《Otherworldly Adventures》Chapter 27 - The Pathfinder


In a grassy plain where monsters run rampart, three people were running away from a group of wolves. One of them started to speak.

???: “Kieth, Kyle.. can’t you hold up those wolves? I can’t concentrate while running!!”

The man called Kieth starts to talk back.

Kieth: “If you didn’t let that one escape, we won’t be running like this! Kyle, report our status!”

The person Kieth called starts to speak calmly.

Kyle: “One injured wolf and six reinforcements. With their present speed, they would reach us in three minutes. This would get tough if they caught up with us. Best way of action right now is to chant movement restriction spells. They are afraid of fire, so creating a ring of fire around them is good way to hinder them. Eli, do your job efficiently this time.”

Eli: “I know! Dammit!”

The only woman in the party, Eli starts to chant her spell.

Eli: “Fire, surround my enemies! Flame Circle!”

When she casted the spell, all seven wolves are trapped inside the Flame Circle.

Eli: “Yay! I did it!”

Kieth: “Stupid Eli! Start running!”

Eli: “Yea-?!”

Before she could finish speaking, a big ball of light dropped from the sky. It’s target Is the middle of the Flame Circle.

Kieth: “Stupid Eli! Duck!”

Eli: “Duck? What duck- Wawawawa!!!”

Eli flew because of the air from the impact. She landed face-first on the grassland.

Both Kieth and Kyle reacted on time, so they didn’t flew like Eli.

Eli removed her face from the land, but some grass entered her mouth.

Eli: “Pueh! Pueh! Dammit! What was that!!”

Kyle: “Because of that falling object from the sky, our main pursuer is annihilated. Now, what is this..”

Keith: “That’s-! That’s a girl!”

Before Kieth could do something, Kyle started to speak without emotion.

Kyle: “Stop, Kieth. It’s dangerous to approach her recklessly.”

Eli, who was looking on both of them, started talking.

Eli: “Wherever you look at her, I only see an extraordinarily cute little girl!”

Kyle starts to lose his cool because of his party mate’s recklessness.

Kyle: “Where could you find a person who fell from the sky ordinary?”

Kieth: “Kyle is right. Eli, ready your greatest one-target offensive spell. I’ll approach her cautiously.”

Eli: “But I want to hold her.. Okay. But if it’s not dangerous.. I’ll hold her!!”

Kyle starts to walk slowly towards the girl. When he looked towards her face, his face became beet red.

Kieth: “This is dangerous..”

Eli: “What dangerous! Even from this distance, I could see your blushing face! Are you a lolicon?!”

Kieth: “What? No! Rather than that! I don’t see anything dangerous! She’s just unconscious.”

Eli: “Really!?”

Eli ran hastily towards the girl. She hugged the girl tightly.

Eli: “Hey, Hey! Can we take her? Hey, Can we take her!?”

Eli looks at Kyle and Kieth with upturned eyes. Both of them sighed in resignation.

Kieth: “This woman.. She’s cute but her mind is empty.. To think that she is a Professor-tier Fleur..”

Eli: “Ehehehe~ Don’t make me blush- Dammit! What did you say?!”

Eli realized what Kieth said wasn’t a compliment, but an insult instead.

Eli: “Hah-! I smell large amount of gold! This girl’s rich!”

Kieth: “You really use your skill on weird times..”

Eli starts to rummage the girl’s robe. She found a pouch inside one of her pockets. She opened it hastily.

Eli: “T-this is! So much gold!”

Kieth: "Eli, don't do that!"


Eli: "Oh~ What's this? An Identification Card? So this little girl's an adventurer?"

Eli starts to look at the girl's Identification Card.

Eli: "Name: Lowell Zvalle... Age: 8 years old.. Okay.. What?! Eight years old?!"

She looks at the girl with curiousity.

Eli: "Hey~ This girl's an adventurer at the age of eight~!"

Kyle: "Hmm?"

It piqued Kyle's interest and starts to walk towards the girl.

Eli: "Birthplace: Blanc City.. Where the heck was that?"

Now, both Eli and Kieth noticed Kyle's weird face. It is rare for him to do this kind of face, they thought.

Kieth: "What's wrong Kyle, do you know something?"

