《Logical Labyrinth》Chapter 9 – Field boss


A week has passed since then but we never knew who was that stalker or observer.

I am now level 15 and since you can change your job at level 10, I change mine and now I am an [Archer] not a villager.

Also, Gino and I become an adventurer.

The adventurer has this ranking system just like from the anime I watched before.

The lowest is bronze, iron, silver, gold, mithril, and the highest adamantite.

There are only 2 teams of adamantite in the Kingdom of Sevil proving that only those who have talent and guts can attain the rank of adamantite.

For now, both of us is bronze and we are almost there to become an iron adventurer.

Also, based on your rank is the difficulty of your quest.

Bronze request mainly composed of [Gathering] quests. This quest will only requiring you to gather some medicinal plants outside the town. Well, it’s pretty boring and you can also rank up if you finished 100 quest of your rank. For us, we already finished 98 quests. Mainly because we gather almost every item we found in the forest so that when we register as adventurers, we already have the quest item good for 50 quests. Also, there is some subjugation quest available for bronze adventurer, it was killing 5 goblins and collecting its tooth, which is also a factor why we finished 50 quests in 1 day.

Anyway, I said that I am now an [Archer], my [Villager] job still exists. [Villager] job didn’t give anything at all but it is a pre-requisite for you to take other jobs. Oh, did I tell you that beside from your original level (which is also known as Base level), there is also Job level. Job level strengthen your job as it grows and it is also the key for changing jobs. For combat classes, you need to have a level 10 [Villager] to change, and that goes with support classes. While Crafting classes (some call them “Utility class”), you need just a level 5 [Villager].

It is possible for your job level to be higher than your base level but most of the time base level and job level are at the same level.

Also a job gives additional bonuses/buffs to someone.

In my case, [Archer] gives [Small Increase DEX] and [Marksmanship].

I don’t know how small is this increase in DEX since it is not written on the status screen and I think [Marksmanship] assist my accuracy.

Also, after leveling your first job (the job that you pick after leveling [Villager] to level 10) until level 20, you can pick another job.

You might think that having multiple jobs seems troublesome but by picking another job will unlock a higher tier/tier-2 job. For example, when you take [Swordsman] as your first job then get [Thief] or [Brawler] then you will be able to change your job to [Warrior]. There are also so-called rare jobs and legendary jobs. Rare jobs are jobs that only a few can attain it due to its hard requirement and someone who has a rare job didn’t publicize the information about how to obtain it. Legendary jobs are jobs that were written on the history. For example, the [Hero] job class which was said that it was the job of the hero that sealed the demon lord 1000 years ago.

Believe it or not, heroes, demons, and Gods exist in this world and because of that, I got a feeling that the reason why we are transported here is because the demon lord seal is getting weaker. Well, it’s just my thought.


Anyways, the legendary jobs aren’t only limited to heroes, there are also [Tracker], [Tamer] and [Sage]. These four legendary jobs are one of most known legendary jobs in this kingdom since the persons who have these jobs are the founder of it.

“Hopia, mani(peanut), pop-corn! Here is 100 Wooden Arrow per request.”

Gino stands up and give me 4 bundles of wooden arrows.

Oh yes, Gino become [Jack of All Trades] which is one of the rare jobs but also the weakest among them. His job can learn all skills available for the first job or tier-1 jobs, even if it is a combat/crafting/support skill, but he can’t raise it to [Master] level. Well, it is to be expected to someone who learns any skill that caught his attention. And by the way, I am not envious of his rare job okay.


I take the arrows and put 50 arrows on my quiver and the other 50 are left inside my room.

Ever since he became [Jack of All Trades], he started trying his crafting skills. Right now he can make only make wooden arrows, simple clothes made from rabbit skin, and recovery pill.

At first, his success rate on crafting is only 5% but after familiarizing himself on crafting, his success rate went up to 80%.

With this guy around, I don’t need to buy arrows from the shop.

Oh and also, he can repair some minor damage on our gears and do some maintenance on it.

Also on battles, he become all-rounder since he learn many different skills but now he’s still acting as a vanguard and I even if our party become bigger, he will still be the vanguard.

“Hey you two! Here’s your lunch. It’s roasted rabbit meat and cooked rice.”

Kaezar appear from the kitchen holding two wooden lunch box. She’s wearing a typical villager girl outfit which really suits her.

“Thanks sis. Ah..”

I thank her the way I thank Kaezar from the previous world. Ah, I should have not said that.

Lately, I incidentally called her “Sis” whenever she did something similar or acted similar to the Kaezar from the previous world. Even though I know that this Kaezar here is different from the Kaezar there, I still commit the same mistake.

