《Dark Wolf》Book Two: Chapter 12


Lena clicked her pulse shotgun. "Let me push forward while you guns shoot them down."

John smiled at her, understanding what her plan was with her new weapon. "I like your fresh brain."

Lena giggled. "Eating brains keep my head fresh."

The zombie girl charged and pulled the trigger. She shot a clear crystal energy bubble that slammed into the possessed and exploded as it knocked them back.

When they hit the floor, John blasted them into pieces.

"Let me bloody kill those fuckers!" Copper hovered in front of John and blasted his rifle.

He shot each one that fell to the floor, firing fast.

John lowered his weapons, letting the robot do all the work so his Gatling guns could cool off. If he kept firing, his mechanic arms might melt off his shoulders. That would make him armless and vulnerable.

When they reached the end of the hallway, they left the walls and floor covered in blood and guts. Body parts and organs decorated the hall into a messy gore feast. They left a few bodies whole among the carnage in blood. Still, few corpses remained together.

Damn, and I didn't need to transform. John's guns and Lena's pulse shotgun did a nasty work without letting their hands get bloody. If the demons were smarter, they wouldn't attack without weapons.

Copper tapped on the security panel until the door opened. They entered a circular room with three rows of computer desks, facing a tall glass window. No bodies or blood stained the silver interior. Everything looked nice and clean.

"Nobody is here," said Lena.

"Nobody is stupid enough to stay while demons are killing everyone." Copper pointed at the window. "The main computer is at the front."

"Thanks." John approached the computer desk close to the window.


Through the clean glass window was the vast dark landscape of Planet Hades. No green forest or happy tropical vegetation. Just sharp giant spiky rocks, pointing at the inky sky full of purple swirling clouds. Green lightning flashed beneath the dark horizon, but no thunder echoed. With soundproof glass and the alarm ringing, nothing can be heard from the outside.

With a desolated environment with no food and water, Hades became the perfect place to keep all the prisoners in check. If anyone tried to escape, the cold harsh desert would starve them to death, or the hidden alien creatures will eat them alive. Only returning to their solidarity confinement will save their lives.

On the computer, John typed in the names of Kara and Alexis. With luck, their listening instantly said they were at the female jail compound, P-507. But the problem was, the compound was one hundred miles from the male jail compound. Too damn far to go on foot, and the rocky terrain would slow them down.

John sighed. "Fuck."

"Fuck, what?" Lena asked.

"We're too damn far away. Reaching them will take hours on foot."

"Then use the bloody transit," Copper suggested. "It can move anywhere on the monorail tracks in one hour."

"Is there a station here?" John asked.

"Below the compound outside, yes. It should be operational."

"Good, we will take it."

Lena stared at the computer. "Can you find out what happened here?"

John typed on the keyboard, searching for records on the incident. "Nothing. Only logs stating prison riots, mass murder, and people going insane. No clue where the demonic outbreak occurred."

Lena pointed at the monitor. "What is that flashy red bar?"

John clicked on it, and then a large warning message expanded.

"Ah, shit!" Copper shouted. "The bloody nuclear power plant is in critical mass!"

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Of course it's a bloody bad thing? If the power plant goes into a meltdown, we're all fucked! Fucked! Fucked! Fucked!"

John rubbed his forehead. "This crazy-ass bullshit keeps getting better and better."

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