《Game Master - Unlocked (Terror Infinity) (Old Version)》Alarm... (2)


I tried to find some information to at least understand something about this company. I looked through the papers but they might as well have been gibberish. The papers had barely made any sense and he had gone through some extensive schooling under his dad.

Jin managed to understand that they were research papers for bio-weaponry, something about plants.

A few talked about animals, one talked about how the Spiders had been a success and the mammal family was coming along nicely.

It had seemed he had hit the jackpot, if only he could understand what the more complex stuff meant.

There was a scream from down the hall.

I didn’t know which way it came from so I ran in the most likely direction it could be coming from, the group that wanted out from this building.

The screaming increased in pitch, others joined her.

I pounded down the hallway and suddenly slipped on something liquid slid to a stop.

I knew it was probably what I didn’t want it to be.

Yet I still held up the liquid in the moonlight and found it shining red.

Another scream from further down the hall and then silence.

I’ve seen enough horror movies to know where this was going.

Before I could even think to move gunfire erupted inside the room.

I took cover. A number of explosions went off and a hiss that I had heard anacondas make in zoos. I could’ve imagined it but it sounded like it had been pain.

All I knew was I had to find somewhere else to hide. There was no way I was going to be killing that monster. I didn't have a weapon strong enough. I took shelter in one of the room that had a keep out sign and bunch of other warm colours. I burst in and shut the door behind me. I found a few tables and shoved them towards the door. I couldn’t see very well since the room didn’t have any windows but from the faint light coming from a computer monitor left on I managed to navigate the maze of workshops.

There wasn’t much here, that looked to be a light switch but I found a few lamps that I turned on.

The last of the lamps turned on I looked around the room.

I realized it wasn’t a where the people with desk jobs worked like I originally assumed.

It was the weapons testing facility!

Like a kid in a candy shop, I whooped with glee, professionally of course.

He noted the strange rooms in the back, most without ceilings as there was a metal catwalk above. Some had glass walls with one of the them concrete and a small table for objects to be destroyed on.


There were oddly shaped guns that looked like a few sci fi weapons I had been familiar with. A few were in a slick black like most modern weapons looked. There to my left, there was a wall of glass. Behind the glass was a target and a table with an assortment of guns on it. They looked to be past the will-explode-on-contact and in the safe-for-testing phase.

It was probably dangerous picking those up with anyone supervising but with Mister Tall, Green and likely to rip my spleen out, out there prowling the grounds. I needed all the advantages I could get. Even if it had been killed I didn’t really trust the people in army fatigues.

Better safe than dead.

It wasn’t like I hadn’t ever fired a gun before but I wasn't exactly a master either, I was only an expert with handguns.

I messed around with each one trying to see which one would be appropriate. It was likely this entire area was sound proof, other wise that would've been quite the design flaw because he found it hard to believe that a facility this advanced would forget something like that. It would disturb the others working here.

To make sure I checked the nearby manuals for do's and don'ts and found I was right. Though it told me to wear the specialized earplugs to avoid hearing loss. There were some really stupid don'ts, like don't point an armed explosive launcher at someone else, don't stick your finger in a loaded gun or his favourite and the one I didn't understand the most was don't lick them.

The last one made me almost lose my faith in humanity. It amazed me sometimes when even in this facility where these guns were accessable by the most gifted of people, there were still people who pulled stupid stunts like this.

I decided to go with the cluster grenade launcher and the one that shot immobilizing glue-like substances. I dubbed it the Immobilizer 3000.

It was better to go for something that could get it in one blow. The purpose of the other one was to slow it down or narrow the environment down enough that I could hit it accurately with the cluster grenade launcher (CGL).

Jin had suspected everything in the room to be incredible tough so he had tested it out. Even the glass walls were niegh indestructible. It came to him as a surprise when on a whim, he fired on the table the guns were on and its didn’t even have a scratch.

