《Beyond The Worlds[BTW]》Ch 49:new skills


1 week passed in the training room.

"I hate these training sessions!" Naomi commented with a tired expression.

"Well, we had good earnings so it was worth it." Mari said.

Ryuu didn't say anything, because he was used to intense training, so it doesn't make much difference to him.

"I feel so much stronger." Airin said with a smile.

"This training is very good." Aka also gained a lot from the training.

Aka and Airin still weren't as strong as Mari and the others; however, they have improved a lot.

"These rooms that 'Origin' makes are very bizarre, it seems I trained there for a lot longer than 1 week." Naomi said with a confused expression. They were already training in the rooms 2x before; however, the rooms that "Origin" creates are downright bizarre.

"Well, she said the rooms are special." Shin replied.

[You can see your new abilities.]

Everyone was excited when they heard the words "Origin".

"Status." 6x


•Mari Sekiguchi

New skills:

Wealth Sense: You can sense locations of treasures and rare items.

Advanced element: electricity


*only in your certain specializations*

martial arts: specialist

fencing: specialist

magic: specialist


"Certain specializations?" Mari asked with a confused expression.

[Domains involve many things, for example, one person may have an expert domain on the element of darkness, while another person may have an expert domain on the light element.]

"I see, so there are people with different specializations, even practicing the same thing (magic)." Shin said.

[Exactly! There are different types of martial arts, swordplay, magic, etc. The domain will only be valid in your certain specializations.]

[The status shows the level of art you have the most mastery, so if you have a specialist domain in the light element and a master domain in the dark element, the Status will show that you have a master domain in magic (only in its specialization and not in all the magic).]

"What will it show if someone has a full domain in some area?" Shin asked.

[I'll cite some examples]



Situation 1: Person "X" has dominion over all existing flames.



Omni-Fire Meta


Situation 2: Person "Y" has dominion over all existing flames but on a smaller scale



Omni-Fire Master



Meta(domain level) Omni(all) Fire(area of ​​specialization)


[You can see your domains in more detail later. Did you understand the explanation?]

"Yes!" 6x

"Well, let's keep checking the statuses."


• Ryuu Yamazaki

new skills:

Oni(Imperfect) Physiology: Possesses the ability to partially use the abilities of the Oni.


*only in your certain specializations*

martial arts: master


"You have achieved a master domain." Shin said with a smile.

"It was complicated." Ryuu replied with a weak smile.

"Oni Physiology?" Naomi asked with a confused expression.

[He can change his body to an Oni. His abilities increase in this form. It also maintains its human appearance; however, he will likely still have some Oni characteristics.]

"It's a very good skill." Shin commented.


• Naomi Aoki

New skills:

Connection: can connect with nature.

Advanced element: sacred


*only in your certain specializations*

magic: master


"Your new skill is quite versatile." Shin commented. Naomi's "Link" was an extremely versatile skill. She could communicate with nature, be "part" of it, etc.

"You got a master domain too." Shin said.

"Fufufu, as expected from me." Naomi flashed a smile.

"Next." Shin ignored Naomi's narcissism and saw the next status.


• Airin Homilion

New skills:

Weapon Handling: Can handle blades made of any material (depends on proficiency).

Improved Swordsman: Sword proficiency at the peak of expert mastery. Possesses the ability to use various sword arts.

Blade materialization: can materialize swords.

Basic element: water


*only in your certain specializations*

fencing: specialist

martial arts: advanced


"Onii-Sama…" Airin was apprehensive when his status was shown. She wanted to surprise Shin; however, she realized that the status of others was too incredible. Airin didn't want to let him down, so she tried to do the best she could.

Shin put his hand on Airin's head. Airin closed her eyes apprehensively; however, she felt a comfortable feeling in his head.


"You did well. I'm proud of you." Shin said with a smile. He was really surprised by the growth of this girl.

"Onii-Sama…" Airin blushed and looked away. Shin continued stroking her head as he waited for the next status screen.

"She's grown up a lot." Mari said.

"In fact." Naomi agreed

"Hm… 'Origin', can you tell us about Aka's Awakening?" Shin asked. They had seen the Awakening of Aka; however, they didn't know very well about him.


• Aka Shirai (before training)

Awakening: devouring (rare)

Increases affinity with flames

Evolutionary Awakening: consumes special flames to evolve Awakening.


Basic element: fire


[Her Awakening can evolve if certain conditions are met. It can also consume other flames to increase its rank.]

"I understand."



• Aka Shirai (after training)

Awakening: devouring (epic)

Increases affinity with flames

May consume higher degree flames


Basic element: fire

Advanced element: dark

Elemental variant: dark flame


*only in your certain specializations*

magic: master

martial arts: advanced


Aka ran towards Shin. She didn't get her pats today; however, Shin was patting another girl, so Aka was angry this time. When her status surfaced, she decided to take this chance to receive rewards.

"Well…" Shin looked at Aka who suddenly took her hand. He didn't understand this girl's fetish; however, she worked hard, so she deserved her rewards.

"Hehe." Aka smiled when she received her pats. She felt this getting better and better.

'Tomorrow I should prove it.' Aka decided to "sacrifice" for the sake of her experiments.

"Let's see the latest status." Shin said.


• Shin Akash

New skills (including those gained before training):

• Before training:



Advanced element: ice

Elemental variant: white flame


• after training:

Key element: Yin


*only in your certain specializations*

Fencing/Miscellaneous Weapons: Master

martial arts: master

magic: master

supernatural: specialist


"As expected from our leader; however, when did you acquire telepathy and telekinesis?" Mari asked curiously. Everyone knew that Shin had been given equipment that provided telekinetic and telepathic capabilities; however, Shin can use these abilities without the equipment at this point.

"I used the equipment for a while; however, I ended up developing these skills on my own, so I kept the equipment." Shin replied. He also learned the element of ice, because he constantly used the element of water in his battles.

"Onii-Sama, you are so amazing!" Airin said with her eyes shining.

"I have to take care of you all after all." Shin had a feeling the group could grow, so things will probably get more hectic.

[This training will be a foundation for future training. From this point on, things will get more complicated for you, especially in the domain issue.]

"In the domain?"

[Yes, it will be very difficult to move up to the next levels of mastery. The Divine and Meta level are levels that even the gods have difficulty reaching, so you need to work a lot.]

"Aren't the gods born with absurd powers? How can they have a hard time achieving anything?" Naomi asked.

[The gods are just mighty beings. There are beings with powers far superior to the gods, so superior that they consider them mere ants.]

"This…" Naomi tensed a little as she thought about the power of these people.

[Don't think about it too much, you're still growing.]

"The 'Origin' is right. Don't compare yourself to others. You are you, he is he." Shin said. All were still in the development stage, so there's no point thinking about these things.

"Our destructive capabilities haven't changed significantly, but we've still improved a lot, so cheer up."

Even though Shin's destructive power hadn't changed significantly, his fighting power had improved a lot, because he now had more skills and techniques at his disposal.

"You're right." They got excited again.

"Well, 'Origin' said we would have a mission. When will it be?" Shin asked.

[In some days. Be ready.]

"Good." Shin nodded and decided to head back to his house.

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