Kyle: "If I could recall.. It is a village near Royal Capital City.."

Kieth: "What?!"

Eli: "Royal Capital City?"

Kieth made a surprise face.. but Eli makes a clueless expression.

Kyle: "If your head is really that empty, I'll tell you. Royal Capital City is the Capital of Fraxiania. "

Eli: "Oh! I know Fraxiania.. Fraxiania?!"

Eli created a triumphant face, but it changed into a surprised face afterwards.

Kyle: "To think that she flew that far.. Unbelievable."

While both Kyle and Kieth was still deep in thought, Eli starts to read the girl's.. Lowell's Identification Card again. After reading it, she looked towards Kieth and Kyle with sparkling eyes.

Eli: "Hey, guys! This girl's a treasure!!"

Kyle: "If you're thinking of getting her pouch, just say so."

Eli: "That's not it!! This girl! She's a Professor-Tier Fleur!!"

Kyle: "Hmm.. To think we would find an Eight years old Fleur.. and an Adventurer at that.. I'm starting to get curious of her origins.."

Eli: "But her cape doesn't show her present Tier.. It's plain violet.."

Kyle: "You sure are knowledgeable on unnecessary things.. that's why the village call you 'Miscellaneous Eli'.."

Eli: "Where the heck did that come from!"

Kieth: "Stop fighting, I think we should return. Before we could encounter another monster again. It's dangerous since we'll have to carry her towards the village."

Kyle: "Good idea."

Eli: "Then let's do that."

Keith: "So who's gonna carry her?"

Eli: "I'll do that~"

Three of them departed from the place hastily.


I'm here again..

Yellow Star: "Oh? You're awake."

Lowell: "What happened?"

Yellow Star: "Well, the worst thing happened.."

Lowell: "Worst thing?"

Yellow Star: "Didn't we tried to warn you? Don't get close to the 'Evil God'. Why didn't you obey us? Sigh.. If you've just follow us, this won't happen.. Is it because you trust your Father? You're Father was corrupted. You noticed that he moves according to Gladius' whim, right? It's because your Father touched him. You, on the other hand, was protected by the necklace.

When Gladius used his powers, you should've been transported by the necklace toward a safe place.. but your Father interrupted it. Now, you're in a place where all negative sides of humanity can be seen."

Lowell: "I can't believe all of what you're saying anymore.."

Yellow Star: "Oh, so you've recovered your memories.. Well, it was our intention from the start, but that Gladius is just too impatient. You know, we said it from the start. Our mission for you isn't fight him, but avoid him. We want you to recreate your previous achievements in Earth here in Twilight World.. Now, if you don't believe me, it's your choice. But this is my advice.. Trust the first people you meet."

As he said that , he started to vanish from the area.


Lowell: "I'll take that it mind.."

I closed my eyes..


Before I could open my eyes, I heard a group of people talking. A woman started to speak.

Eli: "Hey, she's waking up~!"

I noticed that I was on a bed.

I opened my eyes, just to see a girl with blue long hair and golden eyes. I could say that she's sixteen or seventeen years old. She was sitting in a chair beside the bed. A man in armor, who was beside her started to speak. He has a green hair and a scar on his face. I think he's around the same age as the girl.

Kieth: "Lowell Zvalle, I presume? How are you feeling?"

I adjusted myself and sat on the bed. I noticed a man near the door, reading a book.

Lowell: "I-I'm alright.. How did you know my name?"

The green-haired man who was reading the book started to speak

Kyle: "Our stupid party mate sniffed your gold pouch and she found your Identification Card."

Eli: "Don't make it sound that I'm a thief!"

Kyle: "Using your skill on a person who is unconscious and taking her pouch without permission.. Isn't that thievery?"

Sparks flew as they glare at each other.

The man who is in armor starts to speak.

Kieth: "Stop arguing."

Eli & Kyle: "Hmph!"

Both of them looked away from each other.

Kieth: "Don't mind them.. It's just their usual routine."

Lowell: "O-Okay.. You are?"

Kieth: "I am Kieth Franz. I am the leader of our party. That man over there is my twin, Kyle Franz. This girl here-"

Before he could finish his introduction, the girl stood and smiled brilliantly.

