《Dark Wolf》Book Two: Chapter 27


John approached the door and glanced through the glass window, stained with blood. He could barely see the possessed lab members standing against the walls, making room for something coming.

His heart dropped when a colossal figure stomped through the hallway. It was a tall, muscular man in a security guard uniform without a helmet. Bald, pale, and shark-like teeth showing behind his grinning lips.

The sight of the possessed guard didn't freak John out. What freaked him was the large two-handed blow torch lighter he carried. That thing could cut through any armored metal door like butter. If he opens the door, all hell will break loose into the lab.

"What is it?" Lena asked.

John slowly turned toward her. "We got a big asshole with a big ass blow torch."

He shook when a spark lit on the door's edge, melting it as it moved up. The hulk laughed behind the door.

John stepped away from the door, feeling a tremor vibrating his spine. "Shit! He's coming in!"

The Hell knight sorceress shook her chair. "Release me!"

Kara glared at her. "No way in hell!"

"I can help you! You mortals will not stand a chance."

Lena aimed her pulse shotgun toward the demon’s face. “We’re not mortals! Except for Alexia, but we can’t trust you!”

The demon pulsed her lips. “Even if you are unkillable, those fucking exiles will torture you endlessly. Do you desire that?”

“We can take them on without you! Just sit your butt there and-”

John placed his hand on the zombie girl’s shoulder. “Let her go.”

Lena gazed at him. “What?”

“Listen to him,” Alexia ordered. “He placed his werewolf pheromones on her. She should be obedient to him now.”

“What the hell?” Copper exclaimed. “I am confused!”


“She is bonded to him now, and she will listen to him no matter what.” The space witch glanced at the demon. “Is that correct?”

The devil lady nodded.

Lena and Kara gazed at John with concerns on their faces. But he didn't care. He was sure the demon will obey him without harming his squad. The way she looked at him, he knew she was hungry for his manhood. Maybe he doesn't agree to get laid by a demon, especially since she was part of a race he truly hated in his heart. But if he can control her like a rabid dog on a leash, it doesn't matter as long as danger was near. He must keep living to keep the bastards from haunting the living. "I trust her….. for now." He glanced at Alexia. "Release her."

The witch nodded and slid her boot across the pentagram line, smudging it.

The demon immediately broke free from her ropes and sat up, raising her wings out. The girls and the robot kept their weapons on her as she stepped toward John.

Up close, the demon stared into his eyes. Her fresh spicy breath hypnotized him into her gaze.

She leaned forward and kissed his lips. Her kiss shocked him at first, but her sweet mouth tasted good. Like peppermint candy, coat in charcoal. Not the best taste, but highly addictive.

She stepped back and licked her lips. "Charming….. That is my first time kissing a human."

John grinned. "I'm not human."

The demon pursed her lips into a grin until the metal door slammed to the floor.

John swung around with his Gatling guns out.

The large former guard marched through and held up his blow torch, screaming.

The demon pushed John aside. "I can handle this."


John shrugged and stepped further back. "Be my guess."

The guard and the other possessed charged.

The demon faced them and opened her mouth. From her lips, she unleashed a loud nail scratching scream. But not just a scream. Flames also burst from her lungs like an explosion.

Her inferno blast blew across the brute and the minor possessed. They stopped and screamed in agony. Their clothes tore off their bodies, and their fleshes turned to charcoal. Then their charcoal shelling flew off, living their black skeletons exposed before they faded into ashes.

The demon closed her mouth, letting her smoke drifted from her lips. She smiled at the ashes lying across the floor toward her feet.

"Bloody hell!" Copper shouted.

The demon turned around and grinned with her white fangs out. "That was my hell scream attack. Highly effective against weak fleshed foes."

John shuddered, feeling like he was being burned by the demon’s firepower. She is fucking hot!

"Okay, now can you please tell us who the fuck you are?" Kara shouted.

The demon lady turned toward the squad and rested her hands on her hips. "I am Tiara, a Hell knight sorceress class."

"We bloody know that," said Copper.

"Why are you here?" Lena asked.

Tiara crossed her arms. "I was left here to guard the imprisoned spirits against escaping. But now I see they are out."

"Imprisoned spirits?" Lena asked.

"Yes, this entire world is their prison. I am their warden."

"A prison?" John was a little confused. "I thought hell is their prison."

Tiara frowned. "Hell isn't a prison. We keep the convicted dead from our dimension so they wouldn't rebel. Your dimension is their prison."

"Bullshit!" Kara marched toward the demon and pointed her finger at her. "Our dimension is our reality. You monsters keep invading our colonies, killing the innocents. You should all stay in hell where you belonged!"

Tiara shrugged. "Well, I wasn't the one who sent them here. Why should I care?"

Kara hissed, tightening her fists.

John quickly pushed her aside. "Don't push her." He faced Tiara. "How do we stop the outbreak?"

Tiara rolled her eyes around, glancing at her surrounding. "There is a stone device called a beacon. Your foolish humans must have found it and activated it without thinking."

John sighed.

He knew the SPD has stupid staff and agents who don't think twice before they touch something. Their overconfidence gets them killed and the superiors never answered the question of why they get hired in the first. Stupid scientists.

"I am the only one who can deactivate it," Tiara continued. "Once it shuts down, all the demons will return to their prison. The beacon will have to be destroyed to keep them locked forever."

"Why didn't your masters destroyed it before?" Alexia answered.

Tiara shrugged. "To free a few demons, I suppose. If you want this world restored, we must find the beacon."

John glanced at the vampire. "Kara, check the computer. See if you can find the beacon here."

Kara sighed and walked toward the computer desk.

John turned back toward Tiara. “If you step out of line, I will not hesitate in killing you.”

Tiara grinned and brushed John’s cheek with her soft fingers. “You don’t need to, handsome. If you reward me, I will be a good pet.”

John shrugged.

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