《Otherworldly Adventures》Chapter 26 – Friend or Foe


Author notes: I was planning on posting two chapters today.. but something happened to chapter 27 T_T I'll rewrite it again.. so expect it after 2-6 hours.


I woke up early.. It’s pretty rare since I regularly wake up after Mom calls me for breakfast.

Maybe because I slept too much yesterday..

After waking up, I didn’t wear my dress for the wedding. I wore normal house clothes and walked outside. I noticed that it was still dawn. I tried to use spell just to familiarize my body after breaking through.

Lowell: “As I thought. My spells felt a little stronger..”

Aside from my mana, my Magical Power increased significantly. After trying some spells, I noticed that my Low-rank spells now almost have the power of my previous Mid-rank Spells. Now I knew that entering ‘Outbreak’ is dangerous, but after recovering.. the stat growth is pretty good.

Belle: “Oh? You’re awake, Little Elle? You should rest. You’ve just broken through yesterday.

I heard Mom’s voice coming from the house’s door. She was wearing her usual apron for cooking. I thinks she heard my voice while cooking..

Lowell: “Mom, I’m already okay.. Look, I can move around.”

Belle: “Stop moving around! Please don’t make me worry.”

Mom scolded me. I smiled towards her and continued assuring her.

Lowell: “I’m really alright, Mom. Don’t worry.”

Belle: “I’ll believe you. Well, get inside. It’s time to eat breakfast.”

Lowell: “Yes.”

I followed Mom and ate breakfast. After eating, Dad started to discuss something..

Louis: “Before we attend the wedding ceremony, we’ll meet someone first. Qazar and Lowell, go get your gear and weapons.”

Mom started to speak out.

Belle: “Is it really that dangerous, that even the kids need to get geared?”

Louis: “Of course not. It’s just for appearance. I can’t let them belittle our side, you know.”

Mom sighed.

Belle: “You surely have the weirdest of ideas.. Go and follow your Dad’s orders.”

Qazar and Lowell: “Yes, Mom.”

Both of us walked towards our respective rooms. I wore my training clothes, hat and cape. While dressing up, I saw the dress I would wear on Teacher’s wedding.

Lowell: “So, this is the day, huh..”

I started reminiscing our times together. Before I could immerse myself, I heard Big Brother’s voice calling me.

Qazar: “Lowell, hurry up.. we’re going.”

Lowell: “Yes, Big Brother.”

Before I could get out of my room, I saw my doll. Since Teacher said that it could be used in battle, I thought of carrying it today.

Lowell: “Well, nothing’s gonna change if I carry it this time.”

After taking it, I departed from my room. There, I saw Mom and Dad holding Axie and Nephy.

Lowell: “We’re taking them?”

Louis: “Yes.. Won’t they be lonely here without us?”

Axie: “Mew..”

Nephy: “Meowww…”

Both of them looked at me with pleading eyes. I think both of them understand my question.. These two are getting more intelligent these days..

Lowell: “Okay..”

Both of them jumped away from Mom and Dad.. They approached my legs, as if they wanted me to carry both of them.

Louis: “Looks like we’re hated, honey..”

Belle: “Don’t you think that it’s just that they liked Little Elle more?”

Mom starts to giggle. Dad starts to laugh while scratching his hair. Big Brother is smiling towards me.. I love this family..

Louis: “Okay, Let’s go!”

Dad created a Spatial Hole. All of us entered it.

On the other side, we saw a boundless plain.


After using a spell, his normal appearance returned.. even his crazy attitude. Dad started to speak .

Louis: “Yes, this is a good place for the contract, Mr. Sword King.. or would you prefer Mr. Devil?”

Gladius: “Oh? You noticed?”

A man spoke. I noticed that he was at our back. When I caught a glimpse of him, I started shivering.

Louis: “Not actually.. While researching for the whereabouts of your sword, I also gathered more data about you.. Who would have thought.. that your name was written on the seat of ‘Devil’. Oh~ By the way.. is the seat of ‘Hermit’ one of your allies? Aimee Raiv.. what a funny coincidence.. She has the same family name with the mortal enemies of Kingdom of Swords.. Gods really like to play with human’s lives.”

After Dad spoke that line, a familiar voice was heard. It was the voice of the girl I saw at the village yesterday.

