《Dark Wolf》Book Two: Chapter 26


Lena and Kara tied a rope around the devil woman and placed her on a chair. John pushed the chair onto the demon bound pentagram Alexia drew with blood. Her blood. Somehow the witch could handle some blood loss without passing out. Either her magic kept her conscious, or she was used to cutting herself up for her ritual.

Copper watched the door to make sure the possessed won't get inside. It also prevented him from running his annoying mouth during the interrogation.

"Alright, let the show begin." John sat on a chair and pulled out toward the captive. This was the first time he moved close up toward a demon without killing it. Her strange exotic scent still fascinated him, but he won't let her beauty ruin his interrogation.

The girls stood behind him as he tapped the demon's cheek. "Wakey wakey! Can you hear me?"

The demonic woman opened up her yellow eyes and glanced at John.

John pointed his mouth. "Can you understand me?"

The demon hissed in fury and rocked the chair. She snapped her fangs toward him, but her entire body couldn't move. Alexia's circle was working after all.

"Release me!" The devil woman shouted like a serpent.

John smiled. "Good, but not until you tell us what is going on it."

"I will rip your skin off your flesh and feed on your bones!"

John laughed. "That is so classic."

"I mean it!"

John grabbed her face, squeezing her cheeks. "Listen to me you crazy ass demon bitch! You have no power here now. What you are sitting on is a demon binding circle. That means you can't do shit here, but I can do dirty shit to you. If you want to be free, tell us what is going on."


The demon stared at the surrounding circle. Her eyes grew wide, realizing John was right. She couldn't do anything as long as she was sitting on the circle.

She hissed again. "Torture me! Rape me! Do whatever! I have no reason to tell you!"

John released her face. "Are you stupid? You, whether die than tell us everything?"

"I am a Hell knight. Sorceress class. Trained not to speak to any foe, no matter my life."

Interesting. John never heard that type of demon. He almost thought they were all feral spirits who like chaos and death. A hell knight could be some kind of noble warrior. Intelligent and only loyal to their nightmarish realm.

"Do you even know where you are?" Alexia asked.

The demon sorceress glanced around. "Not clearly "

"If you want answers, you better fucking tell us!" Kara ordered.

The demon spat on the floor. "I don't care. Kill me if you want."

"Good idea." Lena raised her shotgun, but John pushed it down.

"Wait! She is still valuable!" John exclaimed.

Kara hissed ferociously than the demon. "What's the point? She will not talk!"

"And she doesn't mind dying," Lena added.

John glared at the zombie girl and glanced back at the demon woman. "If you die, will you go back to hell?"

The she-devil shrugged. "It doesn't matter. Giving you my answers will only betray my code."

John could absolutely punch the demon into a pancake until she talks. But that might not work either. What was the point of being a Hell knight if the demon doesn't care about her life? Hell must be full of brainwashing assholes, sending their women off to die in pointless battles.

"I got an idea!" Alexia grabbed John's hand and pulled him to the corner.


"What is it?" John asked.

Alexia rubbed her finger across John's forehead, gazing off his sweat. Then she held her finger up. "You can use your pheromones on her."


"Your werewolf pheromones. If it works, she will obey you."

John backed up with his hands up. "Row! Row! Row! I am not letting a demon suck on me! That's an omen"

Alexia giggled. "I wouldn't mind sucking her face off. She is attractive."

John dropped his mouth. "Are you fucking insane?"

Alexia glared at him. "Listen, it could be the only way to get some information from her. If she falls for you, she will do anything for you. Anything for all of us."

John suspected the space witch was having weird thoughts moving around inside her head. Especially when she was giving him a catty grin. Was she just giving him that option so she could make out with a female demon with him?

Fucking pheromones…..

John sniffed. "Alright, but if it doesn’t work?"

"We kill her," Alexia agreed, "which is a waste."

"Not when she is evil. How do I pheromone her?"

"Get very hot up close to her. Make her smell you or lick you. Werewolf pheromones will work faster on the female."

John’s lips turned sour. That didn't sound right at all. "Well….. Good thing I am sweating now."

Alexia giggled. "Go dominate her, baby."

John shrugged and marched toward the demon. He pulled up his chair and sat down very close to her.

The demon narrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Are you going to kill me?"

John stared into her eyes while his mouth almost touched her lips. "Listen….. I think we started out on the wrong foot. You just woke up in a strange world with strange people. And you attacked without hesitation. I get that. You are scared."

The demon snorted. "I am not scared-"

John placed two fingers on her lips with his sweat on them. “Sush! Maybe, but I know deep inside you are scared. We're all scared here because we don't know what the fuck is happening. But I can guarantee your safety if you decide to join us."

After he removed his finger, the demon licked her lips, staring straight into John's eyes as if she was being hypnotized by his gaze. She must be falling for him now.

John grinned seductively. "So, what is your choice? Wanna be my mate?"

As the demon opened her mouth, Copper hovered toward John. "We got a problem, lads!"

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