《Logical Labyrinth》Chapter 7 - Unexpected Announcement


The next day I still think that this is the afterlife but after about an hour (I guess?) of thinking I realized that isn’t the case.

Well, if you think of afterlife then the first thing that you will think would be the immortality right? I mean, in heaven you live for eternity at peace and prosperity while on hell you will suffer for eternity.

I killed a man and I think that was a solid proof that this was not the afterlife. I mean, if this was the afterlife then that man wouldn’t be dead right now, right?

So anyways, after convincing myself that this isn’t the afterlife, I left the room and saw Kaezar who just woke up. Her face is pale and her breathing was rough. Upon seeing me, she smiled awkwardly and greeted me.

“Good morning Jasper.”

Even though she smiled, that didn’t last for long since her face contorted with pain and she grasped her chest.

I quickly run towards her to assist her but she raised her hand, the one that was grasping her chest before, and face me with a smile.

“I-it’s okay. I-I’m fine.”

“You’re not fine at all. No matter where I look, you’re not fine.”

I lend her my shoulder even though she was against it.

When I look at her, her cheeks was kinda red maybe due to embarrassment.

“Where are you going?”

I asked her but she hanged her head down and avoided my gaze.

“Hey tell me, where are you going?”


“Ha?? I can’t hear you.”

“I n-need to go to t-the t-t-toilet.”

She said with a low tone and it seems like she just muttered it to herself. Her ears also become red and she covers her face with her free hand.

“*sigh* why are you getting embarrassed by that sis? This isn’t the first time I lend you a shoulder and guide to the toilet.”

This is bad.

I called her “sis”.

It’s not that I see her as my sister okay?

It was just, that was how I call the Kaezar Padilla in reality, no in my previous world.

At first I didn’t call her sis because I thought that this was just a dream so I didn’t take it seriously.

But now that I know that this isn’t a dream, I accidentally called her “sis”.


She looks at me and tilts her head. The redness of her face was gone as if she was not blushing before.

“Perhaps, I looked like your sister and you mistook me from her.”

She added.

No it’s not my sister it’s Kaezar from my world.

Is what I would like to say but I just said “Yes, I am sorry” since I will feel awkward if I tell her about Kaezar from my world.

And in the first place, I don’t have a sibling, I am the only child of my parents.

But she simply smiled and said.

“Is that so? Then think of me as your sister and call me “sis” and I will think that you are my older brother and call you brother.”

I just smiled at her proposal and I help her until we reached the toilet.

- Back at Earth -

Kaezar Padilla just woke up from her sleep and remembered the news she heard yesterday.

Jasper Perez was one of the missing passenger of the bus which was found abandoned in the middle of the road.

That news made her faint yesterday and today she feels down as she recalled about it.


Opening the door at her room, she saw Jasper wearing some outdated clothes which could be seen at movies themed at medieval age.


Jasper was looking at her with a worried expression and when she reached out her hand, Jasper’s figure disappeared.

“Am I still dreaming?”

She asked herself since she saw Jasper, who was missing, wearing clothes from medieval age in front of her then suddenly disappeared.

Maybe she was still half-awake or it was because of thinking about Jasper, she didn’t know.

She only knew that she cared about Jasper so much that made her hallucinate about him.

She smiled and walked towards the bathroom.

The reason why Kaezar called Jasper “Sis” was because they were close enough.

Before she only call Jasper as sis when she wanted to tease him and now it was the nickname of Jasper but only Kaezar can call him like that.

If other person called him sis, he will get angry and say “Who are you calling sis?”

That simple act made her happy since she was the only one who can call him sis, making her feel special.

But now that man who made her feels special, the man whom she loves was missing. Making her feel depressed and hopes that one day she would see that man again.

-Back to where Jasper was –

After helping Kaezar went to toilet, I am now fetching water from the well which could be found at the back of the house. At the back of the house, there I found something that look like a shed. It was made from wood, even the roof was made from wood. When I went inside, I saw a dipper hanging on the nail which was embedded at the back of the door. The floor was also made of stone. This must be the bathroom and I tried to find soap but found nothing. I heard soap was a luxury at this age so maybe instead of buying soap they buy food instead.

Oh, the reason why am I fetching water is because I was planning to wash my clothes since they stink.

Not only my clothes, I am planning to wash my armor too and I think it would be fine since it was made from leather.

I am preparing to wash my clothes when Kaezar’s father saw me and asked me what am I doing.

“I am going to wash my clothes and armor since it stinks.”

I said while picking my upper clothes and he stopped me.

“There’s no need to manually wash your clothes in this household since I can use magic to wash it. Look [Cleanse]!”

The clothes I was planning to wash, even my armor, is now emitting a green light and the stains slowly disappears. When the clothes stopped emitting the green light, it was now clean.

Oi oi, this was cleaner even if you use a washing machine, it was like I bought new clothes but for the armor, the damaged parts was still there. It only clean the dirt and stains but it didn’t repaired the damaged on my armor.