Eli: "I'm Eli Westwood! Rather than Eli, call me Big Sister~! You're so cute, Lowell-chan~~!!"

She held my hand and her eyes were sparkling.

Lowell: "I-I see.. Can I ask.. where am I?"

Both Kieth and Eli became silent and looked at each other. When Kyle noticed that, he started to speak.

Kyle: "You're in the village of Ire, a village in Aspar near the Blank Boundary."

Blank Boundary? I was transported that far?!

Lowell: "So that's what happened.."

I felt sadness. I remembered my family in Blanc City..

When Eli noticed that, she hugged me intensely. I, who remembered my life as a man before, starts to blush.

Eli: "It must be hard for you.. To be separated from your family.."

I knew from the start.. I wasn't a strong person. Even in my previous life.. I acted strong.. but I knew it was just a facade.

I tried to control my tears, but it just won't stop falling from my eyes..

Lowell: "Uuuu.."

I cried my heart out. After a few minutes, something happened.

Axie: "Mew~!!!"

Nephy: "Meow~!!!"

Both Axie and Nephy emerged from the hat was placed on a nearby table. Both of them rushed towards my side and threatened Eli. Eli stopped hugging me and staggered backwards.

Eli: "W-where did they came from!?"

Kyle, who was on the door, looked at me with a surprised face.

Kyle: "A Jade Cat.. and a Land Serpent?! You're a Tamer?"

Lowell: "Y-Yes.. but they're still children so I don't think I could qualify as one.."

Kieth: "Why are you so surprised about that, Kyle? I'm more surprised that both of them fit inside that hat. Eli, you didn't notice them when you removed her hat?"

Eli: "I thought it was normal for the hat to be that heavy!"

Kyle: "You're really a blockhead.."

Kieth: "Kyle, is it dangerous?"

Kyle: "Actually, it isn't.. But I think those Magical Beasts thought that Eli was bullying Lowell."

Eli: "What?! I'm not bullying her!"

Both of them are arguing, but I didn't mind them. I hugged both Axie and Nephy. In turn, they licked my face, as if they want me to stop crying.

Lowell: "I'm alright.. Thanks.."

As I said that, both of them sat on my lap. They started to sleep.

Kieth: "Now that everything's fine, What are you planning to do, Lowell?"

He looked at me seriously.. I want to..

Lowell: "Is there a way for me to go home?"

Kieth: "Kyle, do you have any ideas?"

Kyle: "First, you can travel through Blank Boundary after four months. During that time, there is a ceasefire between Ethyne and Aspar. After that, ride an Airship that transports people above Ancient Wetlands. The whole trip would take two years before reaching Blanc City. You'll need at least Five or Six hundred Gold to do that."

Kieth: "That's how it is.."

I looked at them with disbelief. After three years, all the gold I accumulated could be around 160 Gold. How could I get 500 Gold within four months?

Lowell: "Is there a way to earn Five hundred gold in four months?"

Kyle: "I can only think of two ways. One is selling your Land Serpent. If you do that, you could obtain more than eight or nine hundred gold."

I shivered when he said that. To think he could nonchalantly say that kind of thing..

Lowell: "The other one?"

Kyle: "Earn by completing quests. You're a Professional Tier Fleur right? You can earn around one hundred gold per month if you complete quests."

I see. If I do that, I could earn around Four hundred gold in four months.. adding the gold I have..

Lowell: "Huh? Where's my gold pouch.."

Kieth: "Eli?"

Eli: "Ahahah~ I know, I know~ Here, Lowell-chan~"

Eli returned my gold pouch. I noticed it was a little lighter..

Eli: "W-Why are you looking at me like that?"

Kieth: "I didn't think you would be this shameless.."

Kyle: "Shameless.."

Eli: "What?! I didn't take anything! Oh! Her Identification Card! Here you go."

When I placed my Identification card inside, I noticed that it was back to it's normal weight.

Eli: "So, you wanna join us? Please join us!"

Eli looks at me with expectant eyes. Kieth starts to speak.

Kieth: "I don't want to force you, but in this place, most form parties not just for hunting, but also for self-protection. If you want, we could recommend you to a decent party. We're just a bunch of trouble-makers, so we couldn't make you feel secure. Do you still want to join our party?"

So.. those Gods are right.. these guys are kind. I could see that they are happy as a party.

