《Otherworldly Adventures》Chapter 29 - Guild Master


Author Notes: Here's a pretty late chapter~ Very busy here.. I didn't have time to write any chapter within 3 days.. Well, I'm busy tomorrow (Election day of our Country) so I can't post anything within 3 days again.. or something like that.

It seems that their little sister Lianne Franz, which is the almost the same age as me, was abducted by bandits.

Kieth: "Actually, our party is composed of four members - Me, Kyle, Eli, and Lianne. We are adventurers in name, but our main profession are traveling performers."

Lowell: "You're part of a troupe?"

Kieth: "Yes. Before we got separated, we're a part of a troupe. In an unfortunate event, we were fought by bandits. In the end, we won against them, but they abducted our little sister. We proposed to retrieve her, but most of the troupe declined, so the three of us broke up with them."

After Kieth said that, Kyle spoke with a voice mixed with anger.

Kyle: "Those bastards.. 'Leave her, it's either she's dead or sold as slave.' They didn't even tried to find her.. And they even convinced themselves that our sister is already dead. Of course, who wouldn't be angry at those people?"

So this is another dark side of humans those Gods said.. betrayal and abandonment. Friends turned their backs and abandoned you.. My heart ached as I imagine their circumstances.

Kieth: "Stop, Kyle. You know each one of us have our own issues.They have families to support, so we don't have any choice but move separately with them."

Eli: "Hey, let's not talk about this anymore, please?"

Before Kyle could speak, Eli interrupted them.

All of us silently walked towards the clothing store.

Unlike in the Blacksmith, we didn't stay on the Clothing store that long. Most of the store's clothes are rather plain, or it could be said that they are selling clothes that are for daily needs, not for fashion or anything. It's understandable, since all wear disguise outside, so what's the need of wearing cute and fashionable clothes?

Knowing that I should spend less, I bought five sets of clothes, for 1 gold. Even in my previous life, I preferred buying ordinary clothes. The problem is when I was to buy my own underwear...

Lowell: "Calm down, you're a girl now.. a girl.. a girl.."

I may have a happy-go-lucky attitude, but my previous life's values as a man was still there. Because of the sudden recovery of my memories, I still can't sort out my feelings.. I know that it is pretty stupid since I was a girl from birth and just recovered my previous memories, but the uncomfortable feelings are still there.

Eli: "What's wrong, Lowell?"

Eli, who was also looking at the store's goods, approached me.

Lowell: "I-It's nothing!"

Eli: "Ah-?! Are you nervous of picking your own underwear?"

She looks at me like she understands something.

Eli: "Don't worry~ I'm also that nervous when I was your age~ Here, Big Sister would help you~"

Instead of nervous.. My feelings are more like.. being embarrassed.. but I won't say it.

Lowell: "Eh?! Ah! I can do it myself!"

Eli: "Don't Be shy~"

She took a bunch of underwear from the stand. I started to walk away from her. It isn't because I was embarrassed, but I noticed a ominous glint in her eyes. Even though I just met them, I know that her eyes gives a sign that she'll do something no-good.

Eli: "Where are you going, Lowell~"

Lowell: "Hii!! I-I'm going to the t-toilet!"


Eli: "Heh~ But the toilet isn't that way~ Let me guide you~"

The glint in her eyes intensified! I'm dead!!

Eli grabbed my sleeves and drags me towards the fitting room.

We stored the clothes I bought in the party's Dimensional Pouch, since they said it would be a waste of time to return to the inn.

After buying clothes, we started to walk towards our next destination.

Lowell: "So, what's our next destination?"

Eli: "We're going to the 'Quest House'~"

Eli starts to hum happily. I think she enjoyed dressing me up..

Kieth: "Oh, I forgot to tell you earlier. Kyle, can you explain it to her?"

Kyle: "Unlike your city's Guild House, the Guild Houses near the borders and magical beast territories are always full of people. That's because they receive requests daily, like subjugation, caravan protection, etc.. To reduce the number of people, each Guild Houses created a separate building, where all request are being posted. That is a Quest House.