“Normally, [Cleanse] was used to cure poison on the person but I noticed that whenever I use it at my patient, not only the poison was gone, even the stains of blood on the patient’s clothes was gone. So I tried to stain as much as possible one of my rags and cast [Cleanse] on it and it became clean as if it was new. Sadly, it didn’t repair the damaged from clothes. But keep it as a secret okay? It would be bad if other knew that [Cleanse] can also be used like this.”


I heard about the effect of [Cleanse] on online games that I played before but I never thought that it can be used like this.

It feels wrong to use [Cleanse] like that but it got up to my list of essential skills that I needed. If it only cures poison then I think I don’t really need it but if it can act as a washing machine then it’s a different story.

The doctor told many stories about my father which I listened carefully since I don’t really know my father and maybe due to talking too much, he left and went inside the facility/clinic which also serves as my room.

Now that I think about it, I don’t know the doctor’s name yet. Maybe I should ask him about it one of these days.

My clothes and armor were clean and I don’t have anything to do now. It was about 9-10 in the morning, based on the location of the sun, so I decided to hunt something for our lunch.

While I am walking towards the forest, I saw someone who looks like a Sparta. He had a sword hanging on his waist, a round shield on his left hand and a spear on the right. He was wearing leather armor, the same as me except he also has a leather helmet. He was talking to the weapon merchant here but instead of talking, it look like he’s bothering the shop owner which was also the only smith in this village.

“Oi oi, look at him bothering another shop again.”

“Yeah I heard that he also done that to the armor shop and meat shop. I don’t know why though.”

“Maybe he’s just learning some skills but what was the point of learning all the crafting skills?”

“Maybe he wanted to become a crafter?”

“Would you learn each and every crafting skill if you wanted to be a crafter? Also look at his equipment, he look like a warrior.”

“Hmmm.. Well, it’s not our business. So why don’t we go to the tavern and have a drink before getting a quest?”

I heard this conversation while I was looking at the unusual man.

Now that I think about it, Gino like crafting and if ever he was also transported on this world then I think that he will act like that man.

I walk away the scene and went to the forest where I hunted some rabbits. Of course, I recycle my arrows since it will be a waste if I don’t. I also used my newly acquired skills on its corpse. I skinned the rabbit to get a rabbit fur and sliced the remaining corpse to small parts.

I also got a new accessory. It is named as [Rabbit’s Foot], it gives a passive skill [Luck 1] that raises the chances of landing critical hit to the enemies. You might think that it was a drop item but it’s not. They say that rabbit’s foot is considered as lucky and so I cut one of the feet of the rabbit I hunted and it suddenly shines and when it settled down, I found a necklace with a rabbit’s foot. I don’t know where the chain came from but I just thought that it was part of the system, after all I can see my own status with a game window.

So in the end I hunted 15 rabbit and I got 12x [rabbit’s fur], 20x [chopped rabbit’s meat] and 1x [rabbit’s foot]. It was almost noon when I ended my hunt so I decided to went back at Kaezar’s place.

As I am walking towards Kaezar’s place, I hear something like a bell chime and after it a window appeared in front of me.

* * *

Stat system successfully changed.

The new stat will be composed of:

1. Strength (STR) – it increases the physical strength and melee physical damage of the individual.

2. Intelligence (INT) – it increases the magic power, mana regeneration and maximum mana capacity of the individual.

3. Dexterity (DEX) – it increases accuracy and ranged physical damage of the individual.

4. Constitution (CONS) – it increases maximum health, health regeneration, and stamina of the individual.

All of the previous allocated skill point will be reset.

* * *

As I read the content of the window that suddenly appeared in front of me, I scratched my head.

“What the hell is this? Is this really my reality now?”

I close the window and go back to Kaezar’s place.

When I arrived, I found the Sparta-guy talking to Kaezar’s father.

“Hey, master! Please teach me [Pharmacy] I heard you are the only pharmacist here right?”

“I already told you no, and besides, why do you want to learn [Pharmacy]?”

“That is because I want to learn how to create recovery pill and the like!”

“Then.. Why don’t you just buy it?”

“Because I need to buy my needs! So please, Master Fernando! Teach me!”

So Fernando was Kaezar’s father name huh?

Wait.. This guy voice seems familiar… He can’t be…

“Gino Cruz?”

I said the name of my friend and the Sparta-guy quickly turns towards my direction.

Seeing his face, I am now sure. This guy is really Gino Cruz, one of my friends and also one of the passengers on that day.

“Ohh!! Jasper!! You’re also here! I’m glad!!”

Gino quickly grasped my hand and shakes it. I just smiled wryly in his behavior. I look at the doctor who seems to be surprised by the situation.

“Hey, doctor. Why don’t take this guy as your apprentice? He’s good with his hand.”

“You mean I am good at handjo-“

“Okay please spare me with your dirty jokes. Marc isn’t here to support you with that.”

This guy likes to joke around. You can still talk to him normally but when Marc was with him, then surely you will not be able to talk straight because of their puns and dirty jokes. Oh, before I forget, he also likes to tease someone.

“Ahem.. if Jasper say so then I think I don’t have a problem with it.”

“Yaay! Thank you Master Fernando! Thank you Jasper for supporting me!”

The reason I help this guy is because I know that I will be the one who will benefit if he knew those skills.

