《Otherworldly Adventures》Chapter 17 - Sparring Confrontation


By the time the three of the reached Zvalle house, it was already sunset.

Before they could enter the house, the trio heard a very loud noise from a plain behind the house. The three rushed towards the noise and saw an incredible scene unfold.

There was a man and a woman fighting. The man was the person Lowell bumped into earlier at the village while the other one.. was her Mom.

They were still far from the battle's location, but they saw the land around was terribly devastated.

A lot of holes formed here and there, and huge rocks are seen around the area. It only shows how high-leveled the battle is.

The present condition of the man wasn’t that good, but was her Mom’s standing still and unscathed.

The man smiled and spoke with excitement.

“As expected of the one called “Windwalker”. My skill isn’t efficient enough to defeat you.”

“You’re still young, Maxwell. For you to reach that level is enough to call you a talented person.”

The man named Maxwell bowed respectfully.

“Thank you for your compliment.”

“Well, we should finish this soon.. I need to prepare for my family’s dinner.”

“It’s just as you said.. Aurel might be waiting for me already.”

He brandished his weapons and starts to charge towards Belle. Belle, who had daggers in both hands, stood calmly without leaving her position.

When Maxwell got near, she starts to dodge all his attacks flexibly. She tumbled, flipped, ducked, spun.. as if she’s dancing with Mr. Maxwell’s swords.

Maxwell thrusts his weapon, she front-flipped and stood on Maxwell’s sword. Maxwell tried to spin while holding his other sword in a reverse hold like a dagger.

He tried to destroy Belle's balance, but Belle hastily dodged it by making a back flip while using the sword she’s standing on as a foothold. After several flips to recover her balance, she started to chant a spell. It was a epic-tier magic.

“Wind who held the sky, bind into my will! Wind Daggers!”

Around fifty daggers flew above her. They were circling, as if brewing a storm.

Maxwell struck his swords into the ground and starts to chant his own spell.

“Land that is indestructible, bind into my will! Earth Fortress!”

A huge, half complete, dome of earth rose two meters away from him and defendedMaxwell.

“This won’t penetrate that.. I need to use binding property..”

Belle placed one of her daggers on it’s sheath.

She held her hand upwards, and chanted a skill.

“Wind who held the sky, bind into my will! Wind Dagger Bind #2! Wind Javelin!”

The spinning daggers on her head starts to group themselves and formed into a javelin.

Lowell saw her Mom’s body release a considerable amount of mana.

“This is the end! Pierce!”

She launched her spell towards the Earth Fortress.

When the spell hit the Fortress, a visible crack was made on its surface.

The Wind Javelin pierced the Earth Fortress, making it crumble.

Maxwell became visible and could be seen preparing himself to deflect the Wind Javelin.

When the Javelin hit the Earth Fortress, most of its force was lost, making it much weaker before it reached Maxwell.

Before the skill could hit him, Maxwell cross-slashed the tip of the Javelin. It made it lose it’s binding properties, and..


Maxwell was caught unprepared because he thought the wind spell will dissipate, but it did otherwise.

Numerous daggers which was bonded previously.. flew towards random direction.

Some launched towards Maxwell, who was very near, while some flew towards Belle, who was the caster of the spell.


Some even flew towards the trio, so Lowell grabbed the stupefied Weiss and Qazar downward to dodge the Wind Daggers.

Maxwell braced himself from the Wind Daggers by shielding his face with both arms.

Belle, on the other hand…

“Mom’s… sprinting towards the daggers?”

Belle charged towards Maxwell and the Wind Daggers. She didn’t control the Wind Daggers, but she… passed through them.. as if she’s an ethereal…

She sprints towards Maxwell, but she also passed through him like a spirit.

When the Wind Daggers start to dissipate, she’s already pointing one of her daggers on Maxwell’s nape.

“My win.”

“I lost… but may I ask Mrs. Zvalle… why didn’t you use that skill on me earlier in our battle? It should’ve finished this battle faster..”

