《Dark Wolf》Book Two: Chapter 9


The creature stepped out from the shadow, appearing to be human-like the inmates. Pale, swollen, red eyes, and sharp teeth with long black dreadlocks. However, his arms were missing his hands, only bones sawed into blades, painted in blood. Either he was like that before, or he did that to himself after he got possessed.

Lena aimed her pulse shotgun, but John pushed it down.

"I'll take care of him," he said. "The beast is hungry."

The possessed screamed and charged, waving his bone bladed arms. In his eyes, there was nothing but fury and blood thirst that won't make him stop.

John huffed and puffed, reflexed his muscles, and gritted his teeth, thinking about letting the beast out. If he focused, he should transform. But he felt nothing, except the adrenaline pumping through his veins.

Before the possessed reached him, Lena blasted her shotgun, sending a clear crystal bubble energy projectile that slammed into the possessed's chest and exploded. The sonic boom force pushed the creature backward, slamming him into the wall near the door.

John glared at the zombie girl. "I told you I'll take care of him!"

Lena lowered her shotgun. "But I shot him with a non-lethal stun blast. That should give you time."

John noticed the possessed twitching on the floor. He looked like he was struggling to get up while having a seizure. While down, it should give John some time to transform.

"Here we go!" John gritted his teeth again and pumped his muscles until he finally snapped.

His face morphed narrow as brown fur sprouted across his flesh. Muscles grew bigger, fangs thickened, tail shot out from his back, and the pain burned throughout his hot skin. He thought he would be used to it, but perhaps being inside the hibernation tube for a while had softened him up. But it won’t stop his transformation.


John grew taller than the fallen possessed as his pants and boxer shorts exploded off his legs. After his spiky mane covered his entire thick neck from his wolf head, John howled at the ceiling. The pain then stopped, giving him relief for letting his inner beast come out. But he was still in control, thanks to Alexis for implanting the chip inside his head.

The possessed jumped to his feet and rubbed his blades.

“Come and get me, bitch!” John growled.

With a bloody grin, the psycho screamed and leaped toward John like a spider, raising his bladed arms up. The freaked landed on John as he stabbed his blades into the werewolf's shoulder blades.

John roared and bit the possessed's left arm bone. His firm jaw snapped the bone in half.

The freak back flipped off and landed on his feet, screaming at his broken arm.

John pulled the sharp bone out of his shoulder and tossed it to the ground. His wound closed on his flesh, leaving blood on his fur. "Sucks to feel pain in your host, huh?"

The possessed only hissed at him.

"I guess you don't care." John pounced the inmate to the floor.

While on him, John chewed the freak's neck off and threw the head to the corner.

"Holy shit!" Copper exclaimed. "No wonder they bloody put you into unconscious stasis! Fucking hell!"

The werewolf rose and wiped the blood off his muzzle. Naked, wet in gore, but returning to his wolf still relieved him.

"Uhhhhh, John," said Lena.

He turned to her, and she pointed her finger at his crotch. A big wow spread on her face with her mouth dropped. "You should…… Find clothes."

John brushed the blood off his board chest. "And a shower too."

Copper pointed his little metal finger at the door. "There is a locker room next door with a shower stall. If I have a stomach, I would be puking my ass off."

John chuckled in his deep-throated grunting tone.

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