《Otherworldly Adventures》Chapter 13 - Magic Lesson


A week after adopting Qazar.

He finally starts to fit in Zvalle family. He joins Lowell whenever they have classes, but he frequently wakes up earlier that Lowell.

He says he should do his daily training or his skill would rust.

That was his reason whenever Lowell ask him to stay longer in bed.

Even her mom Belle wants Lowell to follow Qazar's example.

Weiss, who was frequently absent on Teacher’s tutorials, attends Teacher’s tutorial diligently.

Whenever Lowell wasn’t around, Qazar and Weiss starts to argue.

Every time Lowell sees them fighting, Weiss starts to say ‘I won’t lose’.

I think it’s much better to be friends, though..

She thought as she was the one usually stop their fights.

After another week, Lowell reached Middle Rank Practitioner Tier. When she changed ranks, most of her stats increased by five or ten.

Name: Lowell Zvalle

Level: 13

Title: —–

Job: —–

Status: —-

Age: 7 years old

Birthplace: Blanc City

HP: 230/230

Mana: 85/80 (80+5)


Physical Power: 23

Magic Power: 105 (95+10)

Speed: 28

Constitution: 5

Luck: 40

Aptitude: Middle-Rank Practitioner Tier Fleur

Attributes: Spatial(Main), Wind, Fire, Water, Earth

Special Skills: Skill Forger, Eye of Investigation

Lowell asked her mom to let her dad teach her Spatial Magic and she reluctantly accepted. Her dad Louis, who was very eager to teach her, started on the basic of spatial magic.

Today, her teacher Aurel took Weiss and Qazar towards the Fleur Guild because they reached Practitioner Tier. Their ‘Outbreak’ weren’t as severe as Teacher, because there’s only a little mana difference between High Rank Apprentice Tier and Low Rank Practitioner Tier. They only experienced severe headache.

Louis took over the lesson for today because he doesn’t have work today.

“So, let’s start with portals! Focus your mind and gather mana in both of your hands.”

Lowell obeyed his dad and gathered silver-colored mana.

“Make both of them even. ”

Lowell tried to make her mana even on both hands.

“Then throw one of them in the ground and another one towards the sky.”

Lowell followed and throwed the mana she gathered on her right hand to the ground and the left hand to the sky.

“Close your left hand this instant.”

In her father's instructions, Lowell closed it.

The mana she threw in the sky suspended there.

“That’s what we can call a basic ‘Spatial Hole’. It needs two Spatial circles to work properly. If you use it by making only one entrance and no exit.. Poof! you’ll enter a random place.”

That’s why I was transported somewhere distant when I used it when I tried to escape from Teacher.

She took note while pondering her previous error.

“But how did you use a long range teleportation skill without using Spatial Hole? I remembered you drew a big circle..”

“Oh, that? It wasn’t Spatial Hole I used. As I said before, Spatial Hole is unstable when your target isn’t reached by your vision. Even if you have good vision, the distance to be traveled by mana could be an affecting factor. It wasn’t impossible, but it’s really hard to accurately guess. If your present location’s mana concentration is different from your target location, it might carry excess mana, which would make the magic fail. What I used is this.”

Louis showed her an ordinary looking gemstone.

“This gemstone is the ‘Tracking stone’. The fleur guild’s Identification Card has some traces of this stone inside it. I used three years to develop this type of magic. Look.”

He started to inject silver-colored mana on the stone. After that, he threw the stone towards the farmhouse and he created a Spatial Hole in front of him.


“Look, this is my original magic, Spatial Return.”

Louis entered the Spatial Hole.

A Spatial Hole appeared on the top of the stone. After a few seconds, Louis emerged out of the hole like he was being elevated upwards. The stone was destroyed.

“See? That’s how I teleported towards you and back to our house. I draw a circle because it’s hard to transport two at the time. I don’t have full control in this magic except when it’s only me being transported..”

He starts to walk back towards his previous location.

“Towards me? I thought only Teacher knew my location.. and you can’t use Spatial Hole for long distance travel..”

Louis laughed slyly while looking at her daughter's confused face.

“I have a way to reach you, but I don’t know if you’re in crisis or not. I instructed your Mom to break one of my ‘Tracking Stones’ to give me a warning that something bad happened to you or to her. When I received the message, of course I would teleport towards our house first. Then I’ll tell you a secret then..”

He points at my bracelet.

“Look at the square bead of your bracelet.”

My bracelet has different shapes – star, rectangle, circle, square, triangle. The difference is that all of the shapes have two, but there is only a square.. and a bigger one at it.

“I’ll teach you the contents of your bracelet. The circle shaped stones are the mana regulator stones, or anti-mana stones. The star ones are the size adjuster, or rubber stones. The triangles serves as locks, if you ever want to remove it.. the rectangle are just ordinary stones and the square one…. Give me your hand..”