In Quest House, adventurers are ranked from G to A rank. That also goes to the requests, which is ranked that way. The Guild House gives the difficulty rank for requests, while only people with the same rank or one rank higher can take the quest. If you're an G-rank, you can only access G-rank quests. When you're D-rank, you can access D-rank and E-rank quests, but they can't access F-rank quests, so that other adventurers can have their own chance of getting quests..

Lowell: "How do they rank adventurers?"

Kyle: "There are three ways. One, register as a G-rank adventurer. It happens when the person registering doesn't have an Identification Card and not qualified to take one. It happens rarely because most of humanity is granted the power of wielding magic. Two, register as an adventurer, and you'll automatically ranked according to your Fleur Tier. Third, register as adventurer, and take a combat test. Only a few take the third way, since their opponent would be the Guild Master."

Lowell: "Eh?! Isn't that too unfair?"

When I think of it, Guild Masters are adventurers that attained reputation that qualified them to take that position. Unlike newbies, they are professionals in the field of adventuring. This also goes with their fighting experience.

Kyle: "Unfair or not, it's still the rules. We can only abide them."

While we were talking, we didn't notice that we're at the front of the Quest House. It was pretty small, compared to the Guild House on the other side of the road.

Kyle: "Let's part here, I'll check the progress of our request."

Kieth: "Okay."

Kyle starts to walk towards the Guild House. I can't say I wasn't worried, since I just almost saw a person's corpse awhile ago.

Lowell: "Is he going to be alright?"

Kieth: "Don't worry about him. Among us three, he has the lowest chance of dying."

Lowell: "Why?"

With his frank and cold demeanor, I thought he was the one who has the highest chance of entering fights.

Kieth: "Oh, don't think that he has the lowest chance of entering fights, I said.. he has the lowest chance of dying. It's because.. unlike us, which registered by doing the second way, he was the only one who fought the Guild Master but he was defeated. In the end, me and Eli are F-rank adventurers, and Kyle is E-rank. He was asked to be D-rank, but he refused, saying 'I can't join my party in quests. E-rank would do'. That's how it is."

I see. He's brave enough to challenge the Guild Master.. and even though he was defeated, he reached D-rank, which is just one rank lower than Mr. Maxwell's rank.


Eli: "Let's go"

I was called by Eli, who was walking towards the entrance of Quest House

As we enter, most of people are still wearing disguises. Some aren't wearing them, I think they're confident enough to do that.

The name Quest House really describes the place. All corners of the place are occupied by quest boards. Above them, there are letters from C - D - E - F - G. I think they place same-ranked quest together to avoid confusion.

In the middle, five boards are placed like a pentagon. Four of them have A - B above them, which has a little number of requests. I think that's the place where A and B-ranked adventurers take their quests. There is one board, which has 'S', but it was empty.

Lowell: "I thought there are only G to A ranks?"

Kieth: "S rank are designated for Kingdom requests. Any number of adventurers, with any rank can join S-rank quests. It isn't compulsory to join it, so only adventurers who wants to join can take them."

I see. It was a bit different from S-rank I know.

I noticed that when people decide their quest, they take it from the quest board and walks towards the back, where the receptionists are located.

The three of us walks towards the receptionist. The receptionist was a big man with scars throughout his body. It looks like he's an experienced adventurer before taking the role of receptionist.

Kieth: "We would like to register someone."

Receptionist: "Fifty silver for non-adventurers, while twenty-five silver for adventurers."

I handed my Identification Card to the receptionist. He looks at it nonchalantly and looks back at me with an expressionless face.

Receptionist: "You're pretty good, but here.. we don't care about your age. Even though you could be called a prodigy in your hometown, here.. you're at the bottom of food chain. All adventurers here are equal, may it be old or young. You can be killed by an average adventurer with average experience. You can only curse your luck. Are you okay with that?"

I understand what he's saying. Even so.. I need to do this.

Lowell: "I understand."

He looks towards the holes of my mask, as if trying to see through me. After a few seconds, he sighed and hands me my Identification Card back.

Receptionist: "We can assign you to F-rank, but you can raise it by fighting our Guild Master, so.. what will you do?"

