Kara was the one who shot him.

"His shield is gone!" She shouted behind the creature. "We can nail him!"

Dr.Lazarus turned toward her. "You first!"

He blasted his cannons, sending his explosive energy projectiles toward the vampire. However, Tiara dived down through the air and grabbed Kara. She carried Kara up as the blasts hit the floor below them.

After flying from the creature, both of them landed near John. Kara slid from Tiara's arms and glared at her. "Thanks… But this changes nothing between us!"

Tiara giggled. "I didn't expect saving your ass would change anything between us. But you're welcome."


Kara smirked.

John cleared his throat for their attention. "Let's go all out on his exposed ass, now!"

"On it!" Kara aimed her sniper and pulled the trigger.

Her shot struck Dr.Lazarus's left eye, and he shielded his face while screaming.

"Good!" John charged and jumped onto the creature’s belly.

When Dr.Lazarus saw him, John shoved his mini-gun into the creature’s empty eye socket. "Stay in hell!"

Dr.Lazarus's right eye widened before John blasted the creature’s skull apart. After his headless fat body collapsed to the floor, John leaped off him.

Never in his life John thought he would kill that psychopath again.

"You did it!" Lena cheered.

Alexia glanced at the relic. "I think the spell is gone now."

John grinned. After battling demonic nightmares in the city, he can finally send the Earth back to normal space. "Now let’s blow that damn thing apart."

When Lena aimed her grenade launcher at the beacon, a yellow light flashed high above the chamber.

John glanced up. "What the hell?"

Something hovered over the base, blocking the sky. Red lines glimmered across its metallic surface between yellow sparking lights. At the center, the button opened where the giant yellow light bloomed.

"Is that a fucking demon ship?" John shouted.

From the opening, which could be the hanger bay, a long metal tentacle stretched down toward the relic. It wrapped itself around the beacon and pulled it up.

"No!" John charged and leaped onto the relic.

"John!' Lena shouted below.

The werewolf glanced down as he held on. "Get reinforcements! I'll take care of this!"

Tiara shot herself into the air and grabbed onto the relic near the werewolf.

"What the hell are you doing?" John shouted.

Tiara blinked her yellow eyes at him. "Joining the fun."

John couldn’t argue. Fighting alone on a demon spaceship wouldn't be fun without support.

Once they entered the hanger bay, the round doorway closed beneath them. Spacecrafts shaped like bladed boomerangs hung over the floor. Probably space fighters the demons used to attack other ships. Weird to think humans and demons both have something in common.

The tentacle brought the beacon toward a platform and placed it down, allowing John and Tiara to jump off it. Near them, a tall doorway opened, and dozens of demon soldiers charged from a corridor. They surrounded John and Tiara while they aimed their black rifles at them.

John grimaced. "Shit! It looks like they got us."

Tiara stood her back against his back. "You think?"

John needed a quick plan before the demons decided to blast Tiara and him into tiny pieces of meat.

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