《Beyond The Worlds[BTW]》Ch 30:Getting back to routine.


Tiana was heading back to her room right now. She wanted to lie down and rest because today was a busy day for her.


She sighed and entered her room; however, she was completely shocked when she saw what was on her bed.

'This…' Tiana didn't know what to say right now.

'Why is this here?! 'The 'Eye of Saturn' was on top of her bed. Tiana rubbed her eyes thinking she was having illusions, but when she saw there was a letter beside the artifact, she ran quickly to read it. there.

"A parting gift. Take care!"



It was a few words, but it made a huge impact on Tiana.

'Idiot!' 'You are a greedy bastard!'

Tiana thought of this guy's greed. At first, she thought Shin was a hero who acted for the good of the masses, but she was completely wrong. Shin basically did what he wanted. When the participants were attacked by demons, Shin could save them, but he just watched. In the end, he only acted to kill Dreyfus and finish the mission.


'Do you think I'm an easy woman?' Tina thought, but she still hugged the letter and lay down, so she finally entered the dream realm.


After Shin returned home with Aka, he explained everything about her world and taught her what she needed to live here.

'I'm glad she learns fast.' Shin didn't have to explain many times for Aka to understand.

"I'm transferring her to my sister's school, hope you can befriend her." Shin had to hack the government system to enter Aka's data and also transfer her to the U.F.

"Un." Aka nodded, but she wasn't too pleased with Shin's treatment, as she hadn't been patted since she arrived. Aka took Shin's hand and placed it on her head.


"You're causing me trouble and still want to get patted?" Shin asked with a tired one.

Aka was starting to sulk, but Shin granted her request.

"Ready ready." Shin patted her head. Aka smiled happily and was in a good mood again.

'Why is this girl so addicted to this?' He didn't understand Aka's fetish.

"You will start studying tomorrow, so get ready."


The next day, Shin took Aka to school. Akira wouldn't be coming home for a while, because the house is going to be remodeled, so she will be staying in the dorm at school. Shin would also spend his next few days in his school's dorm.


Akira was in her dorm. She didn't know why, but she missed Shin a lot right now.

"It's late, I should sleep." She said to herself.

*Knock!* *Knock!*

When Akira was thinking about going to sleep, she heard someone knocking on her door. She got a little angry thinking about who would bother her so late at night.

'I hope it's not something irrelevant-'

She couldn't finish her thought after seeing who was behind the door. Akira immediately opened the door and said, "Brother, what the hell are you doing here?"

Shin closed Akira's mouth and entered her dorm. When the two were inside, Shin closed the door.

"Brother…" Akira was confused by Shin's actions. She was temporarily living in the girls' dorm, if anyone sees Shin enter her room like that, they might end up reporting it to the school.

"I miss you!" Shin said, grabbing her waist.

"It's only been a day, how can you miss me?" Akira was lying down right now, because she missed him too.

'One day…' Even though for Akira it was just one day, for Shin it took a few weeks. Shin didn't say anything about it, but he really missed Akira. The two have grown up together since being delivered to the orphanage, so they've never been apart for long.


"You do not miss me?" He asked her.

"Brother…" Akira was still trying to resist the temptation.

Shin smiled when he saw Akira's expression. He grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to him.

"I'll cook you a special food for lunch tomorrow." He decided to cook for her. Shin learned cooking in the world of Omui, so he wanted to try it out.

'Creating a food company can be good business; however, I need to acquire more cooking recipes from other worlds.' Shin thought about asking for some recipes for Mari, Ryuu, and Naomi.

"Un." Akira nodded and rested her head on Shin's chest. Shin patted her head calmly.

'This is really addictive.' Akira thought Shin's caresses were simply divine. Probably not even Shin knew why.

"I'll try to visit you as much as possible, okay?" Shin said. He would try to make time to visit her at school.

"Next time let me know, you can't break into the girls' dorm like that!" Akira was afraid that Shin would end up being kidnapped by some woman.

"Okay, okay."

It would be impossible for people to find out that he entered here, but he still granted Akira's request.


Shin prepared a bento for Akira and went back to his school while he thought about her plans. He needed to do two things before starting the next phase of his plan.

'The first is to get a company to operate in the financial market.' Shin thought that this method would bring him a lot of profits, because it was impossible for him to lose a trade using the "Eyes of Truth".

Shin thought that this would be one of the essential parts for him to get into the next step of his plan.

'The second thing is…' Shin thought of the second thing necessary for him to achieve his plans. Honestly, he wasn't absolutely sure he could succeed in creating what he was thinking, but it never hurts to try.

"Well, one step at a time." Shin would still have plenty of time to carry out his plans.

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