Aimee: “I swore my loyalty to Gladius, no one else. What my family name is.. doesn’t matter. I abandoned it long ago. Why don’t you speak about yourself, Theicia’s First Prince? It wasn’t only you who gathered data.. Your main features.. the Silver Hair, Silver Eyes.. is one of the special trait of your Royal Family. Even though your siblings have the same trait, you are the only one blessed with Spatial Attribute. Why does a prince like you chose to live secretly than live in luxury, which you are raised into?”

Her voice was filled with mockery. I can’t see my father’s expression, since I was behind him. Mom’s face was filled with seriousness. It was only me and Big Brother who are surprised with the girl – Aimee’s, revelation.

Lowell: “Dad’s a prince?”

Louis: “Yes, so technically, you’re really a princess~”

He suddenly follows up with a joke. This thing isn’t to be joked around!

Lowell: “By that way, when you said that you discovered that he was the seat of devil.. why did you said ‘written’? Is there something that could provide information about Supreme Throne’s seat holders?”

I thought that when a person became a seat holder, you’ll stay anonymous.. since they didn’t said anything like a device that indicates that the seat was taken..

Louis: “After the First Kingdom Battle, the Second Generation seat holders agreed on creating something that would indicate if a seat was taken or available. They created a special stone tablet, which each of them injected their mana. Whenever any of them die, their name would be erased from the tablet, making it blank. If a person takes an available seat, his name would be written on the blank part of the tablet. Right now, five seats are occupied. The two of them are in front of us right now.”

I shivered when I heard that. To think that this group has two out of five seat on the Supreme Thrones. It could be said that they reached the pinnacle of their path of life.. and both of them are just the same age as me..

Gladius: “Let’s stop chit-chatting and start the Devil’s contract. Are they all of the members of your family?”

What? We’re here for a Devil’s Contract?

So that’s why.. If a Devil Contract is created to secure the safety of a family, the blood of the contractor and the contracted isn’t enough. They also need the blood of each family member to be protected by the contract.. and the blood of the contractor’s members that could potentially harm the contracted’s family members.In simple terms, they needed our blood to finish the contract.


Gladius: “Here. We’re done on our side. ”

He threw an odd parchment towards Dad. So that is a Devil’s Contract.

Louis: “Well then, we shall do our side’s deal.”

Dad turns around and gives Mom the contract.

Belle: “Are you really sure with this?”

Louis: “Definitely.”

Whenever Dad’s in his madman mode, he doesn’t speak seriously and frequently fools around.. but this is the first time.. We saw seriousness in his eyes.

Belle: “Okay. I’ll trust you.”

Louis: “Thank you.”

Mom signed the contract by pricking her finger with a knife.

After Mom, it was Big Brother’s turn. He also pricked her finger with Mom’s knife.

Qazar: “Here, Lowell.”

Lowell: “Okay.”

As I take the contract, we heard Gladius voice.

Gladius: “Wait.. Hey, ‘Silver Adventurer. Is she your daughter?!”

Louis: “Yes, why?”

Gladius looked at me.


It was like the last time.. I felt deep fear when his gaze fell on me.

Gladius: “Hahahahaha!! To think I’ll find you here!! These Gods really like to joke around!”

He laughed so hard, then his face became serious. When Dad noticed it, he guarded me while glaring towards Gladius.

Louis: “What is it that you want from my daughter? Have you fallen for her? As her father, I can’t let anyone take my princess, you know.”

Even though he said that jokingly, he’s sending chills that pierce through the spine.

Gladius: “It’s nothing. Just continue.”

The smile on his face didn’t vanish.

Louis: “So he says. Go, Lowell.”

I followed Dad’s order and pricked my finger. I placed my blooded finger on the contract. When the contract came in contact with my blood, the blood was transferred on the parchment. After a few seconds, the blood on the parchment disappeared. I handed the contract to Dad.

Louis: “Then, that’s all of us.”

He threw the parchment on the middle of him and Gladius.

Louis: “Contract Start.”

Gladius: “Contract Start.”

After they said that line, a magic circle with complicated design covered both of them. The parchment flew and transformed into a terrifying devil.

Gladius: “I am Gladius Luxero.”

Louis: “I am Louis Zvalle.”

Gladius and Louis: “Agree with the terms of the contract. If one breaks their part, their punishment.. is their own death. Contract Sealed.”

After a few seconds, the lights dispersed. The parchment returned to it’s normal form and fell on the ground.

Louis: “Take that, I don’t need that thing.”

Gladius: “If you say so.”

He took the contract from the ground.

Louis: “Well then, we’ll be off.”

Gladius: “Wait.”

Before Dad could use a ‘Spatial Hole’, Gladius interrupted him.

