《Dark Wolf》Book Two: Chapter 5


John peeked through the armory door, scanning the corridor. Nothing but stream fogging over the blood-stained floor. Maybe the hissing sound came from a gas leak from a damaged pipeline. But that still doesn't mean something was moving around through the hallway.

John stepped out, keeping his guns out, ready for blasting. If he has his P.KE. tracking device with him, the ghosts wouldn't catch him off guard. He needed to stay alert when his life depended on it.

Copper hovered behind him. "See anything?"

John lowered his guns. "Negative….. It must have been a -"

A shadow flashed past him.

John almost fired, but he only aimed without making a mistake. "Hey!"

The shadow vanished toward the end of the corridor. Whoever he was, he ran pretty damn fast.

John raced through the corridor as Copper followed him. At the end of the corridor, John stopped in front of a double door with broken windows on it. Bloody handprints and claw marks covered the door. Either something was trying to get through, or get out.

John kicked the door opened and rushed in without checking first. He marched into an enormous prison cell chamber with three floors. Barred cell doors stood across the walls around the large empty space at the center of the chamber.

When John stared forward, he spotted two inmates at the center, kneeling over a dead security guard’s body. As he stepped toward them, he noticed they were pulling out the guard’s guts from his open belly, and stuffing them into their mouths. Yuck!

The demons must be enjoying the taste of human flesh. They could feel anything inside their hosts, and they don’t care if they cannibalize their hosts.

John cleared his throat to keep his stomach down. “Hey!”

The possessed inmates turned toward him. Blood and flesh dripped down their shrunken, raw faces. They almost looked like zombies at a gore feast picnic.


John held out his arms. “Want some dessert? Well, here I am, suckers!”

The inmates hissed and charged toward John like cats.

He immediately blasted them into pieces, painting the floor red.

After he changed his guns back into his hands, something lifted him off the floor and placed a stiff metal collar around his neck. He got tossed to the floor, but he landed on all fours so he could jump back up.

A very tall inmate stood before him, holding a small remote device. Long black hair, muscular white shirtless body, and two fangs as big as tusks rose from his lower jaw. The inmate looked like a rock star who was thrown into prison for too much drug use. And he was bigger than John.

“Holy shit!” John aimed his left machine gun arm at the behemoth.

Before he fired, the prisoner pushed the remote, and the metal collar shocked him.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAH!” John fell to the floor, feeling his throat burn.

The behemoth laughed and marched toward John. Somehow that demon figured out how to use the shock collar on John. Well, all demons were fast learners. While possessing their host, they could read the host’s knowledge and use it toward their advantages. Possessed were quicker and smarter than zombies. But they still behaved like animals.

With the shock collar on, John doesn’t know if he will have a chance against the possessed behemoth.

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