《Dark Wolf》Book Two: Chapter 19


John and Lena pointed their weapons at the door on the left side of the train before the door opened. But nothing jumped toward them from the station platform.

"Clear!" John stepped out first and monitored the entire platform.

Cool air breezed across the station over benches and post lights. A bridge has an open pathway, leading straight to the nuclear power plant. So far, nothing much was at the station.

When John glanced at the tracks, he spotted a sizeable gap between the rails near the end of the station. "Oh, crap."

The ends on the rails appeared tore with cables and metal frames hanging down. It looked like something exploded on the tracks, or a meteor crashed through it. Either way, the train cannot proceed anymore.

"What are you looking at?" Lena asked as she approached him.

John turned toward her. "The tracks are busted straight ahead. We might be stuck here."

Lena looked over his shoulder and frowned. "Damn."

Copper approached them and noticed the gap too. "Bloody hell! We can't use the train anymore."

"Is there another station here?" John asked.

Copper toward the edge of the platform and pointed his finger at the bottom of the plant. "There is a garage center below. Every complex has one with off-road buggies. Traveling is a pain in the ass on this planet."

"Good, but first things first. How do we stop the plant from blowing up?"

"We have to cool down the core before it reaches critical mass," Copper explained. "But we can use the control center to operate the cooling system. It's simple."

"I hope so, let's go." While running across the bridge, John saw red streams of light swirling around the structure below the storm. He could hear screams and laughter echoing from the strange spectrum.


"Are those demons up there?" Lena asked, running behind John.

John glared. "Yes, a whole parade of them."

"Why the bloody hell are they here?" Copper asked behind Lena.

"Demonic spirits are attracted to energy sources," John answered. "This plant must be cooking up lots of juice."

"Radiation," Copper corrected, "that makes sense."

John reached the tall double door and pushed the button. Only a red light blinked along with a buzzing sound. "Copper! This entrance is locked. Work your magic!"

"Jolly will do." Copper approached the panel near the door and typed the password.

After a few seconds, the door opened, releasing loud siren noises.

"Attention! Critical mass at fifty percent," a female computer voice shouted from inside. "Attention! Critical mass at fifty percent!"

John stepped into the lobby and glanced around. Unlike the monorail station at the male jailhouse compound, the place only has blood on the floor beneath benches and columns. Two elevator doors stood on both sides of an office check-in window. And red lights flashed across the ceiling around white lights.

"The elevator will take us up quickly to the control room," said Copper.

John pointed his Gatling arm guns around. "No shit. Keep your eyes out for freaks."

"Roger!" Lena shouted.

They raced toward the elevator on the left side near the check-in window. After John pushed the button, something whispered toward his ear.

He turned toward a hallway where a shadow waved to him and raced to another corridor, laughing.

John, Lena, and Copper were truly not alone inside the nuclear power plant. It made the hairs on the back of his neck rose, tingling his senses while thinking about it. Something worse might be lurking in the plant.

"You see something?" Lena asked.


John shook his head as the elevator door opened with a ring. "It's nothing. Keep your guard up."

Lena pointed her pulse shotgun at the elevator. "My guard is always up."

John smiled and followed her into the elevator. Copper hovered in last before the doors closed.

While the elevator ascended up, Lena placed her arm around John's waist and smiled at him. "I can't wait till we reunite with Alexa and Kara. I have so many plans for them when we get together."

John blushed.

Never in his life, John thought he would bang three women on one bed. Sure, he slept with many women before, but never together. Some guys thought they would start too many conflicts if they shared multiple women at a time. But John would never let a good challenge slip through his fingers.

With a chuckle, John moved Lena's hand onto his crotch and rubbed it. "I'm counting on it."

Lena licked her lips and moaned like she couldn’t wait forever.

"Oh, bloody hell-not again!" Copper shouted. "You will really do it in the elevator?"

Lena glared at him. "What if we want to?"

Copper pointed his finger at her until the elevator doors opened.

John unhooked Lena's hands off his waist and stepped forward. "We have no time for this. Let's move!"

He held up his Gatling guns and strolled into a hallway with multiple corridors. No lights were on, except the blinking red lights and the sirens still haven’t stopped.

"Which way?" John asked.

Copper hovered forward. "Follow me, lads!"

John sauntered behind the robot, watching the darkness along the corridor walls. Anything could pop out and ambush him.

"That robot is pissing me off," Lena whispered behind John.

John turned his head a bit so Lena could see his glaring eyes. "We don't have time in the elevator. This place will explode soon."

"Attention! Critical mass at sixty percent," a female computer voice shouted again. "Attention! Critical mass at sixty percent!"

"See what I mean?" John whispered.

Lena widened her eyes. "Sorry, but is the core heating faster now?"

"We probably only have bloody ten minutes now!" Copper exclaimed. "Or something is fucking up the core on purpose!"

John growled. "We better run to the controls before it's too late!"

"Ahead of you!" The robot glides through the hallway and turned right at the end.

John and Lena dashed without losing sight of Copper. Whatever was making the core heat up faster, it might not be natural.

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