Louis: “What now? Are you going to say ‘Father, please let me marry your daughter’? Of course I wouldn’t let you~”

He jokingly said towards Gladius. Gladius, on the other hand, was looking at me with a delighted smile. My body starts to shiver.

Gladius: “Are you aware that your daughter is a ‘World Traveler’?”

Louis: “Oh~? That’s something interesting~ Tell me more about it~”

Dad starts to get interested.. but rather than that..

Lowell: “What’s a ‘World Traveler’?”

Gladius: “It seems the person herself doesn’t know it. A ‘World Traveler’ is a person from another world. In her case, it looks like she died from her previous world and transported here by those Gods.”

Louis: “Oh~? How did you think that she’s a ‘World Traveler’?”

Gladius: “Because of all people I used my skill on, she’s the only person I couldn’t read..”

Louis: “What kind of ability was that? I can’t say it’s mind reading.. since I know someone who has that already.”

I think Dad overheard my conversation with Big Brother. One time when I tried to trick Big Brother, I accidentally muttered.. “Don’t read my mind!”

Gladius: “You’re right. There’s no harm to tell you since we’re comrades now.. My ability isn’t ‘Mind Reading’.. It’s ‘God’s Eye’. Aside from that, I have ‘Ability Usurpation’ which can copy the ability of a person I killed, and ‘Magic Nullify’, which nullifies magic spells and any magical phenomena. Because of Magic Nullification, I can’t gather mana, so you could say that I’m not a Fleur. That’s why I need the sword. It’s the one who gathers mana for me.. so that I can use magic. In a Fleur’s hand, it’s just a normal magic sword, but for non-Fleurs, it is a sword sent by the heaven.

My ‘Ability Usurpation’ Special Skill can hold two skills. The ones I have right now are ‘Clairvoyance’ and ‘Demon Slash’.

Now, for your question.. God’s Eye can’t be said a Special Ability.. because unlike Special Skills, it is my own skill. It has the ability to see through hearts of people.. even their subconsciousness.

Louis: “Oi, Oi~ I can’t ignore that ‘my own skill’ part. Doesn’t that mean..?”

Gladius: “Yes. I am one of those who created the skills. I am the one they called ‘Evil God’.”

All of us, even his comrades, starts to shiver with fear. It was like a part of our instinct to fear that name. He continued speaking.

Gladius: “Well, they called me that way because I am a hindrance in their plan.”

Louis: “I see.”

Dad looks at him with approval. What is his plan?

Gladius: “Oh well, let’s stop chit-chatting and I’ll do your daughter a favor.”

Louis: “Okay~”

Lowell: “Dad?!”

I looked at my Dad with anxiety. He agreed so easily!

Louis: “Don’t worry, Lowell-sama~ It won’t change the fact that we’re your parents-”

Belle: “I don’t agree!”

Mom hastily interjected while crying.

Belle: “If that Gladius kid would really recover Little Elle’s memories, then what would happen afterwards?! She’ll remember everything, even the Gods that transported her here.. but she’ll also remember her past! We’re not sure if that past is a happy one or a sad one. I wouldn’t want to gamble Little Elle’s happiness just because it would help your plans!”

I see.. Mom thought that way.. but..

Lowell: “Mom.. It’s okay.. Even without his help, I’m starting to remember my past..”

Now, I’m sure that what I dreamed last night and the day I met Axie.. is my past life. Every time I think of it.. I see myself on their shoes, but unable to move the way I wanted.. It was as if I was on ‘Outbreak’ that time..

Belle: “Are you sure?”

Lowell: “Yes.”

Mom reluctantly agrees while wiping her eyes. After hearing my decision, Gladius starts to speak.

Lowell: “Do I need to remove my accessories?”

Gladius: “No need. My skill would directly affect your body.”

Lowell: “Okay..”

He pointed his index finger on my forehead. I closed my eyes while waiting his skill to execute.

Gladius: “Here it goes! Magic Nullify!”

I heard his voice, but I started to fall unconscious.


While I was looking towards my daughter’s back.. I saw a disaster that would ruin our happy family.

Gladius: “Magic Nullify!”

My daughter, Lowell Zvalle.. was an Otherworlder. If I could guess, she’s the key for our victory against those Gods.

It was going smoothly until..

Gladius: “My skill… was redirected?! Ugh-?!”

Few seconds after Gladius used his spell, a strong force bursts out of Lowell’s body. That’s when all of us saw.. a pendant on her neck flew upward. If I could recall, it was the pendant that Weiss kid gave my daughter.