I told Gino about it but he said that “I might be missing Kaezar(previous world) so much that I often mistake the Kaezar here.”

Well, maybe he’s right. After all, I am used to be with her side for a long time ago. Since high school we are always together and from that time, I fell for her. But I only told her what I felt just before the accident happens due to various reasons.

Oh and also, Gino realized that this isn’t a dream.

By the time he realized it, he shouted “HEEEEEEELL YEEAAAAH!! BEING TRANSPORTED TO ANOTHER WORLD JUST LIKE A PROTAGONIST ON A LIGHT NOVEL!” I hit him hard on his head since that time it was in the middle of the night. He might waken up the neighbors since he shouted.

“You called me your sis again. Hehe, it’s okay you know? You can call me sis if I really resemble your sister that much.”

Kaezar chuckles while she tells me those words.

I only nodded at her and saw Gino grinning while looking at me which somewhat pisses me off.

So I lightly punched him and said “Let’s go!”

We both departed from Kaezar’s house and went to the forest. Kaezar is smiling while seeing us off and I noticed his father glaring at me from window.


- - -

Kaezar’s P.O.V (Previous world)

This is the third day since Jasper disappeared.

The police are doing their best on looking for the persons that are missing from the bus incident but there is no lead so far. I even heard once from my father, which is a police officer, that the scene was too clean. It was as if all the people inside the bus disappeared in the thin air.

I’ve been feeling down since then and yesterday I hallucinated seeing Jasper but he is wearing different clothes. It was somewhat, outdated.. No.. It was a clothing of people from medieval age.

When I remembered that, my face become red. Maybe I really miss him so much. I loved him since high school but I can’t tell him how I feel back then since my cousin, that is so dear to me, loved him. Oh also, even if my cousin didn’t love him, I still can’t tell him how I feel since I am not shameless. I am a girl. So it’s shameful to confess my feelings first. That is the tradition, or should I say how Filipina girl acts. Actually, most of the youth now days are quite daring. Girls seduces men, courtship are done in the streets instead of the girl’s house, there are girls which drink heavier than men, and also sex is now a common act for couples. I don’t quite understand what happened to the traditional Filipina women. It changes too much and only a few can be called “Maria Clara”. Maybe it’s because of the different culture that got mixed up in the Philippine culture.

Anyways, today is a Saturday so we didn’t have a class and I am relaxing at the sofa when someone pressed the doorbell.


I quickly stand up and ask “Who’s there?” even though I am still in the living room.

As I went near the door, I see another hallucination.

It is Jasper and Gino sitting on the floor.

Both of them are wearing some leather armor and Gino is giving Jasper wooden arrows. On his back, there is a shield and on his right side, there is spear. Jasper have a bow laying on his right side and receiving the wooden arrows from Gino. Both of them are smiling and they suddenly look at me and Jasper’s mouth open saying “Thank you sis. Ah..”

I almost call both of them when I heard another ring of the doorbell.

Then they disappeared from where they are sitting.

I feel… Lonely all of a sudden.

Maybe because, I saw a hallucination again.

“Kaezar! It’s me your dad! Can you open the door? I forgot my keys so I can’t open it.”

My dad voice brings me back to the reality and I opened the door.

- - -

Jasper’s P.O.V

We are now in the middle of the forest and honestly, I am tired of hunting goblins.

Ever since we entered the forest, all I saw was goblins, goblins, and goblins!

Does this forest only have goblins?

Well, goblins heart fetch a good price so it’s not that bad but I want to fight other enemies. I am tired of these little-green-ugly creatures.

I let out a sigh as I sit beneath the tree.

We are taking a quick break and I am drinking some water when I heard footsteps going towards us.

I quickly tell Gino to prepare for battle and he obediently obey my order. Just like a dog.

“Hey! Are you thinking rude about me?”

As if he read what’s inside my mind, he glares at me. Of course I said I didn’t and the footsteps came nearer and nearer.

I draw my bow and aim it towards the direction of the footsteps.

If it is a goblin, then I will shoot it quickly.

But the one we see are 5 humans. They are running for their lives and some of them have a pale complexion. There are others who are bleeding and being carried by their teammates.

“Hey what happened?”

I asked the [Swordsman] who seems to be the leader of this group.

“A field boss respawn! Run for your life! You can’t handle it with only the two of you!”

He said while running.

Field boss? I wonder what it is. Is it the Goblin Leader? Alpha Wolf? Or Red Bear?

I look at Gino and he nodded at me.

We let the group pass us and when they are far enough, we slowly advance towards the direction where they came from.

I heard some roar and armor clashing from a far.

