《Dark Wolf》Book Two: Chapter 15


John heard the shaft fell out after Lena pushed it.

The zombie girl gasped. "Gross!"

"What is it?" John asked.

"I'll…… Let you look." Lena crawled out and fell down, splattering onto the floor as she landed on her feet.

John crawled forward and stopped toward the end of the ventilation tunnel. The moment he peeked out, the moment his stomach reached his throat.

The room was a kitchen, but more like a cannibal butcher shop, run by a very messed up serial killer. Human body parts and flesh laid across every table and counter, all cut up into meat chunks. Blood painted the floor like a large puddle of red water, and limbs stood out in pots and pans. Organs laid on a cutting board too near a large machete, and naked headless human bodies hung upside down around the corners, dripping blood to the strained floor.

"Holy shit!" John shouted. "Did they ran out of cattle on this planet? Because this is seriously fucked up shit!"

Lena glared up at him, standing near a trash can, full of blood painted bones. "Just get down here."

Not like John has no other choice. The nuclear meltdown clock was still ticking.

John crawled out and landed on the floor, splashing in the blood. It was cold and sticky, sending shivers up John's spine. Demons truly love human flesh like drug addicts on crack.

"Fucking hell!" Copper levitated down toward John. "The janitor will piss himself here!"

“He will not be pissed because he’s probably dead,” said John.

Lena approached the table at the center of the table. She found a small bowl with chunks of brain matter, soaked in blood. “Mmmmmmmmh!”

She picked one flesh cube and threw it into her mouth. While chewing, she moaned with passion, like she was making love to the taste.


Copper hovered over the table, watching Lena consume the brain cubes. “Why the fuck are you eating that!? Those aren’t bloody meatballs!”

After Lena finished the bowl, she burped. Blood dripped down around her mouth. “I’m a zombie. I eat brains.”

“I thought zombies eat flesh.”

“It helps me control my hunger.”

“Oh! Like a diet pill.”

John narrowed his eyes at the robot. “You seem to know about monsters as a security drone. Who programmed you?”

Copper rubbed his head. “Well, I-”

John’s stomach groaned. He held up his finger. “Hold that thought.”

He approached the fridge and opened it. With relief, he found a shelf of fresh animal meat, two trays of vegetables, and drawers containing other natural ingredients. Even the punished must eat well to live through their sentences.

John grabbed a salami and chewed on it very fast, chewing like a beaver.

“How can you eat in here?” Copper exclaimed.

John glared at the robot, still chewing with his mouth full. “I’m hungry! If I don’t eat now, I will eat the corpses here!”

“You two are bloody ridiculous!”

“True.” When Lena placed the bowl down, an enormous blade shot out through her chest from behind.

John dropped the salami. “Lena!”

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