《Madness with a touch of sanity》Chapter 16: System glitch





"Interesting software you have there, a modified version of the original program, yes?" I was sitting on a comfortable chair, a man sat in front of me, and behind me, and beside me, perfectly mirroring himself, his sarcastic clapping matched his noble appearance and snide smirk.

"Don't feel like talking?... well no matter, I will get into that thick head of yours eventually, just a matter of time. Although I guarantee it would be a less harrowing and time wasting experience for both of us if you just talked" He was patronizing me, licking my body with his beady little blue eyes, but something about his gaze made me feel insignificant, like I was but an ant to him, and even if I wanted to talk, he ripped my jaw off immediately after summoning me.

"Interesting log you have, tell me, how on earth did you get from one end of the world to the other end in the time you did? and where did you go in the proceeding time? I wouldn't usually ask, of course, but you have a rather impressive firewall, it would probably take a few years to crack it, and only if I was only working for those years, no free time!" He was babbling on about something, I wasn't paying attention, I was busy trying to slip my hands out of the fluffy, pink handcuffs and spiky black belts binding me to the chair.

"I'm also interested in your race, I have never seen one like yours before, sure I don't know every race, unlike some gods, but I know a lot of them, the closest guess I can come up with is some form of horned bat beast person, or maybe a half-blood of some sort... nothing? Most people would be ecstatic to meet a god you know... but you're just ignoring me aren't you?" I almost unlocked the one of the handcuffs, if they could even be called that, the locking mechanism is like a puzzle, a tiny, complicated, and annoying complex puzzle.




My vision span as my neck snapped under the force that hit me, luckily it stopped before I lost my head, although I was having some trouble gaining full control of my senses, or my body for that matter, I slumped limply in the chair, undoing all the working I had done on the handcuffs, I could vaguely make out his face turning from smug superiority to one more of mild annoyance.

"Shit! I got too excited, now i have to clean up another corpse" I spoke too soon, I may be dying, my vision is going black, I'm starting to see ghostly apparitions floating towards me, I would scream if I could, but my bodies currently spasming out of my control.

"You think that's bad, I'm gonna need to clean up two corpses" Oh god, they're touching me, it's so cold, fuck! it hurts, It wasn't like this before, oh god why! FUCK!

I'm probably to blame for this if I'm being perfectly honest, sure I didn't have much time, but I'm sure I could have replaced her system before sending her into the future, maybe even changed her race, origin demons don't exist in this time after all, best not to dwell on the past though. A small time, dumbass, god is kneeling before me, he hasn't spoken for a few minutes, neither have I, I have been contemplating the most painful way to kill him, sadly gods are considerably harder to harm than humans, sure, cursed gear can harm them, but it would hurt me more, and as petty as I am, I'm not willing to die over it.

"You, What's the best way to torture a god" he seemed to moan as I spoke, shuddering slightly before answering me.


"~Making them mortal, then making them into a ~pet~" He was panting, he's getting off on this! why do we have such despicable gods, although I suppose his idea was good enough, and my cute little disciple's soul is still technically here, if a little broken and fragmenting.



I collected the bits of her soul that stuck around, and melded them together, it looked like a bunch of random white cloth glued randomly together, but It would probably work well enough as a soul, and the bits that are missing... probably didn't matter anyway. as for the process of putting her soul into a body, and the body in which to put it in,... I will just put the function on random, but let's add a few conditions, just in case, I don't want to fuck it up and have to fix it again.

"Hey, cunt, tether your soul to this mortals" he crawled over, panting all the way, bloody pervert! He started licking the soul, and as disgusting as it was, it was forming a small thread of light between them.

"~I have done as you asked, ~mistress~" he said, after a prolonged, borderline necrophilic, soul bonding.

"Good boy, now die"


His face went blank as I stabbed my hand into his chest, ripping out his heart, then making him swallow it, over, and over, and over again, each with different organs. As amusing as killing perverts was and is however, I have a busy schedule to keep, and if I keep little Mirin waiting any longer, well, who knows what could happen to her soul, besides me of course.


I dropped his body and started the system function, a giant red button labelled 'Dangerous!' popped into existence in front of me, naturally urging me to press it, which I did, then an audible *Pop* filled the room, removing everything that wasn't me. The room was completely white, I had assumed it would reveal itself when its god died, but his lack of imagination carries over even here, but I did get another domain to rule over, so it's not all bad I suppose.

"I'm going to make you into a dungeon" is what I said after a little thought on what such a useless domain would be used for, and whilst I was distracted, I failed to notice an odd little discrepancy in the domain, a small, almost unnoticeable, cloudy marble, I had already left to do more important business by the time it had started to move.

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