《Madness with a touch of sanity》Chapter 6: Income, Sheepies


I woke up to the sound of marching boots and barking hounds, the homeless guy seems to have fled before I woke up, I could see men in silver and white armour holding a leash each connected to a bi-pedal monster covered in thick, spikey and soot coloured fur that seems to blur its figure, seemingly glowing bright yellow eyes and large, pointy black teeth.

They were sniffing the air and looking around confused, given the timing they were likely looking for me, hopefully they are tracking scent, if not, I should probably have been captured by now, can't track a demon by their scent after all, most of the time.

They moved away after a while, the hounds seem to have caught something, but as long as it's not me, I don't care. I crept out of the alley and did a final area check, besides a few odd glances, It was clear of any danger, but now I have to figure out what I'm going to do, the demons are an obvious choice, but something inside me wants to avoid them, human kingdoms are a risk, on one hand they wouldn't expect I would stay here, considering they could track me, but on the other hand If my face is seen my identity may be revealed, maybe.

So, now I need a way to make money and a place to stay, somewhere I don't need to show my face, merchant is out, people don't usually trust a faceless merchant, which also means I can't do anything production based, meaning the only viable option is become an adventurer.

I walked to my left and directly into the building with a sword and shield interlocking, before I even entered the small arched doorway, I could smell booze and blood, to the left and right respectively there was a bar and a restaurant, in the centre were five booths, manned by a lizard man, lamia, male human, female human, and androgynous beast person. I approached the beast person, they had long triangular tipped ears covered in brownish golden fur, with a slitted pair of eyes to match and a figure which made it difficult to tell their gender, I couldn't tell anything below their chest as they were behind a small desk, which levelled with my eyes.


"Hello there little girl, do you need something?" Their voice didn't reveal anything, it was a mix between male and female but was overly sweet.

I motioned to myself and acted out swinging a sword, I may be able to hide my face, but my words would reveal my heritage. They had a dim look on their face, like they were struggling to understand what I was trying to convey.

"Y-you want to fight monsters? I need to see your identification first" I motioned to myself and shook my head. "You don't have one? Well come with me, I'll get you all set up then"

A part of the desk slid down to allow me to pass, and I could see their tail, it was a long scruffy mess that hung limply from their body, less interesting than I had hoped. I followed them through a door into a room with two comfortable couches sat opposite each other and a table in-between them, on the table sat a small orb with a slit on one side, the receptionist sat on one side and motioned for me to sit on the opposite.

"Now, I'm going to need you to place your hand on this orb, that should create an identification plate with your basic credentials on it" I did a I was told and a small black card popped out, with my name and a line for class on the left and, much larger white letters than the rest, rank G was written on the right.

"Additionally, the guild offers class selection services, if you have yet to acquire one of course" pulling a small lever I had not noticed before, a crystalline cube replaced the orb that previously sat atop the table. "First class is free"

I placed my hand on the cube and a list of twenty names flittered on to the side of it, starting with [Hero] and ending with [Farmer] "The class most suitable for you should be displayed first, and least suitable, last, so it is recommended that you pick the first, however it is not enforced, and certain jobs will offer greater variations"







The first five would be most favourable then, minus the first two, they leave a bad taste in my mouth, and swordsman, I don't want to have to confront creatures directly, leaving me with [Enchantress], which is dubious as best, and [Mage] which may be weak comparatively. I made my choice and conveyed it to the cube, feeling a small tingling sensation across my body as a response, my mana had increased and strengthened, then I had noticed the beast-person had been writing something down, feeling my gaze they looked up. "Just finalising the details and then you're good to go"

They got up and motioned me to follow, leading back to the original desk we had met at, they then stored the paper they were writing on and pulled up a scroll with a red wax emblem of a G acting as the seal and handed it to me. "This is to be your first guild request, hunting the fanged sheep on the hills outside the city, three copper per kill, and the materials can be sold separately, just bring back a confirmation to receive the money, okay?"

I nodded and left the guild, heading for the city gates, there was a small line and hounds on either side cautiously watching them, eventually I got to the guards and they asked for my identification, which I showed them, much to their surprise, but I got out of the city and opened the scroll to check the contents, which stated that I needed to kill a minimum of ten sheep and would get a separate reward of twenty copper for doing so.

It didn't take long to find them, they looked like regular sheep, just with large fangs sticking out of their mouths and occasional blood spatter on their wool. One of the sheep broke off from the small gathering and charged at me, meeting my fist and having its head caved in as I pummelled it into the ground.

[Achieved skill: Fireball Lvl 1]

I ripped the sheep's left ear off and pocketed it, raising my right hand and concentraiting on activating the skill I had just received, a small, fist-sized ball of flames shot out of my palm and through two of the sheep, finally exploding on and killing a third, which alerted several packs of nearby sheep, roughly thirty sheepies were now charging at me, making up a woolly carpet through which no grass could be seen.

I lifted both of my hands and started wildly shooting the small balls of destruction into the horde, quickly eliminating them, then I had to trudge through the charred and exploded remains looking for and ripping off the left ears of the angry creatures, I even managed to pick up a few cores from the horde, eventually leaving me with fifteen left ears and two cores.

I trekked back to the gate, covered in dry blood and black smears, showing my identification to the guards as I passed the gate, then walked up the street leading to the guild and eventually getting to the desk with a surprised beast-person sitting behind it.

"Looks like you did it, I'll get the reward, just put the proof of completion on the desk, and anything else you would like to sell" I complied and left the slightly warm left ears and pulsating red cores on the table.

"Great, didn't expect so much for your first time, anyway here's your coins, I hope to see you again soon" They left a small sack filled with copper coins on the table and nodded boodbye to me with a smile as I left. I walked around the area close by the guild and found a small inn, with a grim looking human manning the desk.

"One night is three copper coins" He said in a deep, monotone voice.

I handed him enough for a week and took my key as he led me to my room, it was small and had a bed, which is better than I had slept on the previous night, and it quickly put me to sleep.

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