He didn’t what store sold this type of furniture but he wondered if they also made chairs. He had always wanted an indestructible workshop. Tinkering with explosives and mechanical devices, and every time they were destroyed when something went off.


Even if he worked from a distance it was incredible irritating finding a new table and rebuilding the robot arms that helped him work. He had almost wanted to take it with him. But sighed when he remembered he still had a job to do.

Armed with my Immobilizer and CGL I sat in one of the chairs and thought about what I should do now. It was unlikely that I would receive any help.

With everyone (most likely) dead, I kind of felt guilty. I hadn’t even tried to tell them, or help them. If I had would they have…

I shook my head. It was better to stay focused I would worry about all that when I was safe.

I tried to see the situation objectively. Escaped Human-Lizard Hybrid with enhanced physicality inside the Oscorp’s research facility.

I then remembered who was the head of the company. Osborn. What would he do? Actually, the better question would be what wouldn’t he do. It was likely he would try to capture the Lizard and then try to erase me, and the other two if they survived. How he would do it, would be assassination or…wait, he might just pin all the murders on me!

It’s not that unlikely that he wouldn’t considering that he used his own son in some of his plans.

The mission had told us we had a month, and with our weaponry and physicality I doubted we would be able to defeat it here. It was best to think long term for the just-in-cases.

I had to escape before morning, or before one of them tripped the alarms. How those hadn’t gone off yet, I didn’t know.

No, it was more unlikely those hadn’t gone off. Maybe they had…Silent Alarms.

A place as high tech as this would definitely have alarms. The…uh, I wasn’t sure what to call the thing that brought us here. The soldiers had called it. I took out my notepad, what had they called it-Oh, right. The Game Master.

It wanted us to either kill the Lizard or Survive for one month. I highly doubted my ability in killing that death machine. I’d rather fight a real alligator barehanded.

Then this universe would be the Game World itself? It sounded so…wrong. I didn’t think we were restricted to the Facility, but I wondered if we were really allowed to leave.

There was no information on whether or not -

My thoughts braked and I said aloud, “System, Status, Info, Information.”

At Information, a translucent window popped up.

The same one that had in the beginning.

……..…….. ……..…….. ……..…….. ……..…….. ……..…….. ……..…….. ……..…….. ……..…….. ……..…….. ……..……..

Main Mission: Survive or Kill the Escaped Experiment

Difficulty: Low C 11

World: Marvel Universe

Time Limit: One Month

Side Missions:

Tutorial for New Players – Now Locked ? ? ? ….

Points: Pending

……..…….. ……..…….. ……..…….. ……..…….. ……..…….. ……..…….. ……..…….. ……..…….. ……..…….. ……..……..

This didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know.

Time Limit. One month.

I realized I would have to kill the Lizard. Or at the very least stop him.

If he escaped people would die, and I wasn’t sure if ol’ Web and Mask had even set up shop yet. Each variation of the comics had him start at different times, and sometimes he didn’t.

I hoped this was one of those where he did-

Wait, if I met him early on I could save his Uncle!

But then he might not go on to save others…

Naw, he wasn’t that kind of guy. All I had to do was convince him, it wasn’t like anyone knew about his powers in the first place, so going through it alone, he thought the best thing for it to do, was get rich and famous…

Okay, focus.

I’m just going to leave all that for when-if-I survive.

I decided to think about escape for now, and worry about trapping Mr. Green later.

I didn’t know which way I had to go to get out of here. This place was gigantic, there wasn’t exactly a map of the place laying around.

I didn’t want to, but I considered using the computer, if Osborn hadn’t noticed then he would now. He would either:

Tip off the cops-Unlikely Watch- He'd probably crack out some popcorn Ring up his own private militia, sip some wine and then watch his soldiers beat me up and die trying to get Mr. Green. Then proceed to massproduce it and sell it for millions, and take over the world...

None of them I liked. If he knew where I was then he would definitely try to find how I got in here and I doubted he would use the Good Cop, Bad Cop Interrogation technique.

I doubted he would believe me if I said I just woke up here.

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