《Game Master - Unlocked (Terror Infinity) (Old Version)》Alarm...(6)


He was turning into the lizard?

His hand was mottled green liking much like hand of a Komodo Dragon.

He shoved himself to his feet. Honestly surprised he hadn't died from the blast, the table did look and feel like it was made of sturdier material probably because it was in the testing range for weapons but it was still surprising.

Jin took out his earplugs, his ears ringing lightly. He heard the guy quietly stepping forward probably trying to see if Jin had survived or not.

He was annoyed, why couldn't he have been stupid like him and not double tapped. Stupid professionals, why do they have to be good at their job. He used his new claw-hand (?) to climb up onto the walls his hand barely making a sound as he perched on the ten foot tall wall, the metal catwalk a foot above him.

The Veteran stepped forward checking all the corridors. Not even looking up.

And they said video games were bad for you. He jumped down on top of him and stabbed in the neck killing him. Blood splattered against his clothes.

It was too fast.

The blood pooled around his body as it shuddered and after a minute, stopped.

He stood there staring at it, quiet revulsion feeling him.

He killed someone.


The smell, hit him and he almost couldn't believe what he felt.

He was hungry.

The shock of the hunger and the gut-wrenching feeling after killing him almost had him throwing up. He managed to keep it in.

For all of two seconds.

He sniffed his nose from the overwhelming smell garnered from his heightened sense.

After he finished he moped the place up and disposed of the body in a nearby incinerator. He used the flamethrower he had found in one of the rooms the key to them in the drawer of the desks after smashing their locks with a fire axe he borrowed, if he met his past self he would stab him for not thinking to check them, and started burning everything. Less evidence of him being here the better.


He wiped his face as he peered out of weapons room, the flames casting a flickering light into the gloom, now he needed to-

An unnatural roar bounded off the walls.

Yeah that.

Wasn't the lizard supposed to hiss? He had in all his comics, he idly wondered, there seemed to be some similarities and differences from this world and the one he had read about. Stepping into the gloom holding the half filled flamethrower in one hand and the AK he procured from the room in his other.

Where was Spider-Man? Was he dead? Again? Or was this the introduction where the Lizard killed a bunch of people and then Spidey heard about it and the story started from there.

His eye twitched.

At least there weren't a bunch of artist names floating around giving credit as they killed each other. That would've been annoying.

He pondered, 'Maybe I should just kill him? Even if he has a family, killing someone who doesn't have control of themselves would be horrible, but then again once he knows he was the one doing it he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he's anything like he is in the comics and if he wasn't then it he deserves to die. Besides he keeps turning into the scaly thing every other day, its wonder none of the organizations caught him and experimented on him.'

Then again even if he tried to kill him someone else would pop up and take his place as the lizard and who wouldn't be as benevolent and that was a variable that probably wasn't best left to chance.

Of course, he wondered why he should care about any of this. He should just leave this to the superheroes.

He paused.

Yeah, that was basically condemning people to die. People would die before someone took care of him, even if they were 'NPCs' it didn't stand right with him.


He smelled that...musky shed skin smell all reptiles had. It was coming from the entrance of the lobby. The shadows had devoured everything leaving Jin in the dark gloom with the pale moonlight shining through from the opening twenty stories up.

jin quietly stepped around checking his surroundings constantly to see if he would be ambushed. There was nothing, not even a breeze.

It was quiet.

He heard the whine of something metal moved by the mind. Jin walked towards the revolving doors and found them torn and shattered.

Jin lowered his gun.

He swore.

He had been careless he never assumed that he would escape so soon. The sky was spilling from a heavy black to a navy sea.

He had procured another truck from one of the delivery venues and left through the drive. He activated the remaining charges.

Leaving no evidence of his involvment or the fact this was the lizard who had done it especially with most of his notes destroyed, the rest in the usb. This universe was practically known for its obsession with DNA, cloning and other bio-experiments.

It was a fear that someday he would be looking at a face that was his and he wouldn't be standing in front of a mirror.

Ditching and blowing that up as it veered off the bridge and into the river was both satisfying and unnerving. He had never been that acrobatic, but with agility Jin knew he never posessed, drove the car towards the edge of the bridge, opened the door and jumped onto the side of the bridge, quickly navigating under it and out of view. He then set of the bomb inside when it was a foot above the water.

It was unnerving because now that he didn't have adrenaline coursing through his veins he realized what the formula was doing to him, albeit at a slower rate than the Dr. C.

It had told him nothing about changing into the lizard.

He also knew without it, he likely wouldn't be alive right now.

There really wasn't any reason he shouldn't do this alone, Spidey was probably used to dealing with his rogues and he was also a genius it would probably useful to find him. It wasn't like he couldn't ask for help, right?

Jin couldn't shake the feeling he was forgetting about something

'A large explosion took place at an Oscorp facility in South America today, fortunately the grounds had been cleared due to renuvations. In unrelated news a large animal has been let loose and has slashed a great number of people, so far there have been no casualties.'

Peter turned off the tv as he processed this. Sure, the events have nothing to do with each other. Any investigator worth their name would make the connection the evidence to support it would be hard to come by after the fiesta he had thrown.

Then again he was probably expecting to much, newsreporters usually reported partial truths. He was almost relieved when no one showed up after a week in a suit asking him to come with them after threatening his aunt. It wouldn't do well to let people found out who he was. Like Harry. Or worse his dad. He wanted to graduate, grow old and die before handling that minefield.

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