《Dark Wolf》Book Three: Chapter 4


The giant demon tossed his board sword to the ground. From his back, he pulled out a long black whip. He unrolled it and slapped the tip to the groun. His whip snapped loudly like a shotgun. "This will make you beg for mercy!"

John aimed his mini-gun. "Sorry, but I don't beg for mercy."

Torgek laughed and swung his whip toward John. The whip flew like a lightning bolt.

John held up his mini-gun arm as the whip wrapped around it.

Torgek pulled the whip back, yanking John into the air. While the cyborg werewolf flew over the ground, the demon twirled his body, swinging John around and around.

John’s head went dizzy as the world whirled around him. All except Torgek, standing in the blurry center, laughing.

After the whip slipped off his mechanic arm, John flew straight into the wall. His body rattled with shocking pain from his back, hitting the wall. He landed on all-fours and spat out blood.

His bones cracked, but they will heal up fast. The demon cannot kill him without silver, but the pain was still pain.

John got up, just in the nick of time when Torgek charged toward him. He leaped from the wall, and Torgek's charge attack missed.

Behind the demon, John blasted his plasma mini-gun at the demon's back. But his blue energy bolts bounced off the demon's armor. His weapon should burn through anything!

Torgek turned around and laughed. “Your weapon is useless against my anti-energy suit!”

John growled and morphed his gun back into his arm. "Then I will go primal on your ass!"

He sprung his metal claws out from his fingertips, and extra claws on his metal toes. Strong enough to cut through any metal like cheese. If they don't work, at least he should try slicing the demon's exposed flesh.

John howled at the red sky and took the charge. Running from left to right, he kept dodging the whip until he reached Torgek. He jumped and grabbed onto the demon's breastplate.

Before his jaws reached the demon's neck, Torgek blasted flames toward the wolf from his mouth.

John immediately dropped to the ground as soon as the demon's flaming breath almost touched his snort. He padded himself, making sure nothing else was on fire.

Torgek grinned after the smoke left his lips. "You almost had me."

John rose and cracked his shoulders. "You need a breath mint or something?"

Torgek rolled up his whip. "No, but your ass needs more whipping!"

Either the demon didn't understand what a breath mint was or did not care. He raised his whip and swung it again.

John didn't move. He waited until the whip reached toward him. Then he grabbed the whip and pulled it back.

Torgek growled and yanked the whip back harder. So hard, John flew toward him.

John released the whip and slashed Torgek's face. He landed as the demon cried with his hands on his face.

Soon, Torgek lowered his hands and turned around, glaring at John. The red claw marks stretched across his face through his left empty eye socket. He only has one glowing yellow eye.


"Now you made me-FUCKING ANGRY!!!" Torgek raised his whip over his head. This time, he swung it above like a helicopter.

Red electric balls rained down from the spinning whip toward John. Whatever magic the demon was projecting, it sure as hell will hurt John.

The cyborg werewolf leaped backward, dodging the first sphere. When the demonic energy attack touched the ground, it exploded, sending red bolts through the ground.

“Ah, shit!” John danced around the arena, trying to avoid each bolt. But after the other spheres hit the ground, the entire arena floor exploded like sparking bolts in water.

John screamed as the bolts burned through his flesh. It felt like he was being torn apart by needles and blades.

After the pain stopped, John noticed his brown fur faded into his smooth brown skin. His board chest and abs shrunk on his upper body, and his tail vanished too.

Oh crap! He was back in his human form, at the wrong time.

Torgek widened his yellow eyes at John and laughed. “Is that your true form? How fucking pathetic!”

He stretched out his whip with both his hands. “My whip will peel off your flesh, piece by piece. You will look so fucking ugly, your mommy will cry like a bitch!”

The demon laughed, praising his army in a storm of cheers.

John gulped as he got up.

He felt naked in his human form, except he still wore his pants.

Whatever power the giant demon struck him with, it could manipulate his werewolf transformation. He could try transforming back, but Torgek might not give him enough time. But on the positive side, his cybernetic arms still functioned.

Torgek hopped up and down while swinging his whip around him like a jump rope. While jumping, red bolts flew toward John from the swinging whip.

John sprinted to the right before the bolts reached him. But more followed him as Torgek turned to face him.

John morphed his left arm and fired his mini-gun. But it still didn’t work.

The demon’s whip knocked his photon blasts away. A few that barely pass through only nicked Torgek’s armor. Nothing could get through the whip!

One red bolt hit below John’s foot and exploded. He flew across the air and landed head first into the ground. Only his face smeared against the grass.

Torgek laughed. “Does that grass taste good, mother fucker!?”

By the time John got up, the demon charged toward him like a train. John aimed his gun, but the demon’s whip slashed through his chest.

“FUUUCCCK!!!” John hissed as he fell to the ground.

The cut burned until his flesh closed the wound, leaving his blood on his chest.

Torgek marched toward John, raising his whip. "This time I will slice you into two!”