I looked towards Eli and Kieth who was beside me.

Kieth: "It's your decision."

Eli: "Well, just be sure that you won't get hurt."

I also thought there's nothing to lose fighting the Guild Master.. but that's the case if I registered in a different town. I started to ask the receptionist.

Lowell: "Is my identity gonna be revealed to other people?"

Receptionist: "If that's what you're worrying about, we promise that you will remain anonymous after the battle. After all, we're not bound by any country, alliance, or association. We are a single entity, so you can fight without worries."

I don't see any harm seeing how a high-class adventurer fight, since Dad likes to fire spells all over the place and Mom's movements are just too fast. The only thing I learned from is Mr. Maxwell's way of fighting with magic, but I still find it inadequate.

Lowell: "Then, I want to take the test."

Receptionist: "You're one brave lass, Okay, wait for a minute.. Raine!!"

He screamed towards the back of the receptionist station. A man with unkempt brown hair and light-green eyes stepped out while scratching his head, as if he just woke up.

Raine: "Haaaah... What is it old man?"

Receptionist: "Someone wants to challenge you.. and don't call me old man!"

The receptionist gives a punch towards Raine, but Raine caught it with his palm before it hit his face. There was a strong sound created, but Raine stood there without moving an inch. His drowsy face was still yawning every now and then.

Raine: "Don't do that, Old man.. Look, you almost hit me."

Receptionist: "Cheh, as if I could hit you."

The receptionist removed his hand from Raine's palm. He returns to the desk and speaks towards me.

Receptionist: "This is Raine, he doesn't look like it, but he's our present Guild Master."

He looks towards our direction with listless eyes.

Raine: "I'm Raine Enslair, so.. who's the challenger.? Is it that man.. that woman.. or you, brat?"

He looks at me with with a grin.

Lowell: "How did you know?"

Raine: "Don't underestimate a pro. I can see through your disguise like a naked person. Well, no more talking. The one who's challenging me, follow me."

Before he could enter, Kieth starts to speak.

Kieth: "Wait."

Raine: "Oh~? What is it?"

Kieth: "What happened to the previous Guild Master three months ago?"

Raine: "Oh him? I killed him~"

He spoke nonchalantly, but I felt some chill from his words. In this place, saying the word 'Kill' is just like using normal words in a daily conversation. Even though I knew that, I still can't stop myself being afraid of it.

Kieth: "I see."

Raine entered the door behind him. I followed him afterwards. After a few seconds, we reached a very wide courtyard.

Raine: "You won't remove your disguise? I already know your body's qualities, so your disguise would only hinder your movement."

I think his reasoning is understandable, so I removed all my disguise. His listless eyes widened.

Raine: "I know that you're a kid, but for you to be this beautiful.. and to have an abundant chest that suits your age.. Too bad, I'm too old to take your hand for marriage.. Oh, gods~!!"

He looked towards the sky while cursing the gods. Eh? I didn't have any reaction? As I thought, my present self is influenced of being a boy in my previous life.. I know now where I should start adjusting myself.. That's to realize that I'm a girl right now..

After making a resolution, the pervert- I mean Raine starts to speak.

Raine: " Okay, since I'm a good person.. I'll set the rules. You can attack any way you want. I'll just stand here and block all of your attacks and spells. I'll only use Low-tier and Mid-tier spells to attack you, so you have the advantage of dodging it. If I ever step back or forward once, It's my loss. Is it alright?"

Lowell: "Okay."

I started on using 'Quicksand' spell. If he won't move, I'll make him submerge on deep sand!

Raine: "Oh? You're pretty brilliant, but too bad.. I expected you'll use that kind of spell."

Before I could finish my spell, he swung his right hand like a chop.

Lowell: "W-What happened?!"

Raine: "I used a basic wind spell, Air slash. By adding a chopping movement, I created a stronger version of it. It is one of the basics, you know. Amplification of Magic using Weapons. In my case, I usually use a katana, but if I do that, I would've killed you. I used a force that would only break your concentration. My skill's reach.. is secret~"

So I can't use long-cast time spells huh.. Then!

