《Beyond The Worlds[BTW]》Ch 29: Unexpected events, rewards and lessons.


When the space portal closed, the leaders of their respective nations returned, but one man was still standing near where the portal was.

'Daughter…' The man actually thought he was going to pass out at that moment.


Shin rolled across the floor with a girl. He was a little distracted before entering the portal, so when someone jumped on his back, he was pushed straight towards the portal.

"Who the hell are you?" Naomi asked with a serious expression. She was also in shock when she saw a girl suddenly jump towards Shin. Ryuu, Mari and Airin were also surprised.

The girl looked at them and said, "My name is Aka Shirai."

"You…" Mari and Airin knew Aka, but were still confused as to why this girl is here.

"What do you think you're doing?" Shin asked with a confused expression.

"I decided to follow him." Aka replied.

"Couldn't you have said that before?"



"Because you could refuse; however, I'm here now, so you need to take proper care of me."

Shin pursed his lips at Aka's words. He invited Airin because she could be with Mari, but he didn't think this girl would be able to be with anyone else.

"Come back! I can't be with you." Shin said.



"I'll stay with you! I'll stay with you!" Aka grabbed Shin's body in a koala hug and wouldn't let go. Shin really didn't know what to do right now.


"Do you have any fully human form?" Shin asked.

"Un." Aka nodded and shifted to his human form. Shin studied Aka's form a bit and nodded.

"Well, you can follow me; however, you can't do what you want in my world." Shin warned. He wouldn't let Aka use her powers openly, because that could cause a worldwide panic.

"All right." Aka agreed without too much trouble.

"Do either of you disagree with putting this girl in the group?" Shin asked them.

"Not." 4x

"Aka, Airin." Shin called the two girls and said, "We'll tell you about our group and a little bit about us."

Shin told about "Origin", how they met and a little about his life before meeting "Origin".


"Were you just a normal person?!" Airin and Aka were shocked when they learned that Shin was a normal human being until recently.


"Well I was just a student until a few weeks ago." Shin replied.

"Our leader is a little monster in human skin." Mari said with a proud smile as if she was being praised herself. Aka and Airin agreed with Mari. The two really doubted that Shin was a human.

"Well, we'll explain the rest later. We need to get our reward now." Naomi said with an excited expression.

"Well 'Origin' what are the rewards?" Shin asked.


[Group Rewards]

• 4 training rooms 2x

• Group chat

[Personal Rewards]

•Naomi: Nature's Grimoire, Mystical Garments.

•Ryuu: Myxtine Gloves, Myxtine Light Armor

•Shin: Telekinetic Earrings, Telepathy Necklace, Apocalyptic Cloak

•Mari: Persian Blue set (sword, gloves and armor) and storage ring.


"Why did Mari get more items?" Naomi asked with an expression of indignation.

"Well, probably because of her Awakening. Anyway, can you explain to us about the rewards?" Shin said.

[Training rooms cannot enter more than one person. Group chat is for you to talk at a distance.]

[About personal rewards, Naomi's Grimoire contains information about the nature element, spells, etc. Her Mystical vestments greatly increase her mana absorption rate, defense, etc.]

Naomi's mystical garment was black with green flowers in parts. The flowers seemed to be alive on the dress, giving it a touch of lightness. Her Grimoire had a cover made of wood, emanating a natural glow.

[Ryuu's gloves and armor are made of a special metal that increases mana absorption and also has better conductivity for casting spells with martial arts. They are also super resistant.]

Ryuu's gloves and armor were red and black. They were thin but very resistant. They had a dominant feeling just by looking at them.

[Mari's Persian Blue set has the same specs as Ryuu's, but she got a storage ring.]

Mari's items had the same specs as Ryuu's; However, she was given a sword and a storage ring. Mari's Persian Blue set was blue and black. His sapphire-colored sword was so beautiful that one would have thought a god had done it.

"Well why didn't I get a sword too?" Shin also wanted to gain a sword.

[Your telekinetic earrings can provide advanced mastery in telekinesis and the telepathy necklace can provide advanced mastery in telepathy. Her Apocalyptic Cloak has the same specifications as Naomi's Mystical Garment, however her Cloak can change in appearance.]


Shin's Apocalyptic Cloak was black with gold. It covered her entire body. The Cloak had a feeling of royalty.


Everyone was very pleased with their rewards, but Shin had some doubts.

"Advanced domain?" Shin asked with an expression of doubt.

[First, let me explain about powers that don't involve using mana.]

[There are many people with supernatural powers and many of them don't use mana.]

Everyone was surprised when they heard the words of "Origin", only Shin already hoped that he could hear these things, after all there were already superhero movies in his world.

[There are other energies besides mana present in the universe, for example, cosmic energy, spiritual etc.]

"I see, so people have powers that don't require mana manipulation, meaning these people aren't performing magic." Shin said.

[Exactly! For example, space monsters often use cosmic energy to use their respective abilities.]

"What is the difference between mana and these other energies?" Shin asked.

[There aren't many differences. You can do the same things with both energies; however, there are still differences between them, for example, purity.]


[Yes. There are extremely pure energies. These pure energies can be much better to use as they are more efficient and extremely powerful; however, they are also more difficult to control.]

Everyone understood the words of "Origin" and thought that there are still many things that are beyond their reach.

[In short, if you don't use mana to perform a certain action, then you're not doing magic, you're wielding some supernatural power.]

"We understand, Thanks for the explanation!" Shin sincerely thanked him with a smile.


"Origin" was secretly "happy" when it heard the heartfelt praise.

"Well, can you explain about this 'Advanced Domain' thing?"

[They are nothing short of one's mastery of something.]

[Domains are: Basic, Advanced, Expert, Master, Divine, and Meta/Absolute.]

[There are supernatural elements or powers that have fewer domain levels because they are easier to manipulate.]

[I'll give each of you a guide with some examples of people wielding the same power, just in different domains.]

"Origin" gave them a guide to study domains etc.


After reading the manual for a while, Shin decided to ask "Origin" about the white flame. Not only was Shin curious about it, everyone wanted to know about this bizarre flame.

[That's an elemental variation.] Origin replied.

"Elemental variation?" 6x

[It is a variant of a certain element. The white flame is a variant of the fire element. There are other variants, each with their respective characteristics.]

[Normally it would not be possible to create a variant the way you did. "Normal" people need to have prior knowledge of the respective variant, they also need to have a basic understanding of how to create and control it, but you just created it from scratch. You didn't even know it was possible to have variants.]

"Is it so hard to do this?" Aka asked with a complicated expression. She wanted to control the white flame too.

[Doing what he did is difficult, because he never had contact with the flame in question, he also never saw it and doesn't understand how it worked, so creating it suddenly is a very difficult feat; however, if you want to learn, you can ask him to teach you later. You can save a lot of time this way.]

Aka felt enlightened when she heard the words of "Origin". She nodded unconsciously.


"Airin, take my training room." Shin told Airin that he was studying the manual with a serious expression.

'What a hardworking girl.' He smiled.

"W-What? But… but…"

"No 'buts'. I can't use the training room because time isn't standing there."

"This…" Airin was still a little hesitant.

"Are you denying my request?" Shin said with a sinister smile on his face. He used his imperative personality at this point.

"Onii-Sama…" Airin felt that she should obey him at this point, so in the end she accepted, but not before hugging him. She wanted to be patted by him.

"Your imperative personality gives me the creeps." Naomi said suddenly. She really didn't know what to do when Shin used that personality. She felt she was a sheep ready to be slaughtered.

Shin just smiled and decided to return with Aka to her world.

"See you later." He said before leaving.

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