《Dark Wolf》Book Two: Chapter 30


John opened his eyes as a light blurred his eyes. But his vision quickly returned as he rose his upper body on a white bed.

"Welcome back to the living," said Alexia.

John noticed Alexia, Lena, and Kara stood around his bed inside a medical room. All of them, except Tiara.

John couldn’t remember what happened before. "Where are we?"

"In the medical bay on an SPD vessel," Kara explained, crossing her arms. "They picked us up after the demons vanished. Hades is still under quarantine, and there are no other survived found."

John groaned.

If his squad moved faster to shut down the source, there could have been fewer casualties. Or maybe it was already too late before Copper freed him. But at least they stopped the outbreak, thanks to the demon lady. If it weren't for her, nobody else could use the beacon. Only her power could trigger the artifact to send the fiends back to where they belong.

Lena hugged John, stroking his mane. "Oh, my wolfie! I was scared you weren't going to make it!"

John rubbed her back. "I'm fine, baby. Werewolves are hard to kill."

He glanced at his chest, noticing his brown, smooth fur was still covering his body but not over his mechanic limbs. Maybe his head has changed yet too. "Am I still in my beast form?"

The girls nodded.

"Why the fuck haven't I changed back?"

"The doctors are still figuring that out," said Alexia. "I believed the demon’s lightning attack somehow halted your shifting ability. You might be stuck for a while."

"Or forever," Kara added. "But you're still hot."

Alexia and Lena glared at her.

The vampire girl giggled. "Come on, it's only a joke."

John grimed, but he smiled a little. "It's fine. Where is Tiara?"


Alexia glared at the door. "The director ordered his men to put her inside a cell under close watch."

"We told him she helped, but he wouldn't listen," said Lena in a gloomy tone.

Kara hissed. "He is still an asshole."

John wanted to get up and race into the director's quarters so he could seriously whoop his ass. First, the director tried to kill John for turning into a cyborg werewolf, and now he locked up Tiara for being a demon. If his men had killed her, the director wouldn't be left breathing. John didn't care if the SPD would come after him if he betrayed the organization. Tiara was a demon, but she was a hero too. She doesn't deserve to die if she stayed on the right side.

Speaking of the devil, the director stepped through the door with two guards on his sides. He wore a white suit and dark glasses on his tan chisel face. He has a gentleman appearance, but keeping those glasses on so nobody would see his eyes kind of made him suspicious. But he was in charge and everyone obeys him.

"Sleep well?" The director asked, standing in front of John's bed.

The wolf growled. "Where is Tiara?"

"She is fine. We are keeping her in observation inside a cell."

"Release her!"

"Not now. We have bigger matters to worry."

John glared. "What bigger matters?"

The director sighed. "Earth is gone. Completely vanished from our radar."

John's lower jaw hung. His blood turned cold while listening to the director.

"How the fuck did that happened?" Kara asked.

"We don't yet," said the director, "but it is now our top priority to get the Earth back at all cost."

John's mind was still blown. "Do you know where the Earth went?"

The director placed his hands behind his back. "One word. Hell."

John couldn’t close his mouth. "Holy shit!"

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