“Because my skill isn’t that convenient to use. Let’s just say it's like that.”

Belle returned her dagger to it’s sheath.

“I see..”

Maxwell followed and sheathed both of his swords.

He looks towards Belle and starts to bow.

“Thank your for your guidance.”

“It’s nothing. I should also thank you… I never had a chance to lose steam since my Little Elle was born. Well, not that I said that it’s her fault though.. I’m still making her as my first priority. Well, good luck to your marriage.”

“Thank you.”

Lowell used ‘Eye of Investigation’ on her Mom.

Name: Belle Zvalle

Level: 51

Title: Windwalker

Job: A-rank Adventurer

Status: Slowed

Age: 29 years old

Birthplace: Bevare Village

HP: 5000/5200

Mana: 560/2290


Physical Power: 440 (+140)

Magic Power: 760

Speed: 660 (+120)

Constitution: 7

Luck: 89

Aptitude: Mid-Rank Gaunt-Tier Fleur

Attributes: Wind(Main), Fire, Water, Earth

Special Skills: Dodge(High)

Her Mom’s base stats were higher than her Dad when it comes to Physical Power, Speed, and Luck.. but her Dad still has higher Magic Power, HP, and Mana than her Mom.

*What’s this Dodge(High)? There’s also a ranking on special skills?*

She also used another ‘Eye of Investigation’ skill on Maxwell.

Name: Maxwell Accordia

Level: 44

Title: Dymacherus*

Job: B-rank Adventurer, Kindom’s Free Enforcer

Status: Weakened

Age: 29 years old

Birthplace: Blanc City

HP: 1290/5000 (+250)

Mana: 321/2200 (+90)


Physical Power: 410 (+170)

Magic Power: 697 (+50)

Speed: 660 (+120)

Constitution: 8

Luck: 67

Aptitude: Low-Rank Gaunt-Tier Fleur

Attributes: Earth(Main), Fire, Water,Wind

Special Skills: Dual-weilding Mastery(High)

Maxwell’s stats were comparable to her Mom because he was wearing a full battle gear while her Mom only has her two jade knives in her disposal.

This really shows that Innate stats beat Bonus stats even though they are evenly matched..

Maxwell starts to bid farewell and both of them starts to walk towards our side.

Maxwell noticed the trio especially Lowell, who was still lying on the grass.

“Oh? Aren’t you…”

Belle also noticed them and spoke.

“Little Elle? Oh.. it’s already near sunset.. I need to prepare for dinner! See you later, Mr. Maxwell.”

“Ah-? Okay. See you.”

Before her mom could return to the house, she stopped and looked towards the trio again, specifically at Weiss.

“Ah. Weiss, your butler said that you can stay here for tonight.. your father already agreed.”

“I-I see. Then I’ll be on your care, Mrs. Zvalle.”

“Don’t mention it.”

After Belle left them, Maxwell spoke and observed the three.

His eyes became focused to Lowell, who is in the middle of the two boys.

“So, you’re Aurel’s most precious student… and these two are also her apprentices.”

The three of them froze.

He's inspecting us from head to toe…

“I heard the little girl had trouble while Aurel’s having an ‘Outbreak’. Sorry about that..”


He immediately apologized.

“Ah. Don’t worry, Sir.. I got over it already.. It’s just an accident, really..”

Lowell stuttered as she didn't know how what to do after Maxwell apologized.

“Call me Maxwell. It was still under my own carelessness.. I shouldn’t have permitted her to teach you that day.. I see signs of her breakthrough, but I dismissed it as a false alarm… I’m deeply sorry.”

“I-It’s really fine.. She took care of me since three years old so I regard Teacher as a family already..”

Then, Maxwell took an item from his pocket.

It was small enough to fit inside without inhibiting his movements while fighting, so Lowell became curious of the item.

“Then please accept this. I wouldn’t calm down if you won’t accept this as compensation for the trouble I caused you..”

Maxwell held out the item, which is a crystal that looks like a diamond shard.

I feel presence of mana inside of it.

