《Dark Wolf》Book Two: Chapter 29


John tried pushing free from the mech's grip, but it was too strong. If his arms had more power, he wouldn't have that problem.

As the mech held him toward the cockpit, John nobody inside. Only the joysticks were moving on their own. "What the hell?"

"Fools!" a demonic voice shouted from the cockpit as the red lights flashed inside with an electronic tone. "You can't-can't-can't touch the beacon! I will-will-will stop you!"

John felt his entire torso being squeezed. He will be damned if he exploded like a tomato. "And who the fuck are you?"

"I know who the fuck he is!" Tiara stepped forward, pointing her finger at the possessed mech. "Drokon, I assumed!"

The mech lowered John and turned toward Tiara. "T-T-T-Tiara? How are you free-free-free?"

Tiara crossed her arms and smiled. "Let’s just say I made some new friends who are nice to me."

Bullshit, John thought.

The mech growled. "I will-will-will not let you send us back! We deserve freedom!"

"Not as long as I am here."

"Then you may die with your new friends!" Drokon blasted missiles at the girls.

Alexia held out her hands and blocked the missiles with her energy shield. After she lowered her shield, Lena charged.

She tried lifting the mech's foot, but the mech kicked her.

Tiara jumped and flapped her wings as she flew up toward the mech. Two fireballs appeared over the palm of her hands. She tossed them, hitting the mech's chest. With thick armor plates, the thing didn't take any damage.

John knew the girls were having trouble fighting the machine. He has to help them before it is too late.

John closed his eyes and gritted his teeth while pushing the mech's metal fingers back. His muscles in his chest and abs burned as he pushed harder.


Damn, he was pushing so hard, his brown fur spawned across his skin. He grew his snort, pointy ears, and his brown mane around his wolf head. While morphing, the mech's grip loosed around him. His transformation must be increasing his strength. He just needed to push harder.

Finally, John slipped out from the mech's grip. With a snarl, he landed onto the cockpit and pounded on the glass. But it wasn't breaking.

Drokon's voice laughed and slapped John off the cockpit window.

He landed on his feet next to Tiara.

She smiled at him. "Mmmmmmmh, I like hairy men."

John shrugged and sprinted toward Alexia. "We have to break open the tube, now! That mother fucker is too damn strong!"

Alexia tossed an energy ball toward a missile before it struck her. The missile exploded over her head, but the flames didn't touch her. "Fuck yeah! We will distract him!"

John nodded.

Alexia gestured the girls to go on a full assault on the possessed mech. They should keep that thing occupied long enough for John to break the beacon free. But he has to move fast.

When the mech turned its back on the beacon, shooting its missiles at the girls, John jumped to all fours and charged toward the tube. He leaped and aimed his left Gatling gun arms, blasting the glass tube into pieces.

The tube shattered as he flew through it, grabbing the beacon. He landed on the floor with the beacon in his hands. It was bigger than half his torso, and probably heavy too. But he was strong enough to hold it.

John held up the beacon. "Tiara! I got it!"

The mech turned around, facing him. "N-N-N-N-No!"

Tiara smiled and flew toward John. Before she reached him, the mech screamed, releasing red lightning bolts everywhere.


Everyone fell to the floor, screaming in pain. All except the damn mech.

"You-you-you will all die!" Drokon shouted. "I-I-I will take the beacon and guard it with my life-life-life! We will rule this world and infect others when-when-when we take your ship! Your realm will be-be-be our new hell!"

John snarled while his fur baked in smoke. His blood boiled as his insides cooked like they were on fire. We won't die like this. Not when the demons could escape and spread across the galaxy.

Not on my goddamn body! John held the beacon toward Tiara. She was only a few feet from him.

"Tiara! Activate the beacon now!" He shouted.

Tiara glanced at the artifact and crawled toward it. She hissed through her teeth as if she was keeping her screams inside herself. No matter how much pain she was taking, the demon chick wasn't giving up.

"No!" The mech marched toward Tiara. "You-you-you will fail!"

John noticed the demon was already upon Tiara. She won’t make it if she kept crawling toward him. She needed to touch the beacon immediately.

“Catch!” John tossed the artifact toward Tiara.

The demon lady caught the relic in her left hand. Above her, the mech lowered his metal hand toward her. However, she didn’t fear the machine over her.

She slapped her other hand on the beacon and closed her eyes. “Fgnjv hrl sejdlajld fmsc he hrlng wgniej!”

A blast of red light exploded from the relic, and a red beam drilled into the floor.

The mech paused, his lights blinking in rage. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”

As he screamed, a red-figure stretched out from the mech’s cockpit, flowing into the beacon and down through the beam beneath the artifact.

John felt the electricity faded away from his body. He rose and stared at the ceiling.

More red figures drifted into the artifact from above. All of them must be the demonic spirits who possessed the entire prison colony. Screaming and trying to escape from the beacon, but none of them have a chance. Now they were returning into their prison, deep underground.

After the last demon got sucked into the beacon, the red beam vanished, leaving the entire chamber quiet.

“Rest in peace!” Tiara squeezed the artifact until it exploded into pieces.

John smiled at the floor. “Trick or treat….. Motherfuckers…..”

His head went spinning, and he fell to the floor, blacking out.

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