Maybe some adventurers are fighting the field boss.

We decided to stealthy watch the battle so we went nearer.

There I see almost two hundred ferocious looking green creatures fighting a three meter tall red bear.

The green creature’s height is approximately 190cm. Some of them are two meters tall. They have bulging muscles, and fangs grew out of their mouth. All of them are wearing armor made from the animal hides and bones. They are wielding badly maintained glaives, axes, and clubs. They are attacking Lupos, the red bear, and some of them got swept by Lupos strong arms. Even though they are attacking Lupos, there is no scratch can be found on Lupos, , maybe because of its fur or because their gear aren’t properly maintained. Every time Lupos swing his paw, two to three green creatures fly.

Oh right, this green creatures are Orcs. I don’t know why they didn’t look like a pig but I think I saw similar orc from a game.

The fight continued and looks like the orcs are in disadvantage.

The battlefield where they are fighting are green before but now it is covered by blood and corpses of the orcs. 50 orcs already died when the leader orc issued a retreat command. The surviving orcs quickly run away showing their defenseless back towards the bear. The bear used this opportunity to bring down some orcs who are falling behind. Before the orcs disappears, 25 of them died resulting to 75 orc’s corpses on the field. The bear didn’t chase too far and come back to where the battle happened.

“Shit, we need to get out of here.”

Gino whispered to me but it’s too late.

The bear is now charging towards us. It didn’t chase the orc maybe because it felt that there are more intruders to its territory, which are us. It wanted to eliminate everything that trespasses on its territory.

I quickly released the arrow on my bow, which is readied in case of this occasion.

The arrow bounces back from the fur of the bear.

Well, I can’t really expect it to penetrate that fur which easily wards of weapon made from iron.

But even so, I launch another arrow. This time aiming at its eyes, even if its fur is hard, you can’t expect that the same applies for its eyes.

The arrow lodged itself deep on the left eyes of the bear causing it to increases its speed while roaring.


“Gino! Can you intercept this guy? I’ll try to shoot its other eye!”

“I’ll try!”

Gino draws his shield and correct his stance. He lowers his hips and separate both of his feet intending to receive the impact. On his right arm, he pointed the spear towards the bear and on his left, the wooden shield is covering his body. I don’t think he can endure the charge of a three meter tall bear but I’ll trust him.

Trust in your party members is important because they are the one who covers your back.

But you can’t trust strangers in the first place, so I am grateful that my party right now is someone I can trust. I shoot arrows as fast as I can but it always misses its mark and bounces off from the bear’s fur.

The bear came nearer and nearer to Gino and Gino tightens his defense. Is he really going to receive its charge?

Then the bear clashes at Gino.

Gino flew aside due to the impact and his body is in the bad shape…

Or that what I thought what will happen.

Gino skillfully uses the bear’s momentum to divert it to the tree nearby. As the bear passes through him, he pierced the red bear’s bottom. Blood came out and the bear hits its head on the tree making it fall.

“Jasper! It’s fur is not that hard! It’s hard enough to repel dull blade and wooden arrows! Use your sword! Your arrow is ineffective! Who the hell did make those arrows?!”

Gino jokes about his own crafted items.

“Okay! The name of the crafter is Gino Cruz! When you saw him, can you punch him in the face!”

I replied with a joke. You might think that we are relaxed on this situation but to tell you the truth, we are not. Who the hell would be relaxed if they are fighting this giant bear?!

We joke around like this when we are almost panicking. It always happens when we play games. Actually, Gino and Marc insult each other whenever we are in this kind of situation.

Even though we are hunting for a time now, this is our do-or-die battle. Our heart beats fast due to fear but even so… We will fight! It’s better to die fighting than die running away! After all, with its speed it can catch us even if we run away now.

The bear slowly got up and shakes it head.

It faces us and stands up on its two feet and roar.


I feel intimidated by its roar and I quickly throw away my bow and draw my sword.

“Oy oy.. Don’t tell me you’re scared! I never know that Jasper is scared on this big stuff toy.”

Gino slightly provokes me but with this atmosphere, I know that he’s just joking.

“I am not. Maybe you are the one who’s scared, look at your left hand, it’s shaking.”

“Idiot! The impact is too strong and I thought my left arm is going to get crushed by the impact. Luckily, it didn’t.”

I know it. It is impossible for a human to fully block that charge. Maybe thanks to his stats, his left arm is still attached; or rather he barely survives because of that.

The bear charges again but this time we didn’t plan to receive it. I am in the left side of the bear and Gino is on the right. I slowly moved to its left hoping that when I dodge it, I land on its blind spot since its left eyes is gone.

