《Beyond The Worlds[BTW]》Ch 37: Meeting the Kobayashi Sisters


After chatting with the members for a while, Shin decided to make a game.

"Will you sell this game, master?" Haze asked.

"I don't know, I just want to make a game. I can finish it quickly so I won't waste time focusing on it." Shin grabbed several computers and started making his game. Shin's brain can process information thousands of times faster than a normal human, so he made an amazing game in no time.

"Well, I can play to pass the time." Shin started playing his game. The game was an open world MMORPG with quests, items, dragons etc.

"This game would definitely sell worldwide, master." Haze commented.

"I can sell it when I open a game company." Shin thought that wouldn't be a bad idea.

"He needs a name, master."


"It's a catchy name, master."

*Knock!* *Knock!*

"Visits?" Shin looked towards the door. He got up and went to receive the guests.


"Sister… will he attend to us." Mya was still a little nervous.

"I-" Maya didn't finish her words because the door opened.

"It's an honor to have the Kobayashi family heiresses in my humble dormitory." Shin said with an innocent smile on his face. Mya felt a shiver down her spine when she heard Shin's tone.

"You are a terrible liar." Maya commented.

"Well, come in." He invited them both.


"So… what are you guys doing here?" Shin asked.

"Can't we just visit you to say thanks?" Maya replied. Maya wanted to thank him, but she also wanted to meet him.

"You do not need to thank me." Shin had just lost a bet, so he was going to make good on his promises.

"You risked your life to save us. Of course we will thank you." Mya said.


"Well, whatever. Just do what you want." Shin responded and went back to playing with his game, but that attracted the sisters' curiosity.

"Is this a game? Amazing!" Mya looked at the game on the console screen. Shin had already transferred the game to the console, because he liked to play from the console.

"You did it?" Maya asked curiously.

"Well yes. Do you guys want to play?" Shin passed them two controls.

"I want to!" Mya took the controller and started creating her character.

"Choose your skills carefully. This game is harder than it looks." Shin spoke. Maya also started creating her character. They tried to copy his appearance in real life.

"The options are very good." Maya commented after creating her character. She had made him look a lot like hers.

"Well, select your classes and abilities. Let's start a level 1 dungeon." Shin said.

"Good." Maya and Mya chose to be mages.

"I'm going to select a melee class." Shin selected the swordsman and started the game.



Maya and Mya unleashed spells of spells at the skeletons in their path.

"Don't overdo the mana. Just use what you need." Shin helped the sisters.

"Those damn skeletons!" Mya was already addicted to this game.

"Shin! Shin! Help me!" Mya looked at the skeletons that were chasing her.

"I told you not to use too much mana." Shin killed the skeletons and saved Mya. Maya followed Shin's advice well and decided to save mana.

"You learn fast." Shin commented.

"Thanks." She was a little happy this time.

"Why didn't you praise me?!" Mya was a little irritated.

"Pay attention to the screen. You'll end up dying." Shin thought Mya was too clumsy; however, he didn't hate it.


"Ohh! I learned new skills!" Mya looked at her skill tree.

"Shin, what are the best skills?" Shin was the creator of the game, so he knew these things.

"I won't help you with this. You need to make these decisions yourself; however, I can advise you."

Mya was a little disappointed when she heard Shin's first sentence, but she regained her spirits when she heard the last one.

"I think the fire and lightning element would suit you well; however, mind control would also work." Shin said.

"Thank you Shin!" Mya responded with a smile. Maya looked at Shin waiting for him to help her.

"What's up? Do you want some advice too?" Shin asked.


"Well, I think you better focus on the water/ice element and telekinesis." Shin said with a smile.

"Un." Maya nodded. She found Shin's advice very suitable for her.


The three continued playing for a few hours; however, Shin took a break for dinner.

"I'll cook for you." Shin liked to cook, so he decided to make dinner for both of them.

"Can you cook?" Maya asked curiously.

"Well I know a little bit."


"Ready." Shin set the table and placed the dishes. Tempura, Ramen and Temaki.

"This…" Mya was almost drooling this time. Just the smell of food made her stomach rumble. She didn't wait long and started to eat.


Maya also started to eat, but she tried to maintain her elegance.

"You cook very well." Maya praised. She had to admit that this was the best food she had ever eaten.



Maya and Mya went back to playing for a few more hours before heading home.

"See you later, Shin." Mya said before leaving.

"See you later." Maya said.

"Well, take care." Shin said goodbye to them.


Shin went back to his room and started fiddling with his cell phone as usual.

"Master, will you make the investments tomorrow?" Haze asked.

"Well, I guess so. The house will also finish the renovation." Shin had tried to visit Akira for the past few days; however, Aka was always in her room, so he had to cancel his plans.

"Well, let's go to sleep."


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