Lowell lended her hand to Louis. He held her hand and touched the square-shaped bead. He injected a little mana and it was cut into half. A considerable amount of sand gushed out of the bead.

“I’m the one who placed that bead. I made a hole inside it by using fire magic, and attached it into your bracelet. That sand was previously a ‘Tracking Stone’. Of course I won’t let my Little Princess’ safety be dependent on the Magic Regulator.. If it failed to maintain your mana or becomes defective, at least I’ll have a back-up plan~ I’m a genius, right~?”

Dad thought of that…

“Dad’s a real genius!”

“I agree! hahaha!”

His madman personality returned after using Spatial Return. His silver eyes and hair showed.

“After low-level utility spells, I’ll teach attack spells! Ahahaha!”

The image of a timid father starts to crumble inside Lowell's head.

“Spatial attack spells?”

“Yes! Spatial Magic is mostly known for utility and combination, but we also have attack spells! Like this!”

He pointed towards a large rock near the tree.

“First, gather silver-colored mana in your index finger. Compress it, then make it swirl!”

“Eh?! Swirl?!”

Lowell knew how to gather mana and compress it… but to swirl it.. is still out of her reach. She could spin Element spells by using mana, but swirling is different from spinning. The difficulty is much higher because of that.

“Eh? You don’t know how to swirl it? I guess I don’t have a choice. Look closely.”

He continued to gather and compress silver-colored mana. After that, he used some mana from inside his body to swirl it.

“This is why our main attacks are exhausting. We make use of the mana reserves inside our body a lot. Now, I’m done swirling it. Look how amazing your Dad is, Little Princess! Gravity Ball!”


It was the same skill he used on the Green Spider-Monkey. It sucked the Monkey inside and vanished into nowhere.

When it hit the rock, the rock made a circle void, only the bottom part remained, as if it was eaten away by a circle-mouthed entity.

After using Gravity Ball, he starts to calm down. His brown eyes and hair returned.

“Did you see that? Even though I’m in trance, I’m still a genius, right?”

“Yeah, but also a madman…”

Louis' body twisted in a weird angle.

“It looks like you’re getting your Mom’s habit of being an S…”

“S? What’s that?”

Lowell confusedly looked towards her dad while tilting her head cutely. Her innocent face shows her pure curiousity.

“It’ being sa-”

Before he could finish his line, a hand grabbed his shoulder from his back.

Lowell saw her mom who had the half of her face hidden by her hair and the other side’s eyes were purely red. Her smile was also scary..

Her mom starts to speak in a ghastly manner.

“Honey… Who’s the ‘S’ you’re talking about…..?”

Her dad froze in his spot while having a smile on his face with both eyes closed.

“When did Honey started to listen on our conversation?”

“After you destroyed that rock there… Didn’t I tell you don’t destroy that… I use that as a Prayer Tombstone for Mama and Papa….”

Now, Louis’ face paled. He started to speak without looking at his back.

“Ah-ah-ahaha! I-I forgot! I-It’s okay! I’ll find another one!”

Now, Belle’s grip hardened.

“Of course, I’ll have you look for another one.. But to call me an ‘S’ in front of Little Elle… You’ve got the nerve huh… Honey…”

Her grip intensifies bit by bit. Belle starts to drag her 'beloved' husband towards the house.

“Ow ow ow!! I’m sorry!! My goddess wife!! Please forgive meeee!!”

That morning until noon, sounds of anguish was heard from the house.

It was already afternoon when Lowell's teacher Aurel and Qazar returned.

Qazar had his robe and his Fleur badge. Lowell tried to use her ‘Eye of Investigation’ when he’s not looking.

Name: Qazar Aquila

Level: 16

Title: (Demon King’s Successor – Hidden)

Job: —–

Status: —–

Age: 8 years old

Birthplace: ????

HP: 450/450

Mana: 52/52


Physical Power: 75

Magic Power: 75

Speed: 67

Constitution: 5

Luck: 89

Aptitude: High-Rank Apprentice Tier Fleur

Attributes: Darkness(Main), Wind, Fire, Water, Earth

Special Skills: ???, ???, ???

Most of his stats increased.. especially his Physical Power stat, which only 50 previously.. Is it because of him being a Demon King Successor?

Her teacher departed after sending Qazar home. Lowell asked her to eat some snacks, but she refused, telling that she needs to be home before night.

Her wedding’s getting near, so we expected that it must be because of it.

Lowell thought of that for she remembered her teacher's special day was getting near day by day.

By the way, after another month, Lowell's frequent headaches stopped.

After learning Chemical Kinematics for Chemistry and Particle Physics for Physics. Lowell found them too complex and weren’t of any use for now, so she tried to suspend her experiments on how to use them.