Lowell: "Fire Missile!"

I launched ten fireballs towards his direction. Before it reached him, he swung his right hand again like it was made of rubber. It was very fast, that even my eye can't see it's movement.

Raine: "Second magic application, weapon attributing. Making your weapon an attribute one can enhance your advantage in a battle. Here, I used water attribute to cover my hand. Even though I did that, it was still pretty hot, you know."

After that, he sat on his position with legs crossed. His listless face returned, as if he lost interest.

Raine: "If you want to win, use all of your skill in disposal. Don't worry, I'm not a blabbermouth to spread your secret. As a Guild Master, it is one of my promised conditions. I know this isn't all you got, lass."

He knows that I'm holding back. It's not because I want to, but I'm having second thoughts if I should use it or not. Even though he said that, I can't recklessly show my 'Eye of Investigation' skill because it's too noticeable. But if it's Spell Forger, I can gloss out the details because even for me, Spell Forger's effects are still pretty vague.

Well, since the other party said that, and even the receptionist promised it, then I shall give my all!

Lowell: "Spatial Portals!"

It was the one Dad thought me before I was teleported. Instead of calling this spell 'Spatial Hole', 'Spatial Portals' are much more appropriate term. Combining with the other effect of Spell Forger ability, I created four Spatial Holes above him on all four sides, and one in front of me. Since I didn't need to collect mana before I could use it, I can surprise my enemies with it.

Raine: "Hoho~? So my guess is right. With that hair and eyes that's emitting strong mana, you're really a Spatial Fleur. But too bad, you're still weak to defeat me."

He sat still on his position without moving. Since I have 4/5 of my mana left, I can still use Spell Forger's main ability.

Lowell: "Lightning Spark!"

A spark of lightning emerged from my hands. It entered the hole, and the other four Spatial Holes reproduced the Lightning Spark spell.

Raine: "What?!"

I think he was surprised to see a new attribute emerged out of thin air.

Raine: "Earth Dome!"

He covered himself with an Earth Dome. This is my chance!

Lowell: "Quagmire!"

Now, I used a Spell Forger ability attribute, Mud Attribute, which is a mixture of Water and Earth. Instead of using Earth spells then Water spells, Mud Attribute makes it faster to create the same result, but mana expense is much higher. It's pretty dependable in emergency situations. With this, I win!

Raine: "Well, It's pretty good to know that you're clever enough to make me use two spells consecutively. You didn't give up on making me sink, eh? Do you really like making people sink that much?"

He mocks me while the Earth Dome dissipated, that's when I saw.. that the place he was sitting isn't affected by Quagmire.. but it was stone.. as if he-

Raine: "You guessed it correctly, I created the earth around me like a tower. Since your Quagmire can only reach a certain depth, I won't sink because my Earth Totem reached it's bottom already."

He even calculated the maximum depth of my skill. I can say it's pretty weird, but to calculate that in a few seconds.. it is unthinkable.

Lowell: "Is that your skill?"

Raine: "Hmm? Of course not~ It's just knowledge I learned after fighting many fleurs. It may be basic to use movement-inhibiting spells from the start, but it becomes pretty stupid to use if your enemy is a veteran adventurer. Ah~ I didn't mean that you're a stupid adventurer. It's just your style is a bit amateurish~"

After my Quagmire faded, the Earth Totem starts to rise. It reached three meters.

Raine: "Well then, let's get serious."

He touched the Earth Totem. He started chanting a spell.

Raine: "Earth Totems!"

He created ten totems around the place. Each of them has height of three meters.

Raine: "When battling a pro, you should make the terrain advantageous to you. You have a good idea of how to use terrain, but making it around me isn't enough. Here's why! Earth Shatter!"

He shattered all ten Earth Totems he created except his foothold. People would think it's nonsense to do that, but if you think about it much deeper..

Lowell: "W-wha-?!!"

In my previous life, I was a businessman. My company deals with various products, even real-estate. This means, that I also have experience when it comes to demolishing buildings. Whenever that happens, the surrounding area will.. Oh no!

