《Cursed Armor Reincarnation》Chapter 6: Registration at Last
Tyler was still glaring at Rune when the others arrived at their location. Everyone else seemed to have met up before they reached the meeting area and a wave of monsters entered the area. Then they turned into humanoid creatures and walked over to them.
They joined the group and several of the guys started to look a Sophia. Orion had come up to her and started to try and flirt with her when she backed up and stood behind Rune.
The people who agar just arrived looked to see that Orion walked up to the beautiful girl and tried to make a move on her, but she moved behind Rune. Confused people started to wonder who she was as they hadn’t seen her before in their lives.
Some people were about to speak when they all heard a woman’s voice in their mind. It was Ms. Flustern who started to talk.
Orion started to yell at Rune. He jabbed at his armor and seemed to speak in a threatening tone.
“I bet I am more powerful than you! I bet you can’t even protect her as well as I could!”
Orion sneered at him before continuing. It seemed like Rune was the main person they would pin their anger on.
“I became level 10! What are you!? Level 6?”
“That’s not true!! He is level 14!!”
Sophia started to yell to defend Rune, but he held up his hand to stop her from antagonizing the angered classmates even more. However, it seemed that he couldn’t stop her from yelling out his level.
Everyone’s face paled as the heard his level. It took over at least 275,000 experience points to reach that level and most people in this world couldn’t reach it in about two months like Rune had. Even then, there were easier ways to earn experience points by cooking, creating potions, or blacksmithing, but only killing monsters gave a large amount of experience.
The reason why people didn’t normally get to level 14 was because they didn’t want to risk their lives in order to get it. If one became an adventurer and only killed goblins to get to level 14, they likely couldn’t pay for their necessities and they would have to grind at least 5,500 goblins.
He knew that he was too strong for anyone in the class to go against him when he saw that everybody had reacted to that last comment. At least, since the last battle with Will, nobody would likely challenge him.
“Oi, hey Rune, does your girlfriend have any friends or people she could introduce me to?”
Tyler was trying to get a girlfriend and be more like a normie. In this case, he seemed especially desperate.
Tyler groaned and slowly got out of his chair. He walked up to Sophia who was now crowded by the other girls in the class.
When he saw them, he quickly turned around and sat back down. He was now in a worse mood.
“Yeah, I found people, but there dwarves. Where did you find animal eared people?”
Tyler was so loud that several people turned to look at him. He quietly shrunk back in his seat and sighed.
“Yeah, course they did. It was even more advanced than our world in some aspects! They had gunpowder, but only used it to power their machines. They had these large mechs which they used to dig in the ground and fight monsters, but they can’t use magic at all.”
Rune’s conversation was cut short when Ms. Flustern started to use telepathy. She floated into the air and looked at her class plus Sophia.
People started to raise their hands an Ms. Flustern called on them to talk. It seemed like Rune could learn something from this.
“Guilds can give you a class or job and those classes can give you better attributes or skills that relate to them. When you meet a requirement for that class, you can get a new class if you pay money. The only way to choose a class is to put your hand on an orb and it determines what classes you can get. For example, a magicless person can not become a mage.”
“This continent is mainly ruled by the Storveld empire in this continent called Suthelling. There are four other continents in which there are other empires. The continents seem to form a strange pentagon if you connect lines from each of them. Humans mostly make up Suthelling and live up to two hundred years due to the high abundance of magic.
It seems that there are continents where different races control each of them, or at least most of them. There is the elven kingdom where wood elves are regular elves. There are high elves who are highly respected and can use great magic and the dark elves who are discriminated against. High elves live up to four thousand years, regular elves live up to two thousand years and dark elves live anywhere from one thousand to seven thousand years depending on the other parent’s race.
Another is country where dwarves rule. They have high wall surrounding them and seem to have underwater ships according to most which are likely submarines. Little is known about them as they isolated themselves a couple thousand years ago. They seem to have other dwellings in other continents, but these groups don’t seem to work together. They live for about five hundred years.
Beast people, or demi-humans, are in one continent. While there, humans are inferior to them while, here, the demi-humans are deemed inferior. They can live from two hundred to one thousand years depending on their animal type.
Lastly, demons make up the last continent. They prefer the term majin and are usually neutral unless provoked. They are superior to humans in intelligence, strength, and magic, but lack ambition. They are discriminated against as well due to the demon war three thousand years ago. They, nowadays, focus on bettering their magic or sell themselves as mercenaries.
