《Beyond The Worlds[BTW]》CH 44: Virtual Reality


Virtual reality?


"Finally it's over." Shin said after finishing all negotiations.

"Master, you did very well." Haze said

"Well, let's go back." Shin would sleep and return home the next day.


"I'm at home." Shin opened the door and entered; however, he was a little surprised when he saw Akira sleeping near the door.

"Master looks like she was waiting for you." Haze commented.

"What a silly girl." Shin said, with a smile on his face. He picked Akira up and carried her to her room.

"Brother?!..." Akira opened her eyes a little and was surprised when she saw Shin in front of her.

"Sleep, you have class tomorrow." Shin hugged her waist and stroked her head.

"Brother… I…" Akira fell asleep before finishing her words; however, she still had a smile on her face. It had been a long time since she slept with him, so she ended up having sweet dreams tonight.


Shin got up with a lot of difficulties, because Akira didn't want to let go of her body. Akira would have school today; however, Shin decided not to wake her up, as she was too tired.

"Haze, how's the app going?" Shin asked.

"Master, our messaging app (SkyLine) already has millions of downloads. The video hosting app (Sky-lives) keeps growing continuously." Haze passed his report.

"That's good. Hopefully, we can start our gaming business in a few weeks." Shin plans to start his game company.

"Master, what will you do today?" Haze asked.

"Let's take a walk." Shin said with a smile.

"A ride?"

"Yes, it will be fun."


Hisoka was sitting in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. He suffered great losses because of the recent incident; however, he managed to resolve the issue.

'Who the hell did this?' Hisoka thought it would be the Kobayashi sisters; however, he still had his doubts.

'Was it that guy?' Hisoka thought about Shin.

'No, it's impossible for that guy to do that.' He didn't think Shin had enough power to do that. The people who went after Shin on his orders disappeared; however, Hisoka thought Shin's security guards ended up killing them.

'It was those bitches!' Hisoka was sure Maya and Mya were involved in this. He clenched his fists in anger and thought of some solution.


"Sister, he didn't come to school today." Mya said a frown. She thought Shin was a very irresponsible young man.

"Humph!" Mya snorted thinking about that guy.

"He must be busy." Maya replied. Her last few weeks were pretty boring, so she wanted to do something fun.



"Ms?!" A maid opened the door and called for one of the sisters.

"What was there?" Mya asked.

"He arrived." The maid warned. Mya had asked the maids to keep an eye on the school and let them know immediately if Shin returned.

"Let's go!" Mya took Maya's hand and ran towards the school.


"May I know what the hell you did?!" Yaya asked, with an angry expression.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Shin replied.

"You are a terrible liar!" Yaya had gone out to visit her family; however, she went back to school after learning about the incident with the president. Yaya knew the Kobayashi sisters were trying to take the president's chair away, but she felt that Shin was involved in this matter.

"The Honda family is a big family and… I don't want you to get hurt…" Yaya said.

"You're too worried. They can't find out I was the one who spread this stuff."

"But…" Yaya was still apprehensive. Shin grabbed his waist and said, "Just trust me."

"Un." She nodded.

"How about we take a walk?" Shin said with a smile.

"Ride? Where to?" Yaya asked, curious. Shin just smiled and didn't answer her question.


"A jeep? Can you drive?!" Yaya asked with a dubious expression.

"I can't drive, but I know how to drive." Shin bought a jeep because it was a cool car. He didn't have a driver's license because only people aged 17 and over can drive legally.

"Let's have some fun." Shin got into the jeep with Yaya; however, just as he was about to leave, the Jeep's door opened.

"How could you forget about us?!" Mya got into the jeep without a care in the world.

"You can't get into people's cars like that." Shin said, without the slightest change in expression.

"Humph! I don't care." Mya got into the backseat and stood next to Yaya. Maya sat in the front seat.

"This… what are you doing here?!" Yaya asked with a puzzled expression. She didn't know what to say right now.

"We are his friends, so don't worry. My name is Mya Kobayashi. My sister is called Maya Kobayashi. It's a pleasure to meet you." Mya and Maya already knew Yaya, because her family was very rich; however, they were barely known, so Mya decided to introduce herself.

"I see…" Yaya still had a complex expression on her face.

"Well, I'll speed it up." Shin didn't wait for the girls' response and stepped on the accelerator.