Lowell: "Air Spring!"

I hastily used a Low-Tier Wind spell, Air Spring. I shot my body to the air, just in time before the totems hit the ground.

When all of them fell on the ground, a strong tremor occurred. Of course, it was created by the Earth Totems. Of course, unlike real earthquakes, the ground would stabilize after a few seconds. That's enough time before I fall to the ground... but.

Raine: "Good thinking, but I'm ready for that! Air Shot!"

A ball of air shot from his hand. It's strong, but I see it's movements. I need to avoid it!

Lowell: "Gravity Increase."

I used the Low-tier spatial spell, Gravity Increase, on myself to increase my free-fall towards the ground. Because of that, Air Shot missed

Raine: "Hoho~ I see that your control of Spatial Attribute reached a plausible degree. Even I defeat you here, I can give you an E-rank."

When I fall, I didn't notice that my foothold was one of the circular Earth Totems that he destroyed awhile ago. When I fell on it, I started to lose my balance.

Raine: "You focus on your enemy too much~ Be aware of your surroundings next time~ Earth Spikes!"

He slammed his hand on the Earth Tower he was sitting on. Earth Spikes moved like a snake towards my direction. I need to recover!

Lowell: "Air Spring!"

Because of my panic, I hastily used Air Spring. I only have 2/5 of my mana left!

Raine: "Oi, oi. I won't fall into that trick again. Water Spikes."

He sprayed Water Spikes on all directions. Even I use my Gravity Increase, I'll still be hit! If that's the case, I'll strike first!

Lowell: "Lightning Spark!"

He was unaware that I created a Thunderbolt spell above him by applying the secondary effect of Spell Forger.

Raine: "Didn't I tell you, I can see through your gimmicks. Water Dome."

He stopped the Water Spikes and used his mana to create a Water Dome. This is something I was waiting for. After looking back, I think he was just lucky to block my Lightning Spark spell by using Earth Dome. He didn't use it because he know it's effect, but it's because.. It was the most available element at that time. Now that he had gathered mana for a water spell, I can say that it's the most appropriate timing to use Lightning Spark.

That's also the time I created a very fatal mistake. I didn't remember.. that what he created was pure water made of atmospheric Hydrogen and Oxygen.. He didn't use any other source of water. Pure water is known to be a good insulator.. That's why.. Lightning Spark didn't hit its target.

Lowell: "W-what?!"

I don't have any energy to move. Before I fell into the ground, his arms caught me. His distance is more than twenty meters, but he traveled it within seconds. What a scary man..

Raine: "Well, this ends our duel."

Lowell: "Y-yes."

While holding me, I felt my face starts to get hot..Oi! He's much older than me! Get a grip!

He carried me in a piggyback while walking towards one of the benches in the courtyard. When we reached it, he placed me there and starts to speak

Raine: " Rest here for a while and recover your mana. I'll finish your ranking assessment. You can reach up to D-rank after you showing your skills. So, what rank would you choose?"

He's starting to get considerate. It looks like giving my best shot in our duel is a good way to earn his respect..

Lowell: "Please set it on F-rank."

Raine: "I see. But you didn't need to fight me if you want that rank, right? So you just want to learn and test my skill? Really, you're a troublesome one.."

As he turned his back from me, I tried to use 'Eye of Investigation'. He wouldn't detect it, right?

Name: Raine Enslair

Level: 52

Title: Luck Maverick

Job: Guild Master, A-rank Adventurer


Age: 27 years old

Birthplace: Magical City of Hecate

HP: 4600/5232

Mana: 2104/2910


Physical Power: 480

Magic Power: 802

Speed: 821

Constitution: 7

Luck: 99

Aptitude: Mid-Rank Gaunt-Tier Fleur

Attributes: Life (Main), Wind, Fire, Water, Earth

Special Skills: Spell Precognition, ???

As I thought.. He's stronger than Mom, or even Dad.. for his age. He's also lying when he said that he didn't use any Skill..

Lowell: "Liar..."

I silently muttered as I fall asleep.

Edit 1: Made Darkness -> Life

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