《Otherworldly Adventures》Chapter 0 - Altered Future


In a vast, dark space that was only illuminated by glimmering stars in every direction, a girl was floating like she belong in her environment.

No one knew how long she was there, and her sleeping face show comfort comparable to sleeping in a soft bed... until suddenly, she woke up.

The comfort in her face turned into fear, as she tried to held her breath in reflex. When she thought that she was done for, the fear in her face turned into wonder, for she knew that her biological structure prohibits her kind from surviving her present environment.

"Oh?! It seems you've woke up, Lowell Zvalle!"

A playful voice of a boy suddenly broke the silence and spoke of the girl's name.

Lowell tried to move her head around, but her body wasn't cooperating with her wishes and remained unmoved. She noticed that she could move is her eyes and mouth.

She mustered her couraged and spoke while her eyes looked around, looking for the origin of the playful voice.

"Who are you?! Where am I?!"

In return, a blinding light emerged, making Lowell close her eyes involuntarily. In a few seconds, the light was replaced by a boy in white robe.

The most unusual is that the boy had large wings which could cover his whole body easily.

“Well, I’m an Angel of Death.. and you’re here because you’re already dead..”

The angel looks at Lowell with a troubled expression. When Lowell heard that she died, she suddenly remembered the events before waking up in this place.

"I died in that car crash? No... that isn't true... No..."

Lowell was in her car and was in her way to an important meeting to accomplish her promise to his late husband, when everything became blank.

Despair can be seen in Lowell's eyes.

When the playful angel sawi it, its voice turned apologetic instead.

"It was a set-up made by one of your competitors.. but that event shouldn’t have happened. In the Book of Life, you’re gonna die at the age of 76, but you died too early.”

A trace of anger was evident in her eyes, but calmed down after a few seconds, for she knew she couldn't do anything in her present situation.

“How did that happened? Did the God you speak of deliberately let me die?”

The angel shook his head as he gave a reason.

“An Interference happened.. before we could even react, your destiny was already altered. I think it was from a Higher Being than God.”


A Higher Being above God? How’s that possible?!

“This talk is getting more and more unbelievable…”

“I get your sentiments, Mrs. Lowell. How could an ordinary human like you get their attention.. Ah?!”

The angel looks at the Book of Life while talking. He suddenly stops as if he discovered something.

“So that’s what it was!!”

Lowell can only give a curious look for she can't understand anything of what the angel said.

“Huh? What are you talking about? Please say it in a word I could understand.”

After staring at the Book of Life for a long time, the angel looked at her with shining eyes.

“I see~ I see~! It isn’t impossible since you are fated to be the one who’ll rule the whole world!

It surprised Lowell for she never wanted power nor she even thought of needing it.

“Eh? How?”

"Lowell Zvalle, Half-French, Half Russian descent. At 27, she became one of the most successful business tycoons of her nation, France. Married with Mihr Slavonia, the heir of Slavonia Kingdom in Croatia and had three children. Her main business is on cutting-edge technologies and development of a new part of Robotics, the popular Artificial Intelligence. Perfected the A.I system at the age of 34 and received Nobel Prize for Physics and Economics.

After a year, her husband was assassinated by means of a car crash, which was set up by his rivals in business. Before dying, her husband still reached her by phone asked her to build a world where people would never worry of security and reach an understanding. He wasn’t asking a long time utopia, but a spark to motivate the hearts of Human Race as a whole. Now, with the leadership of Lowell, his Mega Corporation ‘Jinshin’, she started to climb up as the most influential man in the world.

Afterwards, she received numerous death threats and assassination attempts, but all of them failed and no one stopped her from reaching the top of society. That time, all of her decisions can affect the world market, but she didn’t care about it. She started her grand project - the development war technologies more advanced than the present technologies used by the army. Now that she has the capability to do so, she started to work on it.