Lowell received it without removing her curious look.

“Please try to absorb its mana.”

After hearing Maxwell's instructions, Lowell nodded and followed.

She absorbed the mana inside of it.

“It’s entering my mana veins?”

Instead of circulating around the tip of her palms, it entered her mana veins.

Afterwards, the shard turned into dust, losing the mana that's binding the whole thing together.

“W-what’s this feeling?”

Lowell felt her mana veins was expanding little by little.

It wasn’t a sudden burst of increase in capacity, so she felt it was really comfortable.

“That was a magicite. It is a rare ore that contains mana which could be absorbed into one’s mana veins. Since the size is small, those who are in Practitioner Stage and below can benefit the most on using it. It won’t have that much effect if I were to use it, so I’ve given it to you. It wasn’t much … so sorry..”

“No, Sir Maxwell. It’s already a huge help for my mana cultivation. Thank you very much.”

After that, Maxwell looked towards her Big Brother and Weiss.

“So, little lady, who’s the lucky guy?”

“Lucky guy? Who’s that?”



Both Weiss and her Big Brother panicked.

Her Big Brother closed her ears while Weiss starts to speak with Maxwell.

Aren’t you afraid of him awhile ago? Where did your courage came from?

Lowell starts to struggle away from Big Brother’s hands and starts to ask Maxwell.

Lowell started to pout angrily at the two boys.

“Both of you.. You’re being rude!”

“Eh?.. We’re sorry!”

Both of them bowed towards Mr. Maxwell.

“Hahaha! It’s nothing! It must have been hard for you two. My fiance was like that at first..”

Mr. Maxwell starts to tell them a story.

Both of the boys listened eagerly, but Lowell didn't found it interesting, so she bade farewell towards Maxwell.

After Maxwell departed, both Weiss and her Big Brother looked as if they’re both enlightened.

What did just happen awhile ago?

Before Lowell ate lunch, she tried to use ‘Eye of Investigation’ in herself, checking the effects of the magicite in her body.

Name: Lowell Zvalle

Level: 15

Title: —–

Job: —–

Status: —-

Age: 8 years old

Birthplace: Blanc City

HP: 330/330 (+10)

Mana: 125/125 (+15)


Physical Power: 38

Magic Power: 124 (104+20)

Speed: 42

Constitution: 5

Luck: 40

Aptitude: High-Rank Practitioner Tier Fleur

Attributes: Spatial(Main), Wind, Fire, Water, Earth

Special Skills: Skill Forger, Eye of Investigation

I didn’t notice it, but I made a huge leap – I became a High Rank Practitioner Tier.. but I was only a Mid Rank Practitioner last week.

Lowell felt that the effect of magicite is really incredible.

She's now at the brink of breaking through Practitioner Tier.

I think it would still take me one or two months to change Tiers...

Mom and Mr. Maxwell’s Special skills have ranks, but mine don’t? What does this mean?

Lowell's getting confused as she ponder it.

Lowell thought that she need to know more about special skills.

Lowell tried to use ‘Eye of Investigation’ on both Weiss and her Big Brother.

I think they won’t mind, do they?

Name: Qazar Aquila

Level: 16

Title: (Demon King’s Successor – Hidden)

Job: —–

Status: —–

Age: 8 years old

Birthplace: ????

HP: 120/443

Mana: 52/52


Physical Power: 67

Magic Power: 79

Speed: 66

Constitution: 5

Luck: 89

Aptitude: Low-Rank Practitioner Tier Fleur

Attributes: Darkness(Main), Wind, Fire, Water, Earth

Special Skills: Mind Reading, ???, ???

It’s the same as Big Brother.

Lowell noticed that her ‘Eye of Investigation’ can identify Special skill which is eternally active(Like Dual Weilding) and skill that she see being used(Like Dodge and Mind Read).

If she didn’t see it, it would stay ‘???’ until she sees it.

