《Otherworldly Adventures》Chapter 8 - Escape Danger


After that day on Lowell's Fleur registration, she started to study her special abilities. She started with ‘Eye of Investigation’. At first, She used it on inanimate objects. A message popped inside her head.

Name: Oakwood Wand

Durability: 100/100

Effect: Mana +5 , Magic Power +10

Details: A common and lightweight wand. Can be sold for a good price

Then she tried it on insects, until she used farm animals and domestic animals.

Lowell began to wonder.

“Could it be used on oneself?”

She tried using it on myself by using a mirror.

Name: Lowell Zvalle

Level: 7

Title: —–

Job: —–

Status: —-

Age: 5 years old

Birthplace: Blanc City

HP: 130/130

Mana: 70/65 (65+5)


Physical Power: 10

Magic Power: 60 (50+10)

Speed: 15

Constitution: 4

Luck: 40

Aptitude: Low-Rank Practitioner Tier Fleur

Attributes: Spatial(Main), Wind, Fire, Water, Earth

Special Skills: Skill Forger, Eye of Investigation

She was surprised, since her special skill has a much better effect than the magic item the Fleur Guild uses. The only weakness of this spell is that, she noticed the change of her eye color. When she used it on the mirror, her silver eyes became gold. She thought it was too risky to use in battles since it would make people notice that she's using an ocular skill.

When she dropped her staff, all bonus stats are removed. She instantly knew that items need to have a body contact so that the additional effects can be added.

Afterwards, She tried to use Skill Forger.. but I don’t know which body part to use.. So she gave up on knowing its effect for the meantime.

Weiss, and sometimes Qazar, comes to visit Lowell's house. Qazar, for the meantime, was staying at her Teacher Aurel’s home. Whenever the both of them visit Lowell, they practice together and play around together. After a month, Weiss’ number of visitation lessened. It was after he declared ‘If we’re all Fleurs, who’ll become the frontline?’ but Qazar said he’s already practicing Sword Arts six months ago so it’s okay but Weiss still refused to listen.

Also, Teacher Aurel started to teach Lowell Fire-Attributed magic. Lowell found it hard at first, since each element needs different mindset. Serenity for Air, Stillness for Earth, and Fluidity for Water. For Fire, it is Fervor.


Her teacher starts to tease her again.

“Fire should complement you the most, based on your personality.. but why are you having difficulties on mastering the basics?”

Lowell was clueless of her teacher's teasing and was upset of her inability to use fire.

“I don’t know either, Teacher…”

“Oh well, don’t sulk.. Maybe it’s because ‘Magic is peaceful’ mindset was too ingrained in your head, mastering a violent element is hard for you. Remember, there’s always two sides in everything. Good and Bad, Life and Death, Strength and Weakness. In this case, it’s Peace and Violence. Magic can’t only bring Peace, but also Violence.”


After six months, Lowell caught the flow of basics. On her sixth birthday, she started to apply some basic knowledge from the Chemistry and Physics books.

“If high temperature of Fire is applied on water.. It would form a smoke named ‘Steam’.. When using Rock Bullet, add wind for greater acceleration…”

Lowell tried the first one, but all she created was hot water. She thought she needed more magic power but when I tried the second one..

“Rock Bullet! Air Shot!”

Because of momentum, the usual Rock Bullet spell which only makes a deep hole in the tree, now it pierced through it. There was also a big circle, a side-effect because Air Shot was bigger than the Rock Bullet.

“It looks like I need to adjust the size of Air Shot.. making it the same size as the Rock Bullet…”

Now she started to wonder how to make Lightning and Ice… but she can’t adjust the temperatures of her spell to reach extreme heat or extreme cold. She tried to ask her teacher.

“Extreme hot? Extreme Cold? Of course not.. We can only modify our spell’s physical form, but not their main properties.. Unless you have mana to compensate those changes… and the mana needed isn’t small either.”

Lowell dropped the idea of using the two for the meantime..

After another year, she reached Middle-Rank Practitioner Tier while her teacher reached Low-Rank Professor Tier.

“Teacher looks… weird.”