Majin are usually different from each other and carry traits of devils and demons from the abyssal astral plain.”
“There are other humanoids other than humans, elves, beast people, majin, and dwarves. There are the lizard men of the swamps who share no connection with the beast people. Vampires lurk in the shadows of human cities. Lamia are a race of women with serpent tails for legs. Titans are slightly larger than humans and four times as strong so they have made fortresses of large stones and rock. Giants are like colossuses whose heights can reach the treetops. Dhampirs are born when vampires and humans have relations.”
“There are gods here that seemed to each have a religion. Lathander, the one who brought us here, is the god of birth and renewal. Kelemvor is the god of death. And there are many more.”
It seemed like all that wanted to be said was spoken. The class was now more informed of the world and the races that make it up. However, even with this knowledge, they didn’t know everything.
Ms. Flustern had said her goodbyes and started to head off in the direction of the desert. Ari and Brittany and Ian went to fly over towards the mountain. Everybody else had left to go back to where they had come from, but Tyler walked up to Rune.
“You gonna take me?”
“I am level 8.”
At the edge of the forest, they had come to a road and Rune was pointing to the horizon. He was making sure Tyler saw where he was pointing and Tyler started to move in that direction.
“He is your friend, right?”
“They won’t like that, but, if you want, you can touch my ears.”
Her face was turning red and she squeezed her eyes shut as she tilted her head towards Rune. He moved his hand and patted her head. She smiled lightly and they walked to the side of the road.
The walk wasn’t terribly long as they started to see the capital. The couple made a bit of small talk as they approached.
“Only once to get the alchemist class. When I was there, it was quite beautiful. We could sightsee around it!”
“I don’t know, but we could just walk around. There is one place that I want to go to for dinner though.”
By the time he said this, Sophia was smiling at him cheerfully and they came upon the gates. There were four guards clad in shiny steel armor and carried greatswords. They seemed to look down on Rune as he approached them.
“We would like to enter the capital please.”
“The fee is one silver.”
The guard had a gruff voice and had a permanent scowl on his face. He was looking a Sophia as she spoke to him.
Sophia handed him a silver coin and the two of them moved passed him. There was another line next to them that had people pulling horses and wagons into the city. Out of the corner of his vision, Rune could see several suspicious people integrated in the line. They were moving their hands towards bulges in their coat pockets.
Does everything I do start an event? First, there was a goblin king. Next, there was a noble knight girl who needed to be saved. Now there are people who are probably bandits.
There seemed to be eight people who suddenly drew knives and skewered the guards too quickly for them to react. The four who had killed the guards started to take their stuff and the other four started to take hostages.
“I beg you, please spare my life!”
Rune could hear three screams and a bandit moved behind him. The person used his long knife and removed his helmet as he tried to decapitate him.
“Hahaha!! That’s what you get for not being vigilant!”
The bandit started to grab Sophia when a sharp force skewered the hand that was nearing her. The bandit grunted as he felt his hand stop and pain sear into him. He turned to see Rune holding his head in his left hand and using his right to stab the man’s wrist.
The person backed up and stumbled onto his rear. He was too scared to speak and he tried to back up. Rune, on the other hand, was reaching into his storage and pulled out his chain sword. He held it up to the person’s neck, placing his neck in between two teeth on the sword.
He activated [Lightning Grip] and the sword started to move. The teeth ran through his neck and continued to have blood poured onto it. The man was soon decapitated and blood gushed into the air
Several attackers looked at him as he pulled the other blade from, what seemed like, thin air. The swung his wind and lightning blade and a man became halved even though he was outside of the blade’s reach. Then Rune swung it several more times with such precision that he only decapitated the other six attackers. The hostages were safe.
Everyone stared at him in awe and admiration as he sheathed his dual swords in his magical storage. There was silence, but it was soon interrupted when two guards ran over to them and started to scream at Rune.
“Did you kill the guards? We are going to have to arrest you!”
“No! He saved us from the bandits who killed the guards. See!”
A person who used to be a hostage was defending Rune and several people started to join her. It was the least they could do to help Rune after he saved them.
“Sorry about the misunderstanding! Please forgive us!”
