《Madness with a touch of sanity》Chapter 3: Puppet King


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Black text scrolled across my retina, I was encased in something rough and dry, covered in ridges and rivets, it smelled musty and old, like a long dead tree. I could hear distant voices, they sounded like they were shouting, but their words held no power to them, they had no magic in their words , some of them did, but it was too weak to even notice.

I could feel small jolts of presure coming from the material covering my chest, eventually I could feel a cold chill on my chest, then a sahrp tinge of pain, I could feel my blood flowing, a warm finger touched me, it was unbelievably large and tore at the material around the hole, it creaked and groaned but eventually shattered, slowly my whole chest was revealed, the cold air made my nipples perk up.

After a short pause, the hand started tearning the material around my neck, then my chin, then my mouth, and eventually my entire face was exposed to the cold air, my eyes hurt, like I had been sprayed with sulfar, but I eventually managed to squint them open, unfortunately.

The owner of the hand was equily as large, and infinitely more menacing, his face was in a constant scowl, eyes dull and green, cheeks and lips a light pink, and greying hair, he would look handsom if he smiled, nice strong chin, would make a smile look great, in this case it made him look even more angry. I would slink back it it wasnt for the material, which was evidently large dry roots, holding my legs, worst thing was his giant menacing black armour, and that he was human.

Other humans were collapsed in a circle around me, panting, sickly pale, probably mana deprivation. Behind the giant was a man with a crimson robe with a fluffy golden colar, golden staff embedded with magical gems and stones, and a slim silver crown depicting snakes entertwining around a large white gem, gold and white mana eminating from the odd jewel.


"Welcome! oh, hero of Earth, my name is Meist Porcelin, I am the king of the Porcelin Kingdom, I know this is confusing for you, but we have summoned you to our world, for we need the power you will gain, for you see, our lands are threatened by the demon menace, they kill our people and steal our produce" we got on his knees and prostrated himself

"I beg you, hero, kill the demon king and save my people, I will give you all the support my kingdom and it's people can give, PLEASE!" his last word was filled with mana and emotions, his words feel genuine but something about that plea made me feel uncomfortable.

"Clothes" my throat hurt when I spoke, it was raspy and dry but i forced myself to speak.

Meist signalled to the giant and space cracked above his hand, a small pink dress fit for a girl in her early teens dropped out of it, it was covered in white frills and laces, and looked far too small to fit me, but the giant brought the dress to my body and it wrapped around me, fitting perfectly, without changing size, something was wrong with this.

"Once we free your limbs, I will have Stephan bring you to your room, thank you!" he slowly rose from his bow and walked out of the room

The giant's hands emitted a reddish glow and ripped small chuncks of wood off my legs, eventualy freeing them, then he moved on to my arms, freeing them also, but then picking me up and slinging me over his shoulder. I could see what I was stuck in as he walked out of the room, a rootbound figiure in the shape of a man, larger than even the giant that carried me, held up by thousands of wires and strings.

My chest felt tight as I saw it, something seemed too familiar about it.

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