《Dark Wolf》Book Three: Chapter 1


Lying in bed with three women was the best thing any man would want, even if he was a cyborg werewolf. While on his back, the zombie girl, Lena, rode on his member, rubbing his abs as she howled through her orgasmic warm breath at the ceiling. Her big breasts flopped as her sweat glazed down her white, muscular body. Her stomach muscle and chest flexed like a beating heart.

On both his sides, Alexia and Kara lay naked against him, nipping on his nipples like parasites cleaning off the beast. Their breasts squeezed between his metal arms while his fingers played with their honeypots within their juicy buttocks. Of all, they moaned in heat as if they shared their pleasures together.

Since the SPD command ship was taking its time to reach Earth space, John and the girls decided a little orgy would help them recover from their prison escape. His werewolf pheromones still wouldn’t stop his squad from thinking dirty thoughts about him. They have been dying to observe his werewolf form since they left Planet Hades. Whatever the demon did to him, he still couldn’t return to his human form. He might as well get used to it until the doctors figure out how to fix his problem. For now, the girls enjoyed his beast form, admiring his big furry muscles and the smooth brown mane around his wolf-shaped head. Even his manhood was bigger than his regular member, and it surprised him he could still fit it into the girls. Mating with a pack of females must be a life for every male werewolf in the galaxy. Why should it feel wrong?

“Attention, can Team Purple report to the bridge immediately?” an in-body voice from a speaker said. "Can Team Purple report to the bridge immediately?”

Team Purple was John’s squad name. Instead of numbers, colors were their identification codes. It was easy to use since the SPD agency didn’t have many squads. Most of them died on missions or were too chicken to investigate haunted sites. Only the strongest agents stayed alive for their jobs, and John’s team was damn good at being strong.

“Alright ladies…..” John growled and gently pushed his two girlfriends off his chest. “Time to go now.”

“Uuuuuuuuuh!” Lena moaned, still resting in John’s insertion. “I haven’t climaxed yet!”

“We got an Earth to save. Remember?”

Lena sighed. “Let’s finish when we get back. Okay?”

John nodded, and the zombie girl kissed his muzzle.

She purred against his lips. “I like how your mouth feels...”

John stroked her hair. “At least I wasn’t ripping you apart like a wild beast.”

Lena giggled. “I wouldn’t mind that.”

John rolled his blue eyes. Some girls were just crazy, but it made them hotter.

After they got off the bed, they took a quick shower together and dressed inside the bed quarters.

“I really don’t like how you keep biting me, Kara,” Alexia angered, slipping her thong on. “I’m not a chew toy.”

Kara giggled, flashing her vampiric fangs as she snapped her sports bra on. “I can’t help it when your blood tastes good. And I know you were enjoying it. Hehehehehehe!”

Alexia shuddered at the moment until she grinned a little. “Maybe….. A little.”

John pulled up his blue jeans and snapped his utility belt around his waist. No shirt could fit on his massive V-shaped upper body, but it didn’t bother him much. He never felt cold or naked around the people on the ship. Since his transformation, his body temperature grew higher than his normal human body temperature. More clothing would make him pant too much. He couldn’t sweat with so much fur on his body, because of having a similar wolf biology. If he needed a lot of body heat to stay active for the mission, then so be it. He will never break down as long as he is stuck in his beast form.



Through the double doorway, John and the girls marched into the bridge room. While strolling past the crew's panel desks, each man and woman in grey uniforms gazed at John, sending him nervous looks.

How annoying, as if they have never seen a monster aboard their ship before. Lena and Kara were monsters too, but nobody ever sent them strange looks. Was it because they looked more human than John?

This is fucking annoying, John thought.

Toward the front, John and his squad approached the director. The tall, light-tanned man in a white suit gazed at the large front window, holding his hands behind his back. What he stared at made John’s lower jaw drop.

A massive planet-size red sphere glowed outside the ship, lionizing like the sun. Obviously, the strange abnormality looked very familiar.

“Is that-”

“It is the portal to hell,” The director stated before John could finish his sentence. “It engulfed the entire Earth, transporting it into the demon’s dimension. Everyone on Earth is now at the mercy of demons, no matter where they hide. Their extinction is inevitable unless we can bring the Earth back to our reality.”

“How did the portal appear?” Alexia asked, crossing her arms.

The director turned around, still wearing his sunglasses that made his eyes mysterious. "Before the Earth vanished, our agents discovered an unknown temple in Italy with demonic runes, much like the ones we found on other worlds in our galaxy.”

From his back pocket, he held out a tablet. It projected a blue holographic image of a stone tapered, monolithic pillar coated in unholy symbols. “Do you recognize this artifact?”

John glared at the image. “It looks like the spire we found on Gearia. A demon named Dragmorath used it to open a portal to hell.”