The guards were apologizing to Rune and were bowing down as far as they could. It seemed that they only saw a man in bloody armor and assumed that he murdered the four guards.
“Of course!”
They were to busy apologizing that they didn’t realize that he was using telepathy to talk to them. They let him and Sophia pass them and they entered the capital.
The gates they went through were large enough to fit a gargantuan sized beast through and there were crowds of people jamming their way into the capital. It took some time, but they managed to enter and they were greeted by an amazing sight.
There were people of different races, dragonborn, elves, humans, beast people, and more. The city was lively and people sold their wares in stores and in portable booths around the streets. There were carriages in the roads and had different beasts pulling them.
They stopped at a billboard with a map of the entire capital on it. It seemed that there were five different districts. An Adventurer’s District, Eating District, Merchant’s District, Noble District, and Living District.
It seemed extremely clear that they could find an adventurer’s guild at the Adventurer’s District. They started to move through the crowd of people until they reached the adventurer’s guild. They both entered and could immediately feel several eyes fall upon them.
“Hello, who might you be?>
“Oh my! Telepathy!”
Several heads turned to look at him and tried to see if he was using magic or had a telepathy stone on him. They couldn’t find it as he had absorbed it and gained the effects.
“Here. Just fill this out and we will choose your class if you don’t have one.”
Rune started to fill out the paperwork. He put in his name and weapon of choice, but there wwas one problem.
“Yes, you do. Why, is there something wrong?”
He became silent and he put in “human” for his race as he did used to be human at one point. He handed the woman his form and she took him to a room in the back. Unfortunately, Sophia couldn’t come with him and had to wait at a table.
The woman led him down a hallway and she took out a key. She put it into a slot in the metal door and turned it. She used some force and pushed the door open.
“Here, just place your hand on this orb and this crystal plate will tell you which classes you can choose. Tap on one of them on the plate.”
Rune placed his hand on the orb and it started to list off jobs.
“It seems like you could be a blacksmith, berserker, cryomancer, lightning general, enchanter, soldier, alchemist, thief, dark paladin, samurai, ninja, mage killer, mage, wizard, sorcerer, warlock, cleric, pyromancer, water spiritualist, earthen guard, hunter, butcher, and a dark hero.”
She sighed, exhausted from saying all the classes in a single sentence.
“That is amazing!! You could be a-”
He definitely went against what seemed like the most powerful class and became an enchanter. The reason why he wanted a class like an enchanter was because his body was just armor. If he could enhance armor with the enchanter class, then he could enhance his body.
“O-oh. I see… Thank you for your choice.”
She was speaking while being in a confused state. They left the room and she locked it behind her. Then they reached the main hall and Rune saw that Sophia was being hit on by three guys.
They seemed to be trying to say that Rune was weak and that she should join their party, but Rune had other plans. Rune grabbed two people’s shoulders and started to use telepathy.
He started to cast a weak [Lightning Grip] and the two people backed up as far away as they could. The third man, however, looked at him and scoffed. He drew his blade and started to run at Rune, several women behind him were cheering.
I’ll beat the heck out of this guy, the normie. You will rue the day you messed with…
Rune couldn’t finish the thought when the man chucked his sword into his stomach. Rune looked down surprised.
The blade seemed to be long and the hilt was made of gold and some blue jewels. The blade itself was a cold blue color and seemed to give off an evil aura.
“Yes, that is my cursed weapon, Iram! It was made when a frost giant was killed and its soul fused with an already powerful blade. Only I can truly master its strength with my… Hey!!”
He started to yell as he saw that Iram was slowly being pulled farther into Rune and was being absorbed.
He gave a little nonchalant shrug as the armor repaired itself immediately after absorbing Iram. He was definitely lying about his [High Absorb] being passive. He just wanted to take a cursed sword and this guy was being pretty annoying.
The man yelled in tears and her fell to his knees and pounded on the ground. It seemed like he was nothing without Iram.
Things went better for Rune in the adventurer’s guild than expected. He gained [Enchant], [Low Analyze], and [Iram’s Curse]. Apparently, he was not able to create small blades jutting out from his body at will and his armor now had immediate repair as a passive skill. His [Frozen Touch] also became [Iram’s Grip].
Sophia and him stepped out of the adventurer’s guild. People could hear wailing coming from within the guild building as he left.
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