Gladius: “Oi, oi! ‘Silver Adventurer’! You don’t know what that pendant is?!”

Louis: “It’s just an ordinary pendant, right?!”

Gladius: “Godd*mn No! That’s a Star Jewel! If a jewel formed a star-shaped symbol light on it’s surface, we could say that it houses a God inside!”

Louis: “What?!”

The force starts to strengthen and a big magic circle emerged below Lowell’s body. She was surrounded by a transparent barrier and started to float midair. My wife starts to get alarmed with the situation.

Belle: “W-what’s happening!!”

Belle starts to sprint towards Lowell’s side. Even though she used her Dodge’s Ultimate to run through the force wave, She couldn’t pass through the transparent barrier that surrounded Lowell. She tried to break it, but to no avail.

Gladius: “D*mn!! She’s being teleported! This is bad! She’s gonna get captured by those God’s allies! ‘Silver Adventurer’! Can you overwrite the spell below her? Overwrite it and make her teleport elsewhere!”

Louis: “I’ll try! But wouldn’t that make her life more in danger?!”

Gladius: “Her life would end if she teleport to the designated location! I think those Gods gave her the advice to wear it, so that she couldn’t tell their secret! Since that thing activated, I wouldn’t be surprised if they locate us! Now, in their eyes, she’s just a garbage to be thrown away. Hurry and use a spell!”

Louis: “We’ll talk after this, you ‘Devil’!”

I started gathering silver mana. I threw it towards the Magic Circle. Sparks flew around the magic circle, but..


She flew towards the sky with high speed. I tried to chase it, but..

Gladius: “Don’t try.. That was a spell that would make a person vanish out of thin air, like Spatial Attribute. That spell was a World-rank Light Attribute spell, ‘Light Speed Movement’. Good thing that you interrupted it’s complete trajectory, or else she’s doomed.”

My wife slumped on the floor, crying. She was being supported by Qazar.

Louis: “Tell me! Is this your scheme!?”

Gladius: “Why don’t you think of it yourself? My skill is Magic Nullify, not that. I said it already, I don’t have power to control any attribute without my sword. Why don’t you ask the one who gave that necklace where did they got that? If my guess is right, that person was manipulated. I don’t think it’s your son, since he’s your King, right?”

Louis: “What?! He’s our King?”

Gladius: “Pftt.. AHAHAHA!”

Louis: “What’s funny, you bastard!”

I lost my cool. Of course, who wouldn’t lose his cool in this situation?

Gladius: “Ah, it’s just that.. I thought you knew it already. I guess it is destiny that binds you together. Wait, I’ll use ‘Clairvoyance’ to see her present location. You have a way to reach her, right?”

Louis: “Yes, if nothing happened to her bracelet, I think I could access her..”

Gladius: “This is bad.. I think that when my skill was redirected, all types of magical items in her hand would be turned into normal items. If that’s the case.. her bracelet would also be affected..”

Louis: “Arghhh!!”

Gladius: “Oh? She fell somewhere far.. Can I ask you.. do you have any way to access ‘Aspar’?”

Louis: “What?!”

Gladius: “To be precise, outside a village named Ire, near the border of Aspar and Ethyne.. the Blank Boundary.”

As I heard those lines, I thought of a way to reach that place.

Gladius: “If you can’t, don’t worry, she’s in safe hands. Why don’t you let her develop this way? She’s an intelligent girl, and now that she could remember everything about her past, she wouldn’t be influenced by those Gods easily.”

As I thought.. It’s those God’s fault.

Lowell: “I’ll find your sword, but first.. I’ll retrieve my daughter. Is that okay?”

Gladius: “Suit yourself.”

He looked towards his subordinates and spoke.

Glaidus: “Let’s get out of here. We’ll get caught if we waste any second.”

Aimee, Sarge, and Hughes: “Yes.”

All of them walked hastily. We should do that also.

Louis: “Let’s go. We shall see Weiss’ father before we set out and find Lowell. Is that okay?”

My wife, who was still crying, looked towards me with anger.

Belle: “It’s because you made a deal with that ‘Devil’, we lost Little Elle! It’s your fault.. It’s your fault!”

My wife started to hit my back while I was hugging her. I couldn’t refute.. It’s my fault.

Louis: “Yes, I know.. That’s why.. I won’t stop until we find her.. and kill those Gods who are responsible for this..”

She hit me for a while, but she stopped after calming down.

Yes. I wouldn’t stop until I killed those Gods.

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