《Madness with a touch of sanity》Chapter 5: The Great Escape


My head is pounding, I didn't notice until now, but this place has a really low concentration of mana, meaning I will have to live like a human, eating and sleeping. I should stay quiet, they may find out my identity If I speak, damned humans, so fucking weak, even the one at the door, actually, I may be wrong about that.


"Whats up fucker!" An extremely tanned woman smelling of spirits barged through the door shouting at me.

She promptly collapsed on the floor and dropped an unopened bottle of something brownish red and murky, which I picked up. I walked out of the room, entering into an even larger hallway, I opened the bottle and took a swig as I walked to the left, then right, then left, left, right, forward. The castle gates were large wooden arched doors, covered in golden and bronze engravings, but they were left slightly ajar, I took another swig as I squeezed by them.

A bunch of silver and white houses lay either side of the path, it was giving me a headache just being around them, so I continued down the path, eventually ending up in a poorer looking area, run down shops and houses, mostly made of wood, some with stone, It gave me some small relief being here, It reminded me of my village, although it is definately larger, and there are more people.

Eventually I found a small alleyway inbetween a blacksmith and an adventurers guild, there was someone there already, but they didn't mind the company, even offered me a scary mask for a swig. The mask was a little too big for me, but it would do for now, It held the image of a black rabbit, with small ears jutting out the top.

It can't be this easy, this is supposed to be a human kingdom, I just walked out, there wasn't even a guard at the gate, maybe I'm dreaming, this alchohol is pretty tasteless, maybe a little spicy and sweet, but It's not that impressive.


I want to check my stasis, I'm sure there's something interesting in there, 'heros' are supposed to get some rediculous skill or title, and the old guy with a crown called me a hero, I heard rumours about the common skills of heros, [Inspect] or [Holy Affinity] are the most likely to be obtained apparently...

"Inspect self' I waited a few minutes but nothing happened, I guess a didn't get [Inspect], and I don't know any holy spells, I guess I might just not be a hero, can demons even be heroes?

I took another swig from the bottle, to find it completely empty, it was weak, but still, its like three litres of booze, I'm barely even tipsy.My face has been wet for a while, I thought it was sweat, but I'm pretty sure it's tears, my eyes are puffy, probably red too, I don't look cute at all.

I died a virgin, It's funny, I focoused on my work so much that I completely forgot to have fun, I don't even remember drinking before, It's so funny I could scream. How old was I to these humans? Their years are so short, I must have been at least a century old, and yet in all that time, I acomplished less than they could have done in one tenth of my lifetime.

I'm going to sleep, maybe tommorow will be better.

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