When Lowell saw her robe changed colors, she accidentally muttered. Lowell knew that she's in trouble.. because she remembered that when a Fleur is switching tiers, they would undergo an emotional breakdown. They couldn’t control their emotions because of their sudden multiplication of Mana. They call this phenomena ‘Outbreak’.


“Huuhh? What did you say, brat?”


Lowell started to run away. She started to panic since it's the first time she saw her teacher's scary face.

“You can’t escape, you brat!! Earth Prison!”

Lowell was instantly trapped inside big boulders made of earth.

“I-I’m sorry!!”

“Of course I’ll forgive you.. you’re my cute, cute apprentice…”

Lowell let out a sigh of relief.

“A bone or ten would do.”


Lowell started to panic again. She decided to escape.

“Air Spring!”

Lowell used a Low-tier Air spell, Air Spring. It propels her upward for a small amount of time. It’s a spell developed to clear labyrinth dungeons.

“Hahaha! Struggle! Wind Cage!”

Now, Lowell was imprisoned on a cylindrical cage with invisible bars mid-air.

“Hahaha! Resign to your fate, brat!!”

Her teacher starts to walk forward.

She acts really scary because she laughs hoarsely. It looks like I have no choice..

Lowell started to focus and gather silver-colored mana.

“Spatial Hole!”

She created a hole inside the Wind Cage. The only drawback of this spell is that.. it’s uncertain where the other side leads to.

If only I could control it, I could go and visit Weiss and Qazar frequently…

Lowell thought of that as she entered the hole, but what’s on the other side shocked her.

In a wide plain, two animals.. no, Magical beast are fighting each other. It was a boar and a monkey. The boar’s blue body was full of white gemstones and the monkey’s green body was very flexible and has eight arms. Lowell recalled, the boar is a High-tier beast known as the ‘Mineral Boar’ and the monkey is also a High-tier beast known as ‘Green Spider-Monkey’. The monkey’s diet isn’t boar’s meat, so it looks like it’s a fight for turf.

Beasts are also rated by tiers. Same with the tiers of magic spells, from Low Tier to World Tier. They are grouped that way because only spell with same tier can inflict damage or kill these beasts.

When Lowell popped out, both of them stopped fighting and looked towards her. The most troublesome part is.. while Magical Beasts are selfish and fights other beast, when a human joins the fight, they’ll cooperate and kill the human.

I need to move first!

Lowell thought of that and started by chanting a spell.

“Earth Boulder!”

Lowell started by elevating my foothold. It would be dangerous for a fleur without combat knowledge to fight head-on.

The monkey started to climb the boulder while the boar starts to demolish it. Not good!

“Earth Spikes!”

Lowell created spikes on the boulder. The monkey retreated while the boar was hit. The boar didn’t even falter and resumes ramming the boulder.

“I can’t use Quicksand… my foothold’s foundation will get weaker… What should I do….”

She started to panic. She looked downward and saw the monkey swinging around the spikes.

“Swinging.. spikes.. Fire! I’ll use fire! Fire ball!”

She started to use Fireball on the spikes. The spikes became too hot for the hands of the monkey. The boar stopped because its weakness is fire.

“Do I need to use Spatial Hole again? I was lucky on my first usage, but this is just the second attempt. I can only gamble on the third attempt. If I don’t use it here, only death would be my outcome.”

Lowell took a deep breath.

“Here it goes! Spa-! Waaaaaaaaaah!!”

She didn’t notice, but the boar starts to ram the boulder again. It used a strong force to demolish the boulder. Lowell started to fall from a high ground.

Is this the end? Is my dream to become an adventurer like Mom gonna end here? Ah. Even I could survive the fall, I’ll be killed by these monsters. I can even use skills because of spell interruption…

She remembered her Mom and Dad’s smiling face while walking home after her Fleur Registration. Weiss’ smiling face while waving goodbye.. Her promise to Qazar.. and her teacher’s kind smile..

Tears starts to drop from her eyes.

I don’t wanna die.. I don’t wanna die… I don’t wanna die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Anyone, save me!!!!”

She screamed through my lungs, asking for help. She knew it’s impossible, but she's still hoping for someone to save her.

After that, she resigned to her fate.

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