Lowell: "Okay, I'll join your party.. So, what's your party name?"

Eli: "We're the 'Eli-sama Fan Club'~ Ouch!"

Kieth smacked Eli's head with his iron-armored fist. It looks like it hurts a lot..

Kieth: "We are the ones who seeks for our own paths in life together. We are the 'Pathfinder'."

Eli: "Good name right~ Now for Lowell-chan's role! I saw her wand, so it means she's a long-range Fleur. Positions like Main Damage Fleur and Support Damage Fleur suits her. But.. I'm already the Main Damage Fleur..and Kyle's the Support Damage Fleur.. so this is a problem.."

Kyle: "Why don't you just change into Utility Fleur, and let her be the Main Damage Fleur?"

Eli: "Ah! I see~!"

Eh? She agreed easily? I started to ask questions.

Lowell: "Why did you agree easily? You know that Utility Fleurs acts as scouts, right?"

Eli: "Yes, no problem! I can do that easily~!"

Lowell: "You'll lure the monsters.."

Eli: "My main weapon is a bow, you see."

Lowell: "You'll become the baggage carrier of the party.."

Eli: "Ahahaha! I'm starting to think what era are you from.. We have a 'Dimensional Pouch' you know! They're a little expensive, but we bought one~ It could even fit a small room inside!"

After showing me the Dimensional Pouch, Kyle starts to ask me with a serious face.

Kyle: "Lowell, Can I ask a question?"

Lowell: "What is it?"

Kyle: "Lowell, do you have any experience as an adventurer?"

Lowell: "N-No.."

Kyle: "Then, have you ever thought of killing a Magical Beast.. or even a man before?"

His eyes pierced through my soul. I shivered when I saw his empty-looking eyes.

Eli: "Stop that! Her Identification Card would turn red if she killed right? Why are you asking such absurd things?!"

Kyle: "I want to see her reaction about killing Magical Beasts and even criminals. In this place, you know the rule right? 'Kill or be Killed'. It's you who kill for survival, or you be killed for other's survival. I can't trust my back to someone who couldn't do that."

Lowell: "My knowledge came from books.. On killing Magical Beasts, I could do that.. but killing people.. I can't do it.."

Kyle: "Even though they have the intention to hurt you?"

Lowell: "I'll just make myself stronger. Stronger that I could restrain them instead."

Kyle: "Hmm.. Overpowering your opponent, huh.. It's been awhile I heard that. You'll regret it."

Lowell: "I'll stick with my ideals."

Kyle: "It looks like we found someone much more of a fool than Eli. I agree on making you our Main Damage Fleur. Train with low-level beasts. You may have been reached Professor Tier, but first-hand experience is still needed. Oh, and remember.. I believe 'Straightforward Fools die early.' Kieth, I have something to do outside, I'll be back by dinner."

Kieth: "Okay."

Kyle closed his book and walks outside.

Eli: "Don't mind that cold man. He just can't act honestly."

Lowell: "I see.."

Kieth: "So, what's your decision after that?"

Lowell: "I'll join."

Kieth: "Okay! Then let's start!"

Start? Start what?

Before I could ask, Kieth started to speak. A shining circle emerged around the room.

Kieth: "I am Kieth Franz, the leader of Pathfinder, invites Lowell Zvalle to join our party. My whole party pledge fairness between her and other party mates. Do you accept?"

Lowell: "W-What should I say?"

Eli: "Just say 'I accept'."

Lowell: "I accept."

After saying that, my Identification Card flew from my pouch and shined. After a few seconds, the light dissipated. I noticed that a new entry emerged at the back side of my Identification Card.

『Party: Pathfinder』

Eli: "Yay! Pretty little sister, get~!"

Eli held my hand. Both Axie and Nephy noticed that and starts growling towards her. Instead of calling it growl, I could say it was rather cute to be called that way.

Eli: "Okay, Okay, little ones. Hug Big sister.. Waa!! Don't bite me!!"

Eli tried to hug them, but they pounced on her and starts biting her.

Kieth: "Looks like things would get more rowdier than before.. Sigh.."

Kieth sighs in resignation.

Mom, Dad, Big Brother, and Weiss.. I'll do my best to return.. to our place.

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