He’s my friend so it’s natural for me to help him and he will naturally help me since I am his friend.

What?? You think I become friend with him because of the benefits I will gain? Nope.. Actually, I know him since childhood and it was because of common hobby, the PC games.

After it, Kaezar appeared from the door connecting to the house and asked her father “What would you like for lunch?”

Hearing that, I give her all of the rabbit’s meat and ask her if she can cook it, of course at first she declined, not only her even her father declined. But I said that “I am sleeping here for free so I must help out.” In the end, they agreed and Kaezar took the rabbit’s meat.

Looking back at Gino, he is now grinning from ears to ears while looking at me.


“Nothing.. I just thought that this dream is nice~ You and Kaezar look like a married couple.”

I feel my face become hot, maybe I am blushing…

No, I am blushing.

“I-idiot! This isn’t a dream and she is not the Kaezar you know!”

“Yes yes.. This isn’t a dream and that isn’t Kaezar.”

He said with a light tone.

This guy didn’t believe me at all!

I want to punch him! No, not only punching, I want to beat him so bad!

But for friendship sakes, I contain my anger.

“Ahem.. Then why don’t I start teaching you already?”

Fernando coughed and said.

Maybe his coughing meant to say “I am still here! Did you forget that I am here?”

Actually, I forgot for a moment that he was there.

“Well then, see you later Jasper.”

Saying his goodbye, Gino and Fernando went inside the house and I am left behind in the clinic.

“Now then, what should I do?”

That time, I remember the announcement I read before. I forget to ask them about it and disturbing them while they are doing something is rude.

I scratched my head and summon the status window.

* * *

Name: Jasper Perez

Race: Human

Profession: Villager

Title: None

Alignment: Neutral

Fame: 0

Health: 110

Mana: 105

Level: 5

Experience: 200/500

- - - Status points - - -

STR: 14

DEX: 14 (+5%)

INT: 12

CONS: 14

- - - Equipment - - -

Head: None

Torso: Leather Shirt

Leggings: Leather Shorts

Gloves: None

Feet: Leather shoes

Ring(Left): None

Ring(Right): None

Necklace: Rabbit’s Foot

Left Hand: Short Bow

Right Hand: Short Bow

- - - Status - - -

Damage: 13 (+1% when using bow)

Defense: 5(+3)

Magic damage: 0

Magic defense: 0

- - - Resistance - - -

Fire: 0

Ice: 0

Water: 0

Earth: 0

Lightning: 0

Holy: 0

Dark: 0

* * *

I don’t know why the quiver didn’t appear in my status window but when I look closely, there isn’t a waist category on it, maybe because of that it didn’t appear on it.

I pressed the status points panel and another new window appeared.

It was the same as the status points on my status window but now it have an green icon for +, of course it is for adding stats, and red - but the - is color grey. I try pressing the “+” beside the STR and it increases by one and the “-“ sign become red. Maybe it indicates that it is now available so I press it and my STR returns to being 14.

“Okay, what should I add?”

I muttered as I stare at the panel.


Since I am an archer, adding DEX will be common choice but that was before since I don’t have a meat shield(tank) before but now it is different. Gino is here and he will become my meat shield(tank).

What? You think that calling a tank as meat shield is rude? Isn’t it normal for a tank to receive damage and charge as frontline right? In that sense, they were meat shield but don’t get me wrong here. It’s not that I look down at tanks okay? If they were not there then the enemies will surely massacre the thinned-armor mages and support? The other melee fighters you say? Yup they can hold it for a minute or two but when the enemy have an advantage on numbers then they will be just crushed like an insect.

So in that aspect, I respect tanks. But no matter how you glorify their role I will still call them meat shield.

Okay back to the problem. I don’t know status should I add. By the way I have 12 status points available and every level up gives 3 points.

I scratched my head and think.

If I add STR then I also need to add CONS since I will become a melee fighter.

If I add DEX then I will continue to become an archer.

If I add INT then I will become either a support or mage but since I don’t know any magic then it is crossed out.

If I add CONS then I will become a meat shield. I now have Gino to act as a meat shield so I don’t need it but maybe I will add it by 1 per 2 levels if I want to become an archer or 1 per level if I want to become a melee fighter.

Wait, what if I become both. A melee fighter which is also capable of attacking on range fight? Isn’t it beautiful? I will become a like a samurai at Battle Realms but what about the stats distribution? Would it be 1 STR, 1 DEX and 1 CONS per level? I think that isn’t how I should put my stats and it I will also be weak compared to other people if I did that. Hmmmmm… Maybe I’ll just add 2 STR and 1 CONS when I level up 2 DEX and 1 STR. This way my STR stats will be the highest so I will have more damage on melee fights than ranged fight, and also this way I am not a squishy ranged fighter.

I think it is a good idea so I put 6 STR, 4 DEX and 2 CONS leaving me with 0 status points.

Feeling satisfied, I close the panel and my STR become 20, DEX become 18 and CONS become 16.

I nodded as I check my stats and close the window.

By the time I close my window, Kaezar already finish preparing lunch so I call the two who are busy with their business to eat.

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