Name: Weiss Lear

Level: 14

Title: ——–

Job: —–

Status: —–

Age: 8 years old

Birthplace: Blanc City

HP: 450/450

Mana: 50/50


Physical Power: 68

Magic Power: 76

Speed: 64

Constitution: 5

Luck: 42

Aptitude: Low-Rank Practitioner Tier Fleur

Attributes: Wind, Fire(Main), Water, Earth

Special Skills: ???,???

Weiss’ and her Big Brother's stats aren’t that far from each other.

Both of them were training to be front-line fighters, so their Physical Stats are definitely higher than Lowell.

After eating dinner, Lowell retreated to her room with the Jade Kitten.

It started hiding inside her hat during the fight because of its fear towards Maxwell and Mom’s sparring session.

Lowell tried to ask Weiss to sleep with her, but both Weiss and Big Brother vehemently rejected her proposal.

Lowell still hear their bickering voices inside her room, since Weiss was decided to stay with her Big Brother.

It stopped when she heard her Mom enter their room.

Lowell picked her sleeping clothes and prepared to change when she noticed something..

Before she removed her hat, Lowell noticed that it was a little bit heavy.

Now that she remember it, it wasn’t that heavy before their excursion around the town.

She didn't notice it until now because the weight only increased by a few grams.

When she removed it, the kitten rushed outside and hissed towards the hat.

When she looked what’s inside the hat, there she saw..

The serpent, which Lowell thought ran away after sucking her mana, was clinging on the leather inside her hat like a sleeping bat.

It was trembling with fear, evidently shows that it was afraid of the kitten.

Lowell noticed that most of its injuries are already healed and when it noticed her gaze, it leapt towards her chest as if asking for help.

“Mew! Mew! Mew!”

The serpent spoke as if it wants Lowell to defend it.

Lowell placed her hat on a desk nearby and held the serpent in her arms.

Lowell was still trying to know what type of Magical Beast it was.

Name: (Available for Naming)

Level: 1

Monster Type: Land Serpent

Master: Lowell Zvalle

Status: —–

Gender: Female

Age: 5 days old

Birthplace: ???

HP: 100/100

Mana: 10/10


Physical Power: 15

Magic Power: 25

Speed: 14

Constitution: 1

Luck: 16

Attributes: Earth

Special Skills: ???,???,???

When Lowell looked at its stats, she became suprised.

It was just born five days ago? I also noticed that it has three special skills. I wonder what are those.. Oh well, I’ll know it later since I’m its master so I don’t need to rush it.

Lowell also used ‘Eye of Investigation’ on the kitten.

Name: (Available for Naming)

Level: 2

Monster Type: Jade Cat

Master: Lowell Zvalle

Status: —–

Gender: Female

Age: 1 month old

Birthplace: ???

HP: 140/140

Mana: 7/7


Physical Power: 25

Magic Power: 19

Speed: 25

Constitution: 1

Luck: 99

Attributes: Wind

Special Skills: ???,???,???

So it’s pretty normal to have three skills for Magical Beast? As she think more, she felt her head hurt.

So this is my Eye of Investigation’s present limit.. Five times per day and I’ll start to have a headache..

Lowell placed the serpent in the bed and the kitten on the top of the desk beside the hat.

It was still hissing at the serpent, which hid beside Lowell's pillow.

Lowell changed into her sleeping clothes and sat on the bed.

She held the Kitten, and thought of a name for it.

“Since you’re a Jade Cat… Hmm.. Jade is too plain.. Jadeite is too long.. so is Lapis Nephriticus.. Ah-?! I’ll name you Nephy~!”

She held Nephy up high and it meowed as if it agrees with its new name.

Lowell placed it on her lap and the kitten snuggled itself on it and starts to fall asleep.

Lowell started to pet it softly, then she noticed the serpent grabbed her sleeves as if it wants Lowell to name it.

“Since your color looks like an Axinite Gem, I’ll name you. Axie!

The serpent, who Lowell called Axie, jumped on her lap and disturbed the sleeping Nephy.

Before they start to fight again, Lowell placed the them on alternate sides of her bed and started to sleep.

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