“Luckily we kicked his ass before you arrested us,” said Kara, giving the director a sharp, unfriendly glare.

“The relic is a beacon too, but more powerful than the one on Gearia.” The director shut off the tablet and placed it back into his pocket. “When activated, it summoned the portal across the Earth. Only the moon was untouched. At this moment, the portal has become a new replacement for Earth in our space.”

“Who activated the beacon?” Lena asked.

The director hummed in irritation. “The agents may have touched the relic by mistake without fully analyzing the object.”

John ran his hands down his face. “Jesus Christ! Is everyone in the SPD fucking incompetent?”

“I strongly agree with their misguided errors, but saving the Earth is your top priority now. This will be a chance to earn your freedom if you complete the mission.” He pointed at the portal. “The relic is located somewhere in New York City. Find it and destroy it. As long as the beacon is active on Earth, the planet will never return.”

“Why has nobody destroyed it yet?” Alexia asked.

The director crossed his arms. “If someone did, the Earth would be back right now. We don’t know what is happening there, but we assume the demons are invading the Earth.”

“Are there other agents on Earth?” Kara asked.

“Yes, but we lost contact with them. The United Planetary Federation fleet is monitoring the portal while they send ships through the portal. They lost contact with them as well.”

Alexia glanced at the portal. “It sounds suicidal.”

“You are a suicidal squad, just to be clear.” The director chuckled quietly. “Save the Earth at all costs. Understand?”


John was born on Earth. It may not be his home anymore, but he won’t let it fade away from his memory. “Damn right, we understand.”

The director smiled. “Good. Grab your equipment and get ready. You will take the drop-pod to reach the Earth.”

“Before we go, we would like Tiara to join us,” said John.

The director shook his head. “Negative. She is a dangerous demon-”

“But she helped us shut down the relic on Planet Hades! She can do the same thing to the beacon.”

Alexia nodded in agreement. “He is right. Tiara has every right to join our team for our benefit.”

The director sighed. “Very well, but if she gets out of hand.” He directed his finger close to John’s canine nose. “You will never see daylight again.”

John glared back. “Earth will never see daylight again if we don’t move now.”

“Make it so.” The director stepped back. "By the way….. We have suitable gear for the demon. It is next to the armory, locked inside a sealed vault chamber. I will give you the code to access it."

John curled the corners of his slender mouth up. "I do like giving gifts to women."

The director nodded and turned back toward the window to watch the portal with his hands behind his back.


John and his girls approached the holding cell's glass shield where Tiara sat with her legs crossed. The demon faced the floor with her eyes closed as if she was meditating. She wore a white shirt and gray pants. She used to wear a black leather bikini with high heels, which was too revealing to the crew. Although she looked like a patient at a mental asylum, she still looked the same. Red skin, tall horns on her head, short black hair, and bat-like wings flexed on her back as she breathed. Demonic, but exotically beautiful.

During the demonic outbreak on Planet Hades, John found her inside a sarcophagus at an SPD laboratory. When he released her, she immediately attacked his squad, willing to kill them while she had no clue about her location. It took a lot to restrain her from harming his squad. However, John placed his pheromones in her to keep her under control. She obeyed him, willingly, while also growing attracted to him. It was the only way to keep her in line, or else he would have killed her.

After she joined them, she told them the entire planet of Hades was a prison for exiled demon souls, who were too rebellious to stay in hell. She was one of them, and lucky to get out without returning for eternity. She helped them find the relic to send all the demon souls back to their ancient prisons. Although she was supportive, the SPD imprisoned her on their ship. They don’t trust demons, but John was about to give her back the freedom she deserved.

John tapped the glass. "Tiara!"

The demon lady raised her head, smiling at him. Her eyes glimmered yellow as if she had a fire inside her body. "Am I getting executed?"

John smiled back. "Better, you are off the hook."

Tiara tilted her head. "Off the hook?"

“You are free to leave your cell now,” Alexia stated.

Tiara sighed. “Good….. I was getting bored here.”

“Don’t push your luck,” said Kara, beaming her red eyes. “You are coming with us for a mission.”

“Mmmmmmmmmh, what mission?”

“Hell has swallowed up the Earth, and we are going to save it,” John explained. “You will be our guide on the demons. Giving us enough intel we needed to succeed.”

“Or you will stay in there and raw away into a corpse,” said Kara.

John let out his breath. He knew Kara still didn’t trust the demon, since their first encounter wasn’t friendly. She wanted to kill Tiara, but maybe she will grow out of it as long as Tiara remained their ally. John was sure he could keep the two women from ripping their throats out.

Tiara rose and stretched her arms out. Her wings even flapped to snap from their tired fatigue. “Fine, just get me out of here.”

“Are you aware we will fight your kind on Earth?” Lena asked.

