《Dark Wolf》Book Two: Chapter 13


"Copper, can we stabilize the power plant from here?" Lena asked.

The robot shook back and forth. "Bloody no! The power plant has its own control center there. You must head there to cool down the system manually."

"Why can't we shut it off instead?" John asked.

"That would be stupid as fuck! The power plant keeps everything running here with unlimited nuclear power. Without it, the entire planet will go blacker than your black ass. And without power, nothing can keep the nuclear core at normal temperatures. We're all fucked if we don't stabilize the blasted thing!"

Why the fuck do colonies use nuclear power? John never agreed nuclear power was an excellent energy source to keep an entire colony city running. If the nuclear plants were so dangerous, then why use them? There were plenty of alternate energy sources to use. Solar, oil, water, air, heat, and electricity. But too many dumbasses were running the intergalactic government.

John crossed his metal arms."How long do we have?"

Copper waved his arms up. "Two hours. Maybe less. Depending on how long the dumbass didn't check on it."

John gritted his teeth. "Fuck…… We have to get there first. How far is it?"

"It will only take half an hour on the train."

"Then we better keep our asses moving and pray it doesn't blow up." John sprinted back toward the door. "Let's move!"

"Just to be clear, I have no ass!" Copper shouted behind John.

They charged through the leftover carnage in the hallway and entered the freight elevator.

“Which level?” John asked.

"Level one," said Copper.

John pushed the button, and the doors closed. The elevator vibrated down slowly, making John wished it would move faster.


Suddenly, something snapped from the top outside, and then the elevator fell faster. John and Lena flew up, and their backs hit the ceiling. Copper hit John's crotch, making John scream.

Metal brakes outside screeched as the elevator slowly stopped. John fell to the floor first before Lena landed next to him. Copper pushed John off and levitated up. "Bloody hell!"

After John rose, he rubbed his arching crotch, which didn't last long. "What the fuck happened?"

Copper glanced up. "A sneaky bastard probably cut the line from the top. We can't go down further."


Lena approached the doors and yanked on them. Although she was super strong, the doors wouldn't budge open. "Crap, they're shut tight!"

John glanced at a square hatch on the ceiling. "How about through there?"

"The only way out, I suppose," said Copper. "If we are lucky, there might be a ventilation shaft at the top. We can go through there to reach the bottom."

John nodded. "If it is our only option, so be it."

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