《Beyond The Worlds[BTW]》Ch 58: Treasure?


Mari, Ryuu and Naomi asked the Elder for some information. They ended up discovering that the name of the city they were in was Khaso. Khaso was in North America, that is, very far from Japan. They also managed to acquire some general information about this world and also obtained food.

"Bye Ossan." Mari said goodbye to the old man, with a smile on her face.

"Well, take care. Try to be more prudent in your actions." The old man said goodbye to Mari, Naomi and Ryuu.


"Are we going straight to Japan?" Mari asked. They were much further away from Japan than they thought. It would probably take days to arrive if they went full speed; however, they didn't have the stamina for it.

"We'll make a few rest stops along the way." Ryuu replied.



With a Sonic boom, they departed for Japan.


Mari, Naomi and Ryuu had been running for 1 hour. They were reaching the country's border.

"Let's take a coffee break." Ryuu suggested.

"Good." Naomi and Mari agreed. They stopped in a small town and rented 3 hotel rooms. The hotel was quite luxurious. Ryuu had already stolen money from some people in Khaso City, specifically the mayor.


Mari entered her room, with an expression of curiosity. She checked some rooms and found this place quite pleasant.

'I better take a shower.' Mari had been feeling a little uncomfortable these past few days. It had been a while since she had bathed. She cleaned her body using magic; however, she missed taking a shower the "normal" way.

"So this is what they call a shower?..." Mari found this invention very practical. She used to bathe in lake, rivers or in buckets; however, she didn't like it, because her privacy wasn't guaranteed. Despite finding the shower sensational, she decided to take a bath.


"So good!!" Mari felt very relaxed. The bath water was at the perfect temperature.

Mari closed her eyes, memories of her past taking over her mind.


"Mari, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

"Obaa-san, I will be a great adventurer!! I will make all monsters fear me!" Mari replied, with a charming smile.

"Hahaha, this is my little girl. I bet you will be a great adventurer." Her grandmother replied, with a weak laugh.


"Obaa-san… your granddaughter has grown up… I wonder if… are you proud of me?" Mari muttered, with a lonely expression. She missed her grandmother. She also felt hate when she remembered her past, when she was too weak to protect what she loved.

*Tock!* *Tock!*

"Mari, are you there?" Naomi asked as she knocked on the door.

"Huh? I'm here! What happened?" Mari asked, with a confused expression.

"Hurry up, we need to leave."

"Eh?!" Mari was so lost in thought that she didn't even see the time pass.

"I am going!" Mari put on her clothes and left the room.


"Why did you take so long?" Naomi asked. Mari had been inside the bathroom for several hours.

"Well, the bath was comfortable, I ended up losing track of time." Mari replied.

"Let's go, we still have a long way to go." Ryuu said.


They left for Japan again.


Some hours later.

"This place is weird…" Mari said. They were very close to leaving North America and heading towards Europe; however, they ended up running into a strange place along the way. The place was like a mausoleum; however several ship sculptures surrounded the area.

"What is this? Is it homage to something?"



While they were thinking about it, the ground started to shake. They were confused by the situation.


The floor in an area of ​​several square meters was completely destroyed.

"Stand back!" Ryuu warned.


Another explosion happened; however, this time, a passage appeared. At the end of the passage, a red portal was created.

"What the hell?! Is this a portal?!" Naomi was confused. She has never seen this kind of situation happen.

"Stay on your guard! Something might come out of the portal!" Ryuu warned.



When Mari tried to speak, she heard a Bell in her head. She had never heard that bell; however, she instinctively knew what it was.

"Wealth!" She said.

"Mari?!" Naomi and Ryuu looked at Mari with confused expressions.

"There's a treasure inside that portal! Let's get it!" Mari said, with an excited expression.

"Not!" Ryuu immediately denied it.

"I also find it very… risky." Naomi said.


"No! I cannot allow that. We will not enter this portal until we know it is safe." Ryuu said, with a determined expression. His words could have a lighter weight than Shin's; however, Naomi also agreed with his decision.


"Naomi, can you do something about this?" Mari asked. She was very curious about the treasure and didn't want to give it up just yet.

"Well… I think I can try."

Naomi closed her eyes and began to imagine the magic she wanted to do. She concentrated her mana on the earth. The earth began to grow and take on a humanoid shape. After 1 minute, a golem was formed.

"A golem? That's interesting; however, what are you going to do with it?" Ryuu asked. The golem had no conscience, so it would be useless.

"Well, I'll try to do something similar to what Shin did with the light spider." She would try to create a connection with the golem, but for that she would use her skill.

"Connection." She used her ability and connected her consciousness to the golem. It was a little difficult at first, but she could get used to it after a while.

"Incredible!" Mari was delighted when she saw the golem move according to Naomi's commands.

"Can you connect your consciousness to the golem?" Ryuu asked.

"Yes, but I'm not sure the connection will work once he's inside the portal; however, we can still try." Naomi said.

"Good." Ryuu nodded.


"This place is…" All Naomi could see was an endless sea. Several ships were in the middle of the sea, but there was no one on the ship. She tried to put the golem's foot in the seawater, but the golem's foot melted instantly.

"What the hell is this?"

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