First, she developed a shield that could block the power of a nuclear weapon. It is one of the main reasons she became the World’s First True Ruler. Due to depletion of non-renewable resources, a new war has started. Economies fell, since not every country can adapt the usage of renewable resources. Another Era of Conquest has begun. United Nations failed to diffuse the situation, and it started to fall apart. Afterwards, you know what will happen right?”


After telling me her future, the angel looks at Lowell. Lowell was still trying to digest everything the angel said to her but she still gave an answer.

“A war of nations... A World War?"

The angel smiled and his playful personality returned.

“You’re right~! It started another world war. After smaller countries fall to ruin, First World countries started to act like saviors. Since Capitalism and Socialism have different beliefs, two World Factions started to emerge. The United Earth, headed by U.S.A, and the Socialist Alliance, headed by Russia and China. It started as a cold war, but both countries don’t want to give in. After a certain event, it escalated into a nuclear war. Both factions started to release their hidden super weapons. You, on the other hand, was unaffected since your rivals started to focus on the war.

After one occasion, a nuclear weapon from the Socialist Alliance was released to exterminate you and your family. It was the start of your main story. Your ‘Anti-Nuclear Project’ was shown into the public. You created another faction, and started to conquer the world.”

The longer she listens to the angel's word, the doubt in her mind also increase with it.

“Is that how simple it is?! I can’t believe such story.”

The angel understood Lowell's confusion and could only shrug his shoulders.

“Well, if I tell you more, it’ll take time and we’ll make someone angry..”

He looked troubled, making Lowell look at him curiously.


“Well, because of your premature death, We can resurrect you directly to Earth, but another ‘Higher Being’ wants your help.”

“Help? What kind of help?”

Now, thing are starting to get troublesome - Lowell thought.

“I don’t know the details, but my master, ‘God’ was asked by those ‘Higher Beings’ to lend you to them. Well, my master can’t refuse, since he’s a step lower than them. Arguing with them wouldn’t be good, either.”

“Is that so.”

Lowell sighed with resignation. She knew that there's no point in arguing with these people. Even though she still had unfinished things to do in her life, it doesn’t mean anything for someone who can’t go back.. She started to accept her present situation.

The angel snapped her fingers, which lets Lowell move her body freely. With her movement return, she started to look around the place. A letter emerged out of thin air, which was taken by Lowell instantly.

“Just open that letter, and poof~! You’ll be sent to their location.”

“You won’t guide me?”

“Ahahaha~ of course not~! No way~ no way~!”

The angel laughs and starts to disagree with her idea. A hint of fear could be noticed in his voice.

“You know, those beings are scary~ The message they sent wasn’t a type of request.. It was an order. ‘Deliver him, or else we’ll gonna destroy your domain’ is what my master received. What a scary bunch~”

“And you’ll send me to those scary bunch!? What kind of Angel are you?!”

“We don’t have any choice! Rather than sacrifice the whole humanity for a person, why not sacrifice that person for the sake of humanity?”

The angel spoke like it was natural.

“Say, did this kind of event happened before?”

“Hmm.. Nothing like this happened before. My master was even surprised to receive that notification. Well, it may be a threat for us, I don’t see any malicious energy inside that would like to harm you. I think they’re too straightforward and just wants to employ your help..”

“I see, that’s good then.”

Lowell let out a sigh of relief.

“Oh~ I have to get back to work! See you!”

The Angel starts to disappear.

Are Angels of Death that carefree?

She thought.

“Now, what should I do…”

With the letter in her hand, she started to inspect it. In a brief inspection, she thought that it was an ordinary letter. It was encased in an envelope, which doesn’t have any details.

“Well, there’s nothing I could do now.. even if I stay here, nothing’s gonna change. If I open this, at least I have a chance for a better life. Okay, I’ve decided!”

She opened the envelope and started to read the letter. She was surprised that it doesn’t have anything on it.

“Is this a prank?! If it is this-!”

Before she could complete my sentence, A very bright light surrounded hee and she started to lose her consciousness again.

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