《Madness with a touch of sanity》Chapter 13: Cell, Snow


I was placed in a room with no windows or visible doors, blindfolded, so that I could not see when they had left, it was completely bare, besides the simple, white, metal chair in the centre of the room, contrasting perfectly with the dark and smooth sandstone the box-room was made of. They had also stripped me naked before I entered, checking for weapons I assume, but I don't mind much, the room has a stable, slightly warm, temperature, as well as an odd musty smell, like old clothes, mixed with intense coatings of blood.

I wanted to re-configure the braceletes they put on me, but I had an audience, and it wouldn't be fun to share any secrets, at least not on enchanting, there was one person behind each of the four walls, I could feel their gazes watching my every move, they had completely erased their presence, likely to stop detection skills, but that was what allowed me to find them so easily.

I sat down, on the ground, and lifted the chair up, slowly bending the limbs into a spiralling spring shape, then completely crushing the chair into a solid metal ball, breaking the enchantment placed on it completely, I'm not sure what it did, I never checked, but probably something along the lines of locking the user on to it and forcing them to tell the truth. I threw the metal ball against the ceiling, treating it like it was made of rubber, throwing again and again, until it broke apart, leaving little bits of metal and sandstone scattered everywhere, and a new skill.

[Achieved skill: Throwing Mastery Lvl 1]

Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to use the metal again, it was a miracle it lasted as long as it did, worse still, I needed to find a new way to entertain myself and my now three audience members, but what, I wonder, could I possibly do.


I started gnawing my right hand off at the wrist, occasionally smashing it against one of the walls, in a somewhat vain attempt to break the bone, as I eventually just gnawed the bone completely off, my hand dropping to the floor, to the utter shock and horror of my audience, so much so, in fact, that they all revealed their hidden presence almost simultaneously, I picked up my hand and lifted it up so that all of them could see.

"Could someone give me a hand" I said, barely holding in girlish laughter and giggles, grinning like an idiot, I tried clapping, not realising I was holding my hand and instead slapping my bleeding stump, causing a sharp pain from the hard exoskeleton-like hand hitting it, in turn causing me to drop my hand and the bracelet to slide off my wrist. Unfortunately before I could pick up my hand again, I felt something immense and murderous coming towards me, intent fixed squarely on this room.

I started compressing a fireball and setting up a teleport array as soon as I felt it, the small ball of fire and calamity I was moulding was raging away, not entirely in my control, releasing small jets of concentrated fire in random directions, three hitting me, singing my hair, burning off part of my tail and disintegrating my left leg, below the knee. My formation was partially interrupted, setting the location at random, the room was exploding in light, and not just from the miniature sun, it was blinding, then it was dark.

[Achieved skill: Dimensional Shift Lvl 1]

I felt an icy chill crawl up my spine, a cold, numb feeling embracing my whole lower body below my stomach, I could feel a cold wind tossing my hair haphazardly about, marking my skin in snow and blinding my vision in white. I felt dizzy, my mana completely depleted from the magic, rendering me unable to conjure even a simple fireball, not that I could do much with a fireball in the first place, I had only lost one of the bracelets, the other still remained, interrupting the flow of my mana.


I stayed there, waiting for even the smallest hint of regeneration to happen, but it didn't, not even after hours of waiting, nothing changed, it kept getting colder and colder, my head was still spinning, making the torrent of snow that blew against me just that little bit more chaotic, and I could feel my heart slowing its beat, I was dying. I tried my poison, hoping it would melt the ice, but it froze solid immediately upon leaving my claws, so I tried digging at the ice, only hurting myself in the process.

I couldn't use my magic and all my items were stripped off me before I came here, I was out of options, I was starting to lose feeling in my upper body, my skin and eyes were starting to freeze over and crack, I was slowly going blind, I could hear crunching and something resembling shouting, the snow was finally getting to me, I had finally lost hope and fallen so far into despair that I let myself believe in miracles happening, miracles don't happen, I just need to accept that I'm going to die.

The snow and wind around me was slowing, it was almost quiet, little white flecks of frozen water falling peacefully against me, dying was different than I remember, more serene, I would almost enjoy it if I didn't know what was next. The snow was falling up, the wind stopped, I could see giant white blurs moving towards me, they were shouting something, but It sounded hollow and distant to my frozen ears, even when the figure was right in front of me, shaking me, I could barely feel it.

I closed my eye and prayed, maybe I would not die here after all, maybe this blurry figure would save me, I hoped they would. I opened my eye to see a large hole of water, a small shiny bracelet and sandstone floating in it, I was being wrapped up in a puffy woollen cloth and hugged closely to the figures chest, then they ran, my face was snuggled tightly against their chest, but I know they ran far, impossibly far for a human.

Then, after what felt like an eternity, they stopped and walked, I could hear faint voices all around me, and then all went black, I had finally reached my limit.

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