I shall hold this knowledge so that I could use it if ever I needed it. I also got the grasp of using Spell Forger.

Lowell learned how to trigger her 'Spell Forger' skill by accident, when she was tried to use different type of magic in each of her hands, being wind on the left and earth on the right. Both hands formed another color of mana instead of two different element mana. It turned into a light-green colored mana that formed a thin vine. It was a new form of magic.

“So by combining red-colored mana which is fire and green-colored mana which is air… I create… yellow-

colored mana… which is not identified within elemental skills… What type does this do… ”

Lowell concentrated on creating yellow-colored mana, but she only created a small portion of it until she reached my limit.

“So little! I wasted most of my mana for such a little amount? I shall try this..”

She threw it towards the tree target in their backyard.

What happened next shocked even her.

A fast moving material was created from the mana Lowell created. The skill made a little scorched mark around the center but the middle mark was pierced..

It was lightning!

“Shouldn’t this be called Element forger… but no.. Elements are already independent entities of nature.. My ability has the power to make a sub-element but it was still a pseudo-element.. Spell forger is still an appropriate name for it..”

Making a skill by combining two or probably more elements. Spell Forger lives up with its name.. but..

“Mana consumption for creating a little spark is already high.. I should assume that this skill’s gonna be useless as long as my mana capacity’s still low…

I can only use this skill on emergencies…

Lowell hid the fact that she was practicing this skill by myself.. but she thought that her dad already knew what she's doing.. since he also knew that she have an ‘Eye of Investigation’ skill.

Now, Lowell's daily schedule is as follows:

Morning, Learning Elemental Magic and Academics her teacher.

Afternoon, Learning Spatial Magic with Dad or Practicing Magic with herself or with Qazar.

Even with her daily schedule, Lowell's progress was normal in both magic studies. Her academic study is almost done since her mom and teacher’s agreement was Reading, Writing, Language, and Arithmetic. Other field like History or Science aren’t taught since most of the topics there aren’t needed on their daily lives. These two are usually thought in an academy.

Her teacher also started teaching her High-ranked magic. Since Epic tier wasn’t available to public, she can only obtain High Tier spells. In their surrounding area, High Tier spells can already guarantee one's safety.

“For a High Tier Water Magic, the basic one is to divide the spikes into smaller pieces.. Which is Water Needles. I’ll demonstrate it.”

Her teacher started to gather blue-colored mana. After gathering it, the mana formed into a Water Ball skill. She made big spikes out of the Water Ball skill, which is now Water Spikes skill. she used the Water Spikes and created Water Needles, which are just the size of metal needles. It was little, but it was still numerous.

“Water Needle!”

“The skill sprayed needles by groups towards the tree practice target. It didn’t destroy the tree since now, we’re using a barrier item. But still, the power of a High Level skill is really a level higher than Middle Tier skills.

Aurel: “In other elements, Air Chakram, Flame Shower, and Rock Explosion are the basic High Tier attack skills. In high tier, most of elements obtain restriction skills.”

Her teacher explained as she demonstrate her skills in using High Tier skills.

“Like Earth Prison and Wind Cage?”

Aurel’s face looks pale.

“Do you still have hatred on me?”

“Eh? Ah-! Sorry Teacher.. but its only the restriction skills I knew..”

“I’m sorry too.. I just overreacted… ”

Her teacher lightly coughs and starts explaining.

“Yes, like Earth Prison and Wind Cage, those are restrictive skills which are used for inhibiting movement. For fire and water restriction skills, it follows the Flame Wall and Water Sphere forms of restriction. These skills are mostly used when capturing or taming Magical Beasts.”

“Taming Magical Beasts?”

“Yes. Do you think that those transportation animals are normal animals? Those are tamed Magical Beasts.”

Because my knowledge on Magical Beasts are from High Tier Magical Beasts and above, I didn’t know about Low Tier Magical Beasts.

“Nowadays, anyone could be a Tamer. But there’s still a difference if someone has an innate talent for taming. The best tamed Magical Beast right now is a child Life Dragon owned by the Young Hero.”

“He tamed it?!”

“No, but it was an egg when presented to him. Dragons are loyal to the one whom they seen first after being born.”

“I see..”

“It looks like it’s already noon. I shall end this class now.”

Her teacher looks at her with a satisfied face.

“Oh, Before I forgot, It’s your birthday next month, before my wedding right? What present do you want?”

“I want a Taming book!”

“It looks like you’ve got some sort of interest into Taming.. But I’ll remind you.. don’t be rash and reckless in Taming monsters, alright? Its still good to practice on Low Tier child Magical Beasts, but not on High Tier adult Magical Beast, alright?!”


After that, her teacher bade goodbye towards Belle and Louis.

Taming, here I come!

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