《Dark Wolf》Book Two: Chapter 16


Lena stared at the blade sticking through her chest, dripping her blood to the floor. She slowly opened her mouth, but her scream didn’t come out.

The blade lifted her up as the shadow stepped forward behind her. What John saw almost made him wish he didn't eat the salami yet.

The creature was human, but it was hard to say. Taller than Lena with flubbed gray skin across his obese body, the possessed man wore a white tank-top over his blood-stained apron. A white chef hat stood on his bald head, eyes burning in redness and fangs hanging inside his grinning mouth.

The fat bastard must be the cook, possessed as hell, which explained why the kitchen looked like a bloodbath. Inside him, the demon spirit gained his cooking skills and used it to butcher whoever couldn't escape their fate. That was one sick fat bastard.

"Dinner time!" The possessed cook shouted in a loud demonic voice like a radio speaker.

He swung Lena off his giant butcher blade, sending the zombie girl crashing into the cabinets. Her body landed on the floor, unconscious.

John growled. "You son of a bitch!"

Without hesitation, John changed his arms and aimed his Gatling guns. But before he could fire, the cook charged into him. His fat gut bounced John into the fridge.

The cook laughed. "No cursing in the kitchen!"

"Fuck you!" John aimed his gun until the cook kicked him back. His vision turned blurry.

"How about you cook this for supper!" Copper blasted his rifle at the cook, decorating the possessed's stomach with burnt holes.

The cook laughed and slapped Copper to the floor. "Bot soap, not good!"

John tried to get up before the cook grabbed his pants and pulled him up off the floor. While laughing, the cook slammed on a large cutting board.


He pushed John's head down while raising his butcher knife up. "Black meat is on the new menu!"

John spotted a small kitchen knife near the gore. Quickly, he grabbed it and stabbed the cook's left man tit.

The cook wobbled back as he pulled the knife out, groaning. Too bad it didn't reach his heart.

John faced the cook with his arms up. His feet shuffled like a boxer. "How about some knuckle sandwiches for dinner!"

The cook only glared, hissing in anger.

With a grin, John shot his metal fists, punching the cook's face. Jab, cross, uppercut, and another jab. He kept hitting the cook, pushing him back like a punching bag. Blood and pieces of teeth flew from the cook's wobbling face as he moaned. His skull should crack into pieces by now.

Suddenly, the cook grabbed John's neck and squeezed him. John instantly lost his breath and fell onto his knees. He drummed his fists on the cook's jelly arm, but the cook wouldn't let go. What the hell did he eat?

The cook placed his other hand on John’s neck, choking him harder. “Don’t eat too fast! You might choke to death!”

How ironic, considering the cook was choking John. How the fuck is he stronger than me?

Behind the cook, a red ax dropped and split the possessed's skull in half. The cook turned cross-eyed and fell to the floor as his hands slid John's throat.

John coughed while rubbing his throat. Then he saw Lena rose in front of him. Her chest and belly stained in blood, but her wound was closed. She healed after she landed on the floor. Super healing was part of her ability, although she couldn't regrow her limbs if she loses them. To kill her, her brain has to be destroyed. Good thing she has a thick skull. Her tank top barely ripped at the front, but not too revealing.


"Are you okay?" Lena asked.

John rose and cleared his throat. "I definitely need another shower."

Lena smiled. "Maybe I'll join you without being sneaky."

John chuckled, although he felt an icy shiver crawled up his spine. He took a shower with the ladies before, but he never got intimated with them before. All the showers back at the SPD were unisex and nobody cared about seeing wet male and female bodies scrubbed together. If someone got violated, the guards would lock that person up and sue him. Everyone respected one another, no matter what gender they were. And having fewer shower rooms kept the station on a good budget.

Copper approached Lena, glancing at her chest. "How are you fucking still alive?"

Lena pointed her finger at his red eye lens. "Zombie! Duuuuuuuhhh!"

Copper shook his body. "Zombies can't bloody heal!"

"Lena has super healing," John explained. "If you cut off her head, she will still talk."

Lena rolled her white eyes. "I hate that."

Copper rubbed his eye len. "This is bloody confusing!"

"We can explain more later. Do you know how far the station is from here."

Copper pointed his finger at the door across the grotesque macabre. "The station is close to the cafeteria. Just run through the hallway next and we should see it."


"Only one mile."

John smirked. "Piece of cake."

"Not if there are freaks in our path," Lena added.

John gritted. "You're right."

"Oh, don't you bloody act like a pain in the ass!" Copper picked up his rifle and clicked out. "Let's march out there and kick some serious arses!"

John nodded with a serious look. "Agreed."

While Lena and Copper were behind him, John approached the door and kicked it open. On the other side was the large cafeteria, but it wasn't pretty at all.

"Bloody hell!" Copper shouted as if he lost his motivation.

The diner was full of possessed, all inmates who lost their humanities. All of them were chewing on bones and human flesh at the tables. It wasn't as bad as the kitchen, but watching them eat body parts felt worse.

Lena gulped. "We are going to need more guns."

"Fuck that, we need a ram!" John exclaimed.

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