《Dark Wolf》Book Two: Chapter 17


The possessed still feasted on their prey, ignoring John and his companions. Demons never turned self-aware while eating their favorite food source. The cafeteria was truly a cannibal buffet.

"If we run through, all of them will attack us," Lena whispered. "What should we do?"

The exit was behind five table rows across the sizeable room. The center has an empty path, but only through the demonic crowd. There was no other way around the mob.

John looked down and saw a human rolled toward his feet. The head was covered in blood with missing lips and eyes widened in fright. The scalp was torn off, exposing the head's skull.

John picked up the head and smiled at it. "I got an idea."

He raised the human head up. "Hey!"

All the possessed paused and turned their faces toward him. Some were still chewing with their mouths full.

John tossed the head toward the right corner. "Catch!"

One short possessed prisoner leaped up and caught the head. After he landed near the corner, a taller brute punched his face and grabbed the head.

Before he sunk his teeth into the skull, another inmate tackled him into the wall. Then the entire mob charged into the inmate, grabbing the head. They scratched, bit, and punched one another in a dog pile. All trying to grab the head for themselves.

"Let's go!" John and his companions sprinted past the gory tables.

Demons never liked to share their food. They were so competitive, they would destroy each other just to fill up their bellies. The meat was incredibly addicting to them.

Before John reached the double door, something grabbed his leg and pulled him down. His chin slammed on the floor, but he didn't bite his tongue. "Ahhh!"


From beneath the table, a possessed crawled on top of him and grabbed his throat. John choked as he pulled on the inmate's arms.

Lena grabbed the inmate, but he kicked her back. Copper hovered toward the inmate and blasted the prisoner's back.

John pushed the inmate's body off him and got up.

The other possessed stopped and turned toward John and Lena. Their red eyes widened in surprise.

John dropped his mouth. "Ah, shit!"

When the inmates charged, John and Lena dashed to the door. Copper zoomed past them, exiting out of the cafeteria before them.

After running out through the door, John closed the door until a face reached him between the door. The possessed puked green goo into John's face like a fire hose.

He screamed as the saliva burned his face. The vomit was acid!

Lena punched the inmate and closed the door. John stepped back while rubbing the acid vomit off his face. He couldn't see, and he could feel his skin melting on his face.

After the burning stopped, John's vision returned to normal.

Lena walked up toward him. "Are you okay?"

The pain slowly faded away, cooling down quickly. It surprised John his agony didn't last long. "How is my face?"

Lena smiled. "Like a new you."

John touched his face. No burn marks, no melted skin, no nothing. He must have healed quickly after the son of a bitch tried to melt his face off. Nothing could kill him without his weakness.

"Bloody hell!" Copper exclaimed. "That will save your ass from hospital bills."

John laughed. "Better alive than being dead."

The cafeteria door pounded from the other side. Scratching and screaming echoed too.

"We better move now," said John, "I think they ran out of food in there."


Copper stared at the banging door. "How hungry are those mother fuckers?"

"Demons are always hungry," said Lena. "When they taste human flesh, they never stop."

"Bloody hell….."


John and Lena raced down a stairway from the end of the hallway. The banging was still echoing behind them, which was good. The possessed haven't broken out yet.

Inside the monorail station, there were bodies everywhere on the white marble floor and gray walls. But standing at the center was the train, resting on the magnetic track, stretching toward the exit.

John sighed, seeing the train was available. If the train wasn't there, they would be stranded inside the male prison until the possessed comes for them. Too bad the staff and the security guards couldn't escape in time. There must be millions of demonic spirits killing everyone they could find.

The train has only two passenger cars in circular forms behind the driver's car. About as long as three buses.

"Get aboard now!" Copper shouted. "I can operate the train."

"What else you can't do?" Lena asked.

"Taking a shit." Copper approached the train and tapped on the door. It opened automatically. "Come on!"

John heard the cafeteria door burst open from the hallway. Running footsteps and screams escaped.

"Shit, they're coming!" John raced to the train and jumped in.

Lena sprinted in next and closed the door. "Get this damn train moving!"

"On it!" Inside the driver's compartment, Copper pulled the lever down.

All the doors clicked, and the train moved forward. While the train slid on the track, the horde of possessed raced down into the station.

One of them reached the train and banged on the windows. All laughing and shouting in terror.

"Don't worry, lads!" Copper shouted, watching the front. "The windows and the exterior are unbreakable. Nothing can get in here."

The train speeded up through the opening and exited out of the prison building. John and Lena stepped toward the back of the train to stare through the window.

The possessed stopped inside the station, watching their prey escaped. A few tried to run across the track, but they fell off into the dark canyon below the track. Those inhuman creatures had finally stopped, or at least smart enough to stop.

Copper hovered toward John and Lena. "That was bloody close. We should be heading straight to the power plant now."

"How much time we have left?" John asked.

Copper raised his hands. "I don't bloody know! I'm not a timer!'

"Then keep the train moving. We can't afford to slow down."

Copper saluted. "Don't worry. I am a superb damn driver."

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