John might survive that, but he doesn't want to feel it. That whip slash gave him enough agony in the stadium.

Torgek stopped over John and swung his whip down. Instead of rolling, John caught the whip's tip with his left cybernetic hand.


Torgek widened his eyes. "What!?"

John grinned and pulled the whip down. But Torgek pulled back, so fast, he yanked John off the ground.

Through the air, John flew toward Torgek and tackled the demon.

The giant's back hit the ground and John climbed toward Torgek's face.

"This is for your ex-girlfriend!" John grabbed both of Torgek's horns and pulled them. His chest bulged like drums as sweat gazed down his skin.

The horns cracked until they finally broke off Torgek's forehead. The demon clenched, hissing through his sharp teeth as the human raised his horns up.

John spits his sweat off his lips and plunged the horns into Torgek's eye sockets. Blood squirted from the demon’s face as he roared in pain.

John morphed his left arm and shoved the mini-gun into Torgek's mouth. He fired, blasting through the demon's skull, leaving a big hole behind his head.

With two horns through his skull and a fleshy hole behind his head, Torgek wasn't getting up.

John rose and glanced at the audience. All the demon soldiers moaned and booed at him in anger. Surely, they weren't happy about John’s victory.

John raised his arms up, grinning. "Anyone else wants their horns shoved up their skulls?"

The demon rose and pulled out their black energy rifles. Every single one aimed their weapons down toward him.

John groaned. Shit…..

He was ready to feel a hundred blasts rip through his flesh while burning him alive. But one of the audience seat sections exploded, and then another.

The demons screamed as bombs flew down from the red sky, blowing the living crap out of them. Fire, smoke, and demon gore flew over the field from the explosions.

John glanced up.

From a dark cloud, green aircraft bombers hovered down toward the stadium. Each one dropped a bomb, vaporizing the demons.

Another aircraft landed on the field near John and opened the sliding door. A marine soldier waved his hand for John’s attention. “Get on! We gotta go!”

John rushed toward the door. “My squad is outside the stadium!”

“It’s okay! The other troop carrier picked them up! We also got the science team and the demon woman!”

John sighed as he climbed into the aircraft. He sat down as the marine closed the door.

“We sent you?” John asked.

The marine sat down in front of him. Like most marines, he was big and muscular in a gray armor suit and a helmet over his head. All of them had gone through intense training and genetic enhancements to survive longer in battle.

“General Shaw contacted our base camp after he evacuated,” the soldier explained. “We tracked your location and decided to finish your job.”

“Thanks. You’re taking us to your base camp?”


Good! There will be more answers for John when they arrive there.


John stared through the small glass window on the sliding door, close to his seat. He spotted the statue of liberty, standing over the hexagon building. Around the structure were green tents and military air crafts in open spaces. Four navy ships docked on the docks and soldiers marched across the grassy fields. The island now appeared as a military boot camp than a tourist attention.

“Is that your base camp?” John asked.

The marine leaned toward the window near John. “The best spot so far. I don’t think the demons like water.”

John never heard demons hating water, nor seen a demon swim through one. If they feared holy water, maybe they hated regular water too.

After the troop carrier landed, the marine pushed the sliding door open for John to jump out. The cyborg followed two marine soldiers toward the campsite behind the enormous statue.

All around John, Earth Defense Corp officers and marines ran across different directions. Some carried crates as if they were having a panic attack. Two officers sat at a communication desk, shouting at the mic. Inside a clear plastic tent, two doctors held down a man, screaming like an animal. He yanked the leather straps on his arms and vomited blood at the tent flap. A tank with two cannons and eight wheels drove by and parked toward a giant anti-air rail gun turret, aimed at the red swirling sky. More rail gun turrets surrounded the island, making sure nothing unnatural would approach the base camp.

Further toward the island center, John and the marine soldier approached a housed-sized temper tent in dark green. Inside, more officers sat behind computer desks, reading the monitors. At the center was a large round table with a city map on it. General Shaw and Purple Squad stood around the table, studying the map until John approached them.

“Wolfie!” Lena rushed toward him and jumped into his arms. She rubbed her chin against his left cheek like a cat. “Mmmmmmmmmmh! You’re back in your human form! Nicccccccce!”

“How did you get your human form back?” Alexia asked.

John lowered Lena down. “Tiara’s ex-boyfriend zapped me.”

Kara raised her eyebrow at the demon woman. “Ex-boyfriend?”

Tiara sighed. “It is a long story, but he is dead now…..” She beamed her eyes toward John. “Is he dead?”

John nodded.

“Well, we don’t have time for long stories,” said General Shaw. “What is your next move? The world is still burning out there.”

John glanced around. “Where is the expedition team?”

Shaw pointed to the right. “They are resting inside the medical tent. Our meds are helping them recover.”

“Then we need to speak to them. We cannot make our next move until we know where the beacon is located.”

“But what if they don’t talk?” Tiara asked.

John glared at her. “They will because our world is at stake.”

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