《Beyond The Worlds[BTW]》CH 43: Trips


Maya and Mya returned to their house after playing for a few hours. Mya wanted to stay a little longer; however, Shin kicked her out because he needed to go to his house.

"I'm at home." Shin warned after opening the door.

"Welcome back." Akira said with a smile.

"I'll prepare your dinner." Shin packed his things and went to prepare dinner for Akira.

"Brother, when did you learn to cook?" Akira asked with a curious expression.

"I bought a cookbook." Shin replied. Akira just nodded; however, she thought there might be something more to it.


After dinner, Akira went to sleep. Shin decided to check the group chat.

Group chat

Shin: How's your training going?

Naomi: It's going well; however, we didn't have very significant changes. We need more time.

Mari: Well, it's still amazing to use 2x rooms. We can acquire experiences 2x faster than normal.

Ryuu: I'm trying to fuse martial arts with magic, but it's harder than I thought.

Shin: You guys still have a lot of time to use this room, so make the most of it.


'Aka doesn't have a training room yet…' Shin thought. Aka was the only one without a training room (not including him).

"Well, maybe the next mission can solve that." He hoped the next mission would solve this problem.

'Well, let's sleep.' He lay down and closed his eyes.


"Brother, are you going out?" Akira asked.

"I'm going to the company.I left your lunch ready." Shin kissed her forehead and left. Akira blushed a little, but went back to doing her thing.


"Let's make money one more time." Shin told the staff. Employees were excited when they heard Shin's words. They didn't doubt his words after Shin made 500 million in a single day.


"Today, I'm going to turn 70 million into 700 million." Shin had already done some operations before the employees arrived, because he didn't have 70 million in his account; however, now he has.

"Well let's get started." Shin looked at the screen. Employees were also staring at the screen.


"This guy is great at making money." Aka commented. She was watching a report talking about Shin earning 700 million.

"Hm… isn't he getting very famous?" After being spoiled by Shin, Akira was calmer about the matter. At first, she thought Shin might forget about her; however, she wasn't so pessimistic now.

"I'm at home." Shin warned.

"Brother, welcome." Akira hugged him. Shin patted his head and said, "I need to go on trips tomorrow, I'll be gone for 1 week."

"W-What?!" Akira was shocked when she heard Shin's words.

"1 week?! That's a lot!" Akira couldn't agree with that. They came home recently; however, Shin was saying that he needed to leave again.

"It's a one-off. I'll hire a secretary to do these trips in my place." Shin said.

"That…" Akira was still reluctant. Shin realized it wouldn't be easy, so he brought his lips together and whispered something in her ear.


Akira blushed furiously when she heard Shin's words. She couldn't stay in the living room any longer and ran straight to her room.

"What did you say to her?" Aka asked curiously.

"Nothing else."

"Good." Aka nodded.


Shin started his journey the next day. He needs to travel a lot, because of the companies' negotiations. He would buy one or two big companies. Haze would help him acquire some small businesses too.

"Master, you need a secretary, why don't you hire one?" Haze asked.


"I want to choose a competent secretary for my plans; however, I don't want to hire one now because negotiations must be done by me." Shin was able to trade with companies and come out on a profit, so he hasn't hired a secretary yet.

"Well, I will help you as best I can." Haze commented.

"We're going to have a long journey together." Shin said with a smile.


"Sister, how is the situation with the Honda family?" Mya asked.

"The Honda family had to pay a huge amount of money to clear their son's name; however, the charges still remain on the Internet." Maya replied.

"They took a lot of damage, but not enough to bring them down." Mya said.

"Well, the situation is in our favor." Maya said.

"Sister, can we visit him?" Mya already wanted to visit Shin.

"This is going to be difficult…"


"I didn't find his address in the database." Maya said with a sigh.

"W-What? How did he manage to erase his address like that? Even our hackers can't find out?!" Mya exclaimed in surprise.

"Well, we can only wait." Maya missed him too, but she would never admit it.

'What the hell am I thinking?'

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