《Beyond The Worlds[BTW]》Ch 36: Against all odds.


"Sister, are you going to watch his departure?" Mya asked.

"Yes." Maya replied.

"Well, let's support him." Mya owed Shin a debt of gratitude, so she would support him as much as she could. She also liked when Shin released Kojuro's audio and photo.

'And to think that guy had this hobby.' Mya was not prejudiced against this type of person; however, it is very strange, because Kojuro has always been an extremely arrogant and authoritative person.

"Let's get going." Maya pulled Mya into the stadium.


"I see you've made a big audience again, Senpai." Shin said.

"If you lose, you'll have to admit in front of everyone that the audio and photo are fake. Got it?" Kojuro's reputation is completely destroyed by now. Even if it doesn't seem like it, reputation at this school is important. Without reputation, your subordinates may not want to respect you and you may end up losing power.

"Well, I don't have a problem with that. What game are we going to play?"

"We are going to play Blackjack. We are going to play 7 rounds. The rules are classic; however, I only need 3 wins to win, whereas you will need 5." Kojuro said the rules. People were amazed when they heard the rules. Wasn't it very unfair?


The object of the game is to score a total of 21 points or have a higher number than the dealer.

The dealer will deal a card to each player once per round (first round required). Players can choose to take the card or keep their current cards in subsequent rounds.

At the end of the game, whoever beats the dealer by the highest numerical amount wins.


"Anything else?" Shin asked.

"Not." Kojuro not only used this to win, he also changed the cards and dealer.

'This guy really doesn't want to lose.' Shin watched the dealer who was favoring Kojuro.


"Can we start?" Kojuro asked.



"Sister… will he be alright?" Mya thought this game was very unfair. She was able to see that the dealer was favoring Kojuro.

"Let's just watch him." Maya didn't think this was a fair match either, but she couldn't do anything about it.


The dealer deals a starting card to Shin and Kojuro.

"Catch." Kojuro said.

"Catch." Shin also took one more card.

"To maintain." Kojuro stopped.

"Catch." Shin took one more.

"To maintain." He ended his play.

Result: Shin 20; Kojuro 19.

The dealer also turned over his cards to show the result.

Dealer: 18

"Looks like I won this round." Shin commented, smiling.


2nd round.




"To maintain"

"To maintain"

Result: Shin 18; Kojuro 20

Dealer: 19

"You weren't lucky this time." Kojuro said, smiling.


3rd round.



Result: Shin 21; Kojuro 20

Dealer: 19

"Next." Shin said.


4th round.




Result: Shin 21; Kojuro 19

Dealer: 18

"You will need to try harder, Senpai."

"You…" Kojuro tried his best to

to calm down.


5th round.



"To maintain"


Result: Shin 19; Kojuro 18

Dealer: 18


6th round.






Result: Shin 18; Kojuro 20

Dealer: 19


"One point. Only one point for any of them to get the win." Mya was also apprehensive.

"This round will be complicated." Maya would never let Kojuro put such absurdly unfair rules in a competition (if it was her).

"The dealer can deal the cards with the highest numbers to Kojuro and the lowest number to Shin." She commented.

"Wouldn't that be cheating?" The cheat was valid, but only until it was revealed.

"Yes, but Shin won't be able to complain because the last rounds were very even for both sides. Kojuro couldn't use this tactic at the start of the match, as it would raise huge suspicions."


Kojuro already had huge advantages, so if he won decisively, Shin could try to deny the match; however, previous rounds didn't favor either side, so Shin can't accuse Kojuro of using the dealer in her favor.

"Shin shouldn't take such a game! How the hell can he let Kojuro pick a dealer?!" Mya wanted to hit Shin this time.

"The round will begin." Maya didn't want to see him lose like this; however, she couldn't do much.


7th round (last)

When he got to the last round, Kojuro smiled. He planned this round especially for him. It was impossible for him to lose. Kojuro showed a sinister smile.

"Let 's start."

The dealer deals the starting card to Shin and Kojuro.

"Catch." Kojuro said.

"Catch." Shin also took one more card.

"Catch" Kojuro took one more card.

"Catch" Shin did the same.

"To maintain." Kojuro decided to stop; however, he got a bit scowling when he saw his result, but he was still confident.

"To maintain." Shin also closed his round.

Dealer: 19

"Show your cards." The dealer told them to show their results. Kojuro smiled and showed his courage.

Kojuro: 20

"Looks like you got lucky." Shin said. Kojuro smiled when he heard Shin's words.

"Show your result." Kojuro said. He could tell he had won from Shin's speech; however, he still needed to confirm.

"You were lucky, but unfortunately for you, I got more." Shin showed the result of his cards.

Shin: 21

"W-What?!" Kojuro couldn't believe what he was seeing.

'The dealer betrayed me?!'

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Kojuro yelled at the dealer.

"That…" The dealer was also in shock. He swore he had dealt the lowest value cards to Shin.

"Senpai, you lost."

"Impossible…" Kojuro couldn't lose this match at all. His family invested a lot of money for him in this school.

"Impossible! Impossible! Am I dreaming?!" Kojuro started to freak out.

"Hahaha, so this is it! I'm dreaming!"

"Master, this guy is having a crisis." Haze noted that Kojuro appeared to be losing his sanity.

"I told you this could happen. This guy is very unstable. I don't doubt the Council members see him as a joke." Shin left the stadium and went to his room.


"Sister… he won!" Mya was very happy this time.

"Well, we can congratulate you later." Maya was also relieved, but she didn't quite understand why the dealer didn't favor Kojuro.


"50 million." Shin looked at the money in his account.

"Master, will you invest all your money in the financial market?"

"Yes. It's easy to leverage that money; however, I'm not doing that today. I'm lazy."

Shin checked his cell phone and saw that they had some messages.

•Group chat

Mari: "Testing… Testing… anyone?"

Naomi: "Don't disturb others at this time."

Mari: "I bet they're happy to see my message."

Ryuu: "-_-"

Naomi: "This chat is really useful for communication."

They hadn't tested the chat before because they were too focused on training, especially Airin.

Airin: "Onii-Sama, I managed to build my energy core and learned some sword techniques. ☆-☆"

Shin: "I was sure you could do it. Hope you show me great results on the next mission."

Airin: "Onii-Sama…"


Airin looked at the phone with a smile on his face.

"I won't let you down Onii-Sama."

At first, Airin was skeptical that the sword could keep up with the magic; however, she changed her mind after training.

"I will make him proud of me."

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