The demon lady laughed. “Why should I care about them? Those fuckers exiled me to your dimension in a fucking claustrophobic tomb! I have been waiting to fuck them back when I have the chance! If you want a bloodbath, I’ll give you one.”

A soft chuckle escaped from John’s lips. “That is exactly what I want to hear.”

He typed the security code on the touchscreen panel and stepped back as the glass seal opened upward. The demon jumped onto her bare feet and sprinted toward John.

Kara pulled out her combat knife, but John gestured for her to put it back into her sheath. When Tiara approached John up close, she rubbed her cold hands across his bare chest, flickering her yellow eyes into his eyes. “Mmmmmmmh…..I never mentioned that I love beastie men.”

She hung out her long slender tongue and gave him a quick lick up his muzzle.

Damn….. His back shivered.

“Alright, let’s move on,” Alexia ordered, heading toward the elevator doorway. “We don’t have time to goof around.”

Tiara shrugged and followed the space witch. She turned her head toward John, licking her lips like a snake. “When this is over, I want you all to myself.”

John felt his cheeks heat up. Could he go to hell if he banged a demonic woman?


Inside the armory, John placed armor plates on his shoulders, connected to his bionic arms. He needed little, since nothing could kill him. But that might not be the case when he will face demons again. All of them will be in their true forms in their dimension, stronger than the possessed. On the bright side, if they could bleed, they could die.

Alexia, Lena, and Kara placed their shiny light armor suits on. The space witch wore the purple, Lena wore the silver, and Kara wore the red, while she also placed red visors over her eyes to enhance her vision display.

Kara grabbed a plasma sniper and Alexis took a pistol. The space witch preferred using her powers for long-range attacks, but a pistol was handy when she needed to close. Plus, she got two energy blades that could slice anything into two. Lena was more of a brawler type of fighter, but she grabbed a grenade launcher in case they needed to blow something up.

John’s weapons were his plasma mini-gun, a blade that could stretch out from his right lower arm, sharp metal claws, and his canine fangs. The engineers gave him an upgrade after the ship picked him up from Hades. A good cyborg werewolf should have claws in case his gun malfunctions.

Tiara couldn’t find a suit that could fit her. If it weren’t for her wings, she would have chosen a full black armor suit. Perhaps that was why she preferred the leather bikini she wore inside her sarcophagus.

John spotted the vault doorway and punched in the code on the panel. The door opened up with a sizzle, releasing cool air past his face.

Inside, a red metal suit hung on the wall beneath a black face mask. It has a black breastplate and black long legs with orange lights around the large thighs. Very curvy since the engineers obviously built it for a woman. But something seemed very odd about the suit. It felt demonic as John gazed at it.

He activated his cybernetic vision and scanned the armor suit. To his surprise, his readings read that demonic energy was powering the suit. Could the suit be a demon relic?

"What is that?" Kara peeked over John’s left shoulder.

"I guess that suit is for Tiara," said John. "The director recommended it for her."

Tiara approached him and stared at the chamber. Her yellow eyes widened in wonder. "Uooooooooh! Is that for me?"

John stepped aside. "You know that suit?"

Tiara rubbed her claw on her chin. "It looks like an armor suit for elite demonic female warriors. But the design is a little different.”

"It is a prototype battle suit with demonic energy," the director's voice echoed from the speaker above the armory. "I called it the Reckoning Suit. My engineers built it from an ancient relic we found on Planet Zotis. We thought we could build a suit for our agents to combat the demons. Unfortunately, the suit doesn't work on humans. The energy kills them when they put it on. Only a demon can wear the suit."

Tiara smiled and stepped toward the suit. "Of course, only a demon can wear it. But it will suit me well."

She slid her shirt off and unsnapped her bra, letting it fall off her ample breasts.

John blushed, but he turned around to avoid the demon's nude sight. After all, watching a woman undress was rude, and he wasn't a peeping tom.

"What do you think?" Tiara asked.

John turned back.

The red demonic cyber suit fit well across Tiara's body. Her wings stretched out from her back, and her tail swung around freely. When she placed the black face mask on, her eyes glowed red on the visor. Her horns stood over her mask as if they were part of the mask. She looked like a robotic demon, ready to unleash hell.

"Not bad," Alexia replied.

Tiara glanced at her arms and rubbed her hands around her sides. "It feels very remarkable. I can see my language blinking on my face."

"That should be your heads-up display. It will tell you where your enemies are located."

"Should we give her time to train in that suit?" Lena asked.

"We don't have time," said John. "I'm sure she will adapt to it quickly." He glanced at Tiara. "Ready?"

Tiara held her palm up where flames burst up like a little campfire. “I’m fucking ready to use this baby.”

“Can you burn the demons?” Lena asked.

The demon lady chuckled. “Darling, in hell, all you need is kill.”

John shrugged. “Good point.”

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