When the bear almost hit us with its charge, I jump to its side and slice its left arm with my sword. That is the plan, but the reality is different. The bear seems to be more threatened by me, who take out his left eye. The bear heads turn toward me and performs a quick swipe with its left hand. I luckily dodged it by jumping backwards using all of my strength on the left foot which landed first after I jumped sideward. But I lost my balance due to that jump and my leather shirt got torn apart by the bear’s claws. The bear didn’t miss that chance and tried to maul me but Gino prevented it by stabbing the bear on its right side. The bear staggered back and glare at Gino while growling.

“What’s wrong? Got scared by my spear? Ted-dy Bear?”

Gino provoke the bear and quickly fix his stance. He looks at the eyes of the bear directly.

I also fix my stance and say my thanks to Gino.

The bear charges at us again but this time, I noticed that it’s targeting Gino.

The bear come nearer and nearer and when it is on the range of my sword, I jumped to its left side.

The bear didn’t notice my move since its sight is lock on Gino. Taking advantage of that, I slice its left arm. The sword dig deep and the resistance is so great that I need to use my two hands and all of my strength just to cut it.

The bear lost in balance because of the cut and it fell down on the ground. Its defenseless neck is clearly seen on my side so I stab it using my sword.

No matter how strong you are, when your neck got pierce you’ll surely die.

That stab decided the fight. The bear let out a small growl and stop breathing.

* * *


Due to killing the Field Boss Lupos, you are awarded of the title [Lupos Slayer]

All stats increase by 1.

* * *

You gained a level!

You gained a level!

You gained a level!

You gained a level!

* * *

For dealing the finishing blow, you are awarded by [Lupos’ Cloak]

* * *

I didn’t expect this at all. To gain four levels just by killing a single monster, well I’ll complain if I didn’t level up after that hard fight.

A light suddenly shine in front of me and when it fade out, I see a red cloak made from the fur of Lupos.

I quickly pick it up and astonished with its effect. Beside from giving a high defense, it also gives [Lesser Physical Resistance] and [Lesser increase in STR]. I quickly wear it over my armor. I noticed that the effect of leather shirt disappear and on its place, the effect of the cloak appeared. It seems to be treated as a Torso which is good.

Gino sit down from where he’s standing and I jump down from Lupos neck.

We stare at each other for a while and laugh.

It feels so good surviving a do-or-die fight!

Aaaaaaah! I feel my strength escaping from my feet making me sit on the spot.

If a monster appeared suddenly, I don’t think that we will survive since we poured all of our strength fighting Lupos. But in the end, it really feels good to hunt something that is stronger than you. My blood is still boiling and the smile on my face didn’t disappear for a while.

Suddenly, we hear the rustling of the bush behind us accompanied by many footsteps.

Did the orc come back?

This is bad.. I can’t move.

I didn’t think that the first time I felt like this will be my last.

I am readying myself to embrace death since there’s nothing I can do in this situation. Gino is also the same. He looks at me and smile.

“This is our end huh?”

“Yeah, quite likely.”

“Aaah… I don’t want to die as a virgin. Maybe I should have confessed on Jeziel back then.”

“Heeh, so you really like her huh?”

I begin teasing Gino.

Even if we already accepted our death, we continued to joke around.

Honestly, I think I should have confessed to Kaezar since the start of the semester.

Maybe if I confessed to her back then, we might be already a couple now.

This might be my last regret in this world. I should have confessed earlier.

The footsteps come nearer and nearer and our face become stiff due to fear and despair we feel that time. I mean, even if we joke around this time we will surely die. I close my eyes and let the creature or monster kill me.

I hope that I die painlessly.

But betraying my resolve, the one who emerged was the party whom I served the beer before when I am working at the tavern.

“Oya? It’s already dead? Say.. Did you two kill it?”

The brawler asked me while smiling. His voice makes me feel safe and I nodded.

The brawler scratched his head and asks us if we can stand.

We both said we can’t so the brawler ordered the two archers behind him to carry us both.

He also said that the swordsman and him will be the one to drag the corpse of the bear and said that “don’t worry, we won’t take anything from it” while winking at me. Honestly, I feel disgusted being winked by a fellow man.

Well, I don’t I’ll mind if they take a claw or two since they are helping us.

When I said that, he slowly shook his head and said.

“It’s only natural to help someone. And… Taking an item from other party’s hunt leaves a bad taste on our mouth.”

I look around and all five of them nodded.

I see. Even I will feel bad if I take something from the hunt of other just because we helped them.

But I think if it’s Gino, then he will gladly take the items they will be giving him. He’s that kind of man after all.

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