"What place is this?" Mya asked when she saw a giant stadium in front of her.


"It's a race track." Shin replied.

"Why are we on a race track?" Mya asked with a confused expression.

"Let's run some tests." Shin entered the stadium with his jeep. There was no one in the stadium, because he bought this stadium to do tests.

"Tests?" 3x

"Use this." Shin passed glasses to each of them. The girls were confused but still put on their glasses.


"This…" They didn't know what to say right now. When they put on the glasses, they felt the environment change and suddenly they were in the middle of a "war".

"Hold on." Shin accelerated the jeep across the racetrack; however, in the girls' view the car was in a desert. They saw several unknown jeeps chasing Shin's jeep.

*POW!* *POW!*

Shin's jeep was bombed by gunfire and missiles.

"Don't stand still, we are being bombed by enemies. Take your weapons." Shin said to the girls.

"That…" they were still shocked by the situation. They were very scared because it was the first time they experienced virtual reality. The sensations were incredibly realistic, so they felt a great sense of fear.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you. I'm here to protect you." Shin said with a smile. He used some tricks to calm them down and also patted them on the head.


They felt an extreme sense of security. The fear completely disappeared and only a smile remained on the girls' faces.

"Alright, let's have fun!" Mya was no longer afraid. She felt that she could do anything as long as she was beside him.


Mya fired a missile towards the enemy jeep.

"Lieutenant Mya, don't worry about your rear. Just destroy the enemy." Shin got into character.

"Understood, captain!" Mya took her RPG and fired a missile at another enemy jeep.


Another jeep exploded. Mya tried to get another missile, but the ammunition was gone.

"Captain, I'm out of ammo." Mya yelled.

"Requesting Lieutenant Yaya for the supply of supplies." Shin said.

"This…" Yaya was still confused by current events; however, she showed a brilliant smile and said, "Understood, captain!"

Yaya got some more supplies from the car and helped Mya destroy some more jeeps.

*POW!* *POW!*

"Captain, I see houses ahead." Yaya said as he fired at the jeeps.

"We are arriving in a small village, everyone is preparing to descend." Shin warned.


He accelerated the Jeep towards the village.

*POW!* *POW!*

"Captain, there are many. I need assistance." Mya said.

"Maya." Shin called Maya's name.

"Understood!" Maya picked up a heavy machine gun and fired bursts of gunfire at the enemy jeeps.

*POW!* *POW!* *POW!*...


Maya destroyed an enemy jeep with her heavy machine gun.

Shin continued driving for a few minutes until he got close enough to the village.

"We're coming down, get ready." Shin stopped the jeep and ran towards the village.

"Pick up your weapons." Shin grabbed a rifle and headed towards the village.

"Captain, what are we going to do now?" Mya asked. She had already gotten into character.

"We'll wait for them. We can use the terrain to our advantage to ambush." Shin ran towards the houses and hid.

"Shhhh!" He put his finger to his mouth signaling the girls to be quiet.


"They went this way." One of the enemy soldiers warned.

"Look for them."

Shin decided to use this moment to appear briefly to attract enemies.

"He went that way." A soldier spotted Shin and screamed. The other soldiers heard the call and headed towards Shin.

"And now." Shin hit a red button and ran away.

"Come on." He grabbed the girls' hands and ran.

"Get them." The enemy captain ran towards Shin, but he felt he stepped on something strange. He looked at the ground carefully and saw several land mines.

"We were ambushed-"



"We achieved?!" Maya observed the place that was completely destroyed. Her heart was beating too fast; however, she didn't know if it was adrenaline or happiness.

"Mission finished." Shin said with a smile and turned off all his glasses.

"Haha, we won." Mya had a bright smile on her face; however, she was very tired at the time.

"I'm a little tired…" She rested her head against Shin's chest and closed her eyes, slowly falling into the dream realm. Yaya and Maya followed her shortly after

'It seems that the first experience caused them a lot of mental fatigue.' Shin thought.

'Well, I'll take them to bed.' Shin took the three girls to a room that was located in the stadium and put them to bed.

"Master, the experiment was a success." Haze commented after seeing virtual reality.

"You're right; however, it's too early to put this on the market. First, let's gain some world fame." Shin didn't want to make virtual reality his first "Game".

'Well, I'